A young man contracted gonorrhoea and had the routine allopathic treatment given, him but failed to cure him and as time rolled on the case grew worse. He was passing blood and pus all the time and, at intervals, quite a profuse haemorrhage of bright red blood. The bladder had been irrigated morning and evening for the period of two years. He had a constant desire to void urine, always attended with more or less pain; at times there would be great pain in end of penis, often extending into the bladder and at the same time a most agonizing pain in right kidney.


I confess it has been a long time since I promised an article for your journal and I must say a journal I look forward to its coming each month with keen pleasure.

When the remedy, Erigeron, is mentioned, there immediately comes before my mind the many suffering individuals it has cured.

I wish to particularly call attention to its curative action upon the genital and urinary organs. And to do so it will be best shown by relating a most distressing or when I first saw the case.

A young man contracted gonorrhoea and had the routine allopathic treatment given, him but failed to cure him and as time rolled on the case grew worse. He was passing blood and pus all the time and, at intervals, quite a profuse haemorrhage of bright red blood. The bladder had been irrigated morning and evening for the period of two years.

He had a constant desire to void urine, always attended with more or less pain; at times there would be great pain in end of penis, often extending into the bladder and at the same time a most agonizing pain in right kidney. The attending physician informed him that his kidney must be removed before he could get well.

He was taken to the hospital and when the anaesthetic was given respiration almost stopped and it was fully for the hours until he fully regained consciousness. That put a stop to all operative procedures and he gradually regained strength and, finally, was removed to his home.

At this turn of the case I was called, found the patient greatly exhausted, thin, great pallor.

Severe pain in right kidney, unable to lie on that side.

His nights were disturbed, owing to the frequent urination. Great smarting and milky, being heavily ladened with pus. At times he would have bright red haemorrhages.

When the urine would stand a while in a bottle it looked to be about one-half pus.

After a complete survey and looking up the indicated remedy, Erigeron was given.

There was quite; a noticeable change for the better within three days.

Within five months this man was free of pain, urine cleared up, gained rapidly in flesh and to all appearance was well.

To the surprise of all his friends he was married the following year and eighteen months have passed to date, has not been sick a day since.

Reader, just look up Dr. Burts proving of Erigeron, that will tell you why I selected that medicine.

E.P. Anshutz
Edward Pollock Anshutz – 1846-1918. Editor - Homeopathic Recorder and author of New Old and Forgotten Remedies. Held an Hon. Doctor of Medicine from Hering Medical College.