Hpathy Needs Your Help!


A short time ago a homoeopathic physician in one of the rural districts of the State of New York was taken to task by the State Department of Health because he had not used antitoxin in his treatment of several cases of diphtheria, occurring in one family, and because these cases had died of what appeared to the Department to be sheer neglect of modern therapeutic measures.


Although great progress has been made by many physicians in raising their standards of business and professional ethics, in adopting and maintaining policies based upon the idea of honest and efficient service and in educating the people along these lines, there are still too many who give no evidence of having ever heard of such ideas, or of having been influenced by them if they have heard of them.


Copper is distributed in the soil the world over and enters into the composition of vegetables, cereals and fruits. A trace is found in the egg and one oyster contains about 8 milligrams of copper. The ash of the snail shows 2.4 per cent. of copper as an oxide. In this lower order hemocyanin (protein copper) corresponds to hemoglobin (iron pigment) in the higher animals and man and to chlorophyll (magnesium) in plant life.


My mother used to get attacks of intermittent fever every alternate day, in the forenoon, and she always checked them with Quinine. She was so much afraid of the attack that she dared not make trial of any other system of medicine. At last I persuaded her to try homoeopathy and to suffer two more attacks, which followed the first dose of the homoeopathic remedy.


The biologist deals simply with the tangible, material end of life, just as the pathologist deals with the material end of disease, both being the exact reverse of homoeopathy, so of what value is their estimate or opinion of a subject on which they know very little, if anything at all? Modern medical science (?) appears to mean simply a change of opinion, nothing more.


As the child did not improve, but became steadily worse, the mother asked the attending physician what he thought the prospects for the childs recovery were. He answered: “I am afraid your little girl is lost. I do not think she can survive many days, but if she lives, she will not live to see her fourteenth year”.


This report is worthy of the most serious consideration of the thoughtful physician. If there be a law of cure which is universal, and applicable as any other law of nature, surely we are infinitely glad to know it. In fifty years of practice I have proved it thousands of times, and it has never failed me. That I have failed many times, goes without saying. I did not take the case perfectly.