Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Environment is studied as to its effects; malarious emanations are cut off; climatic needs are reckoned and prescribed; threatened incursions from various bacilli are discovered; the opsonins coaxed into the field to destroy or overcome; means to prevent the incursion taken, and yet what happens? We forget to supply an answer to the question which principally concerns the controlling force of mankind, “What will he do with it?”.

The Point of View.

Today the aim of all studies, relating to abnormal conditions in mankind, seems directed to externals and results, rather than to the guiding and controlling force which develops the signs and warnings by which we know mankind is sick.

Mans food is chemically divided into its component parts; measured as to his necessities for each organ and fluid; as to time to absorb and reconstruct; and so he is put on the basis for perfect health-and what happens?.

The glandular functions are studied with extreme care, their work carefully allotted to each, their functional uses decided upon, and if in any way weakened as to amount of secretion elaborated, they are artificially bolstered and braced until they are supposed to reach normal capacity, and what happens?.

Environment is studied as to its effects; malarious emanations are cut off; climatic needs are reckoned and prescribed; threatened incursions from various bacilli are discovered; the opsonins coaxed into the field to destroy or overcome; means to prevent the incursion taken, and yet what happens? We forget to supply an answer to the question which principally concerns the controlling force of mankind, “What will he do with it?”.

In spite of the facts artificially produced, observations of which are carefully collected and tabulated, of indications presented by the vital force, proved true beyond peradventure, that similar indications will be removed by the similar. We forget that we have proved that a foreign invasion, within his particular realm, caused the vital force to put forth all its energy to rid itself of this incubus, and we continue to look for and name the incursionist, and, if we cannot name him, forget to put forth a helpful similar, which will relieve, and, in many cases, cure the condition.

A greater knowledge of physical abnormalities, present or threatened, than heretofore in the history of mankind, is true. The only objection to that knowledge is the point of view. Except to the few who know the underlying cause lies in the fact that it is the fight of the vital force against the invading force, and that, subject to heritage and environment, it is giving out indications for help, which, it correctly read and carefully pursued, would least to relief and ultimate success.

The perversion, or attack upon itself, causes it to put forth signs which, if noted and acted upon, allows the similar the relief of the curative.

Given, a dose of Mercurius, after learning of the susceptibility, and we have a recognizable train of symptoms, or signals, from which we can argue a curative under the same signals. So, under Rhus. tox., the vital force develops a train of signals perfectly recognizable, because of our familiarity with them through its various invasions, or artificial productions. Its remarkable skin and muscle symptoms; its sensitiveness to dampness, etc., have been tested again and it is not necessary to recommend climatic change nor glandular therapy, neither anti-anything.

We always return to the question, “What will he do with it?”.

In cases of acute infection, short-lasting diseases, the signals are usually sharp and conclusive. In cases due to heritage, the environment, the mentality or the emotional sphere, study, careful observation and application of the similar, will gradually pull us out. In cases fatal, surgically interfered with, I have found relief from all the tormenting, urgent symptoms through the application of the similar, with death so easy-it was simply to turn on the side and breathe the last.

What will he-the vital force-do with an abnormal or artificial attack? What will he signal? What he takes bug into his system, be it a big one-a T.B., a streptococcus, a staphylococcus, a gonococcus or a spirochaete?.

If susceptible to any, either or all, he is bound to put up a fight to rid himself of it, weather the ache is in his head, his mind of in a perverted function. And if you are patient and watchful, you will find the guiding indications for relief-and these will find the guiding indications for relief-and these will not be diet, climate nor environment, which will bring about the cure.

Increased knowledge, whether due to food or mental stress, is of great interest. So are the various poisons of bacilli, the glandular functionings, i.e., even the wonderful surgical measures possible and necessary; but first, foremost and all the time, is necessary a recognition of the signals put forth by the vital force and a knowledge that it is the vital force that is trying to indicate its needs.

Possible curatives for all deviations from health may not yet be known, but care and observation will add to our armamentarium. It was long ago manifest that the occupancy of the human system by a bacillus was a problem and considerable of a fixture-there were too many hiding-places, the system too complex to be easily flushed or evacuated by external efforts; that nothing short of obeying the signals, and giving the help asked for by the vital force, would permanently arrest destruction and help in reconstructions.

A quotation from a remarkable writer, referring to the training of a physician, says: “They study disease in order to produce its opposite, health-an impossibility. An eternity of such study and training, will not enable them to heal disease, nor make the practice of medicine a real science. (Italics are mine.).

So the question remains. And the clearest reading is to study the meaning of the efforts of the vital force to put off, and put out, the intruder into its own realm, and it can be done. There are probably few cases that cannot be arrested before destruction is so great as to become incurable-yet how few physicians realize, or wish to realize, that possibility, or take upon themselves the extra research to accomplish the same.

S. L. Guild-Leggett