Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Sending him sway, and carefully comparing remedies covering various condition, I found that Kali-iod. covered the greatest number of his troubles and I began to believe that it has produced many of them,. Reading up Kali -iod., I decided that the high potency of the same was the only thing capable,at this time, of antidoting the crude dosing, and, strange to say,the work has begun.

Mr. W.B.R.-On May 5, 1922,was threatened with the removal of a third of the left jawbone, because of a diagnosis of caries made by his dentist and an X-ray specialist; he was there upon recommended to come to me, to see whether I could not do better with the appropriate Homoeopathic medicine.

The history of the case, in an apparently healthy man, was as followers: A gumboil at the root of the second incisor had troubled him for several weeks. the boil filled, opened and emptied each day at about 3 A.M. The dentist was interested and took him to the specialist, had an X-ray and a photograph taken, which he had with him.

The X-ray showed a dark and infected area from the second incisor to the second molar, which was diagnosed as caries, and removal of about a third of the jaw was suggested, as the only thin to do. the teeth had large silver filling, the hands and feet were warm and moist; the man was in good flesh; used tobacco, chewed ; stool and urine normal; sexually normal; married; had one son, 14 years old. The only pains complained of were shot and shifting, her and there in teeth; no pyorrhea.

I told him,. that of the bone was not dead, but simply in a state of inflammation, he would recover, especially if he had removed all the silver and mercury fillings from his mouth-which he must do. He reported this conversation to his dentist, who at once removed the filling over the abscess, with the result that a horribly offensive discharge gushed from the cavity.

Study decided me that Mercuries, in high potencies, would best antidote the condition. His first prescription was Merc. mm. F.

May 21., “22-Perhaps once a day, a dull ache. Merc. cm. F.

June 6, 22-Dentist probed and caused throbbing and pus.

Wound now looks healthy-cankers on same side-pone quite bad. Merc. cm.F.

June 12, 22-Merc. mm.F.

July 5, 22-Long ride; overheated;l ball play a cold; lame knee.

X-ray shows paler shade, smaller area infected,and view of canal quite plain. Merc.mm.F.

July 30, “22-Improved.X-ray shows no shadow. Since his last visit he had met a friend-a dentist- and had shown him the pictures. He c exclaimed, “Why, it is getting well! If I had had you and that first picture, you would have gone on the table for a surgical operation-at once!” Merc.cm.F.

The decision for Merc. high, to antidote the poisoning, was reached by a comparison of medicines having recorded cures of symptoms developed. Hecla-lava, which has done good work for me, in bone disease, seems to be indicated when there is much greater pain than was present in this case. I think my judgment was vindicated.

Jan 19, 22-Mr.W.,age 65 years, from a village out of town, a very enthusiastic believer in “high potency Homoeopathy.,” asked for a [prescription for a very annoying and disagreeable symptom, which he described as “fetid: odor of his breath-entirely subjective, not noticed by others, and described as of “burnt apples.”.

He once had suffered from frequent and persistent epistaxis,relieved by Belladonna,also from an attack appendicitis,in which a surgeon removed the appendix, i.e., the cause?.

He had also had slight attacks of sciatica which Gelsemium would relieve, likewise some trouble with an enlarged prostate and a frequent urging to urinate at night.

He had used Bry., Bell., Bapt., without special effect on the odor.

He was given one dose of Aurum 200.

Aug.21, 22-Again Mr.W. appeared, complaining of frequent attacks of hemorrhoids. The past three weeks he had been greatly troubled. They we in a cluster, red, sore, and bleeding profusely and were < standing, sitting, or from pressure. The enlarged prostate was > by massage and violent ray. Urine: exam., normal; urging to rise at night, twice.

Alternate constipation and diarrhoea; constriction of the rectum relieved by insertion of a wooden dilator. Likes meat but is better if eats but little., Occasional light attacks of colic. Was mercurialized long ago. Explosion of stool, sudden. STool at 5 A.M.

Careful comparison of remedies under the above indications decided be in favor of sulphur, which I gave in the 55 m. potency.

Sep.18, “22-Mr.W.appeared again: “The prescription was all right; was cured with the second powder.”.

He still had is comfort with the frequent urination at night. The haemorrhoids were gone, No colic. Urine ;lakes at 12 (midnight), 3 A.M., and 6 A.M. At a guess should say two quarts morning, lost half of his vision; this was relieved by a dose of Bell. 3c.

Slight pains in. the cardiac region.

Half sight, perpendicular.

Caust., Lyc., and Gels., for consideration.

Pain in head > by urination-Gelsemium only.

Pain in hard, frontal region, on waking-Lycopodium.

Right vision lost-Lycopodium.

No gas symptoms of Lycopodium.

Gels 30m F. was given.

Oct. 14, 22-Rejoicing in relief from wretched headache, when prevented from urination. No attack hemiopia. Wakes at 12 (midnight) and 4 A.M.; headache > when he ,moves about ; pain in left chest.

I one gave Lyc.6 m. Jenichen.

One more case of interest which shows the result of curative and preventive measures by the brick-bat method, i.e., to put out the fire, before it has a chance to ignite!.

Sep., 19,22, Mr. J.B.R.-Aged 26, weight 165 pounds, tall I should judge 5 feet 10 inches. A perfectly healthy fellow until he went to camp in 1918., Previous to his camp life he had had an attack of mastoiditis but in other ways he was perfectly well. During his service he had been given three innoculations; there upon, following these a blister appeared in his foot and became infected-from his account, I should judge that the development was phagdenic, the ulcer spreading and extending up the leg. Nothing that the “advisory committee” could suggest would stop it, until he was placed in the hospital here, and the ulcer was given a bath of 95 per cent. alcohol;, which healed it, even though it had not yet killed the patient.

This suppression was followed by vertigo, experienced on the streets and when ascending or descending stairs, staggering.

One morning, later on, he awoke with paralysis of his right arm, had, and fingers,which was pronounced by the “advisory committee” “Paralysis of Brachialis.” This was again followed by a paralysis of the facial nerve, diagnosed as the 7th.

At the time of his visit there was some amelioration of his arm and face condition and of he latter particularly, but it was difficult to use the right hand without fatigue,and continued use would cause him to drop the pen. He had many silver filling in his teeth;four wisdom teeth had been extracted; treatment for pus at the roots of the teeth had been advised also;removal of the turbinated bones of the nose,as well as scraping of the ethmoid. To cap the climax,he was losing his sight and cloud read head lines only in newsprint. An oculist, Dr.M., reported pallor of the optic nerve, i.e., threatened atrophy,and believed it to be due to the poison with which he has been dosed fort he had been examined and “doped”.

without end! Strychnin, Iod. of Potassium in heavy doses, electricity, etc.

Present symptoms: Wakes perfectly well but is completelY exhausted and useless by 10 A.M. He is so week;sleeps well; tongue shows a white coat;vertigo < by fatigue; eyes tired, burning. the foot is left so weak that the must wear and arch supporter.

June, 18921,he had to stop work. At that time he weighed 165 pounds,but, without exercise,he has increased to 185 or 190 pounds. Thumb and fingers feel as though starched; weakness increases with effort; is constipated unless cathartics are taken, i.e., cascara. Urine, normal , a Wassermann test was among his trials, but was negative. Said he could have told them that.

Sending him sway, and carefully comparing remedies covering various condition, I found that Kali-iod. covered the greatest number of his troubles and I began to believe that it has produced many of them,. Reading up Kali -iod., I decided that the high potency of the same was the only thing capable,at this time, of antidoting the crude dosing, and, strange to say,the work has begun.

Since then an old friend has called upon me and has said: “R. is better and thinks it wonderful, he can again use the type writer!”.

R.missed me on calling at my office,but left a request for more medicine. Hence , as yet I have had no opportunity to examine him again although there is evidently no question but that he is improving.

S. L. Guild-Leggett