1. Agnus castus
The symptoms indicate that this remedy has a diminished primary action, which in the hands of a homoeopathic physician becomes a valuable remedy in certain cases of impotency, as I have experienced is several patients. (Staf.).
2. Caladium seguinum
a. This remedy is used very much by (American) negroes to produce impotence, either in revenge, or from jealousy. In the latter case they think that if they smear Caladium juice on the wifes coral girdle (which they always wear) it makes them more chaste, and produces impotence in men who come near the wife while the husband is away. (Hering).
b. A traveler of 26 suffered from gleet with impotence. which has lasted for longer than a year. Patient was normal otherwise. Caladium helped. (Rosenberg.)
3. Calcarea carbonica
a. Voluptuous thoughts; lack of sexual impulse; weak sexual potency; no pollutions; too brief erection during sexual intercourse; stitches and burning when semen passes at intercourse. (Hahnemann).
b. As little as this remedy can be dispensed with in treating the results of onanism, yet it alone is hardly ever sufficient; still, it sufficed in one of my cases. Man of 20, bloated, of spongy stature, had practiced onanism frequently since he was 16. Symptoms: His florid complexion had vanished; digestion disturbed; constantly thirsty for cold drinks; muscles weak; stitches in chest when lifting weight; dead tired when walking; bathed in perspiration from least excertion. Conscientious scruples. Calcarea carbonica was given. In a week his symptoms were worse, but gradual improvement soon followed. After six months patient felt better than ever. (B, in D.)
c. Woman of 21, generally well; though married for 22 years has not conceived; inclined to obesity; was given Calcarea carbonica 30c, which reporter had found valuable in similar cases. After two months she became pregnant, and was confined at full term. (Schreter).
d. Lady of 32 had last been confined 9 years previously, was now troubled with copper – colored facial eruption for which Calcarea carbonica was given; soon after she became pregnant. (Gerner.)
4. Camphora
a. Man of 28 became totally impotent; no erections even after zealous external stimulation, in spite of active inclination. Camphora 3c, one drop, decreased the inclination, but gradually new life returned to the genitals. One drop of Acidum muriaticum, and later China 6c strengthened patient completely (Schuler)
5. Cannabis
a. Man complains that he could not fulfil his conjugal duties during his 19 years of married life because when he gets of his wife she is “as hot as fire” and then his erection ceases. Cannabis 30c was given him twice daily, but his wife received Platina 6c, also twice daily, and she soon became pregnant. (Hartung.)
b. Mrs. F.24, strong, her husband 30, also normal, had lived together for 6 years without children. Both were given Cannabis 1c, a drop every night for two weeks. This produced in the man bloody nocturnal pollutions, in the woman vaginitis with corroding leucorrhea. In the third week both were given Mercurius solubilis 9c, repeated after a few weeks, Pregnancy occurred. (Pleyel).
6. China
a. Man 30, strictly moral and of strong character, has suffered for a few days with the following symptoms: Intolerable craving for various dainty tid – bits for which he previously did not care; day and night tormenting libido. Peculiar heavy physical sensation; laziness; weakness of entire body, especially in knees. He was given China 9c, one dose, which produced undisturbed sleep and cured everything. (Bethmann).
7. Conium.
(a) Impotence and lacking erections; insufficient and short – lasting erections; weak coitus followed by exhaustion, (Hahnemann).
(b) It is a grand remedy in excessive pollutions in young men, and in partial impotence from such pollutions. (Lobeth.)
(c) Man of 26, onanist, not married, has been treated for a long time by many allopathic physicians, and finally hydropathically on account of chest and stomach troubles, great irritability and hypochondriasis, with some improvement; but still has pollutions minus erections and libido. He was now engaged to marry. Conium 30c. Nine doses wee given during four weeks; pollutions less and without following weakness. Libido and erections not lasting till ejaculation. Sepia 1500c was given every two days for several weeks. During 5 weeks he has only two pollutions. Coitus now normal. this was followed by Lycopodium 30c. One dose completed the cure. (Ehrhart.)
(d) Man, 30, of irritable, sanguine temper, has previously much indulged in venery, but for six year had abstained. Has now been married for two years, but, on account of weak and quickly passing erections and ejaculations, his hopes has been frustrated. Sulphur spirit gtt. 12, was given twice, followed by bladder tenesmus, after which Conium 30c was given once weekly for about two months with complete result as to procreation. (Marschall).
8. Hyoscyamus
Girl of 14, has not yet menstruated; after long sleep in sun became almost insane, lascivious, will touch sexual organs of others. Is angry, hits everybody. She has attacks of fright and fear; fears imagined wolf, or that she will be burned. Belladonna 60c and Hyoscyamus 30c, later Sulphur cured in 6 weeks. After Hyoscyamus followed itching over entire body, especially of sexual organs. (Hahnemann.)
9. Lycopodium
(a) Weak erections; excessive pollutions; lack of sexual impulse; impotent for years; aversion to intercourse. Easily inclined to intercourse even when thinking of it. Intractable desire for intercourse every night. Ejaculation too soon. (Hahnemann.)
(b) Von Boenninghausen recommends Lycopodium generally for impotence.
10. Magnetis polus arcticus
Helped in two cases of sexual where erections was present, but organ became relaxed at moment of climax minus ejaculation. (Hartmann.)
11. Natrum muriaticum
(a) Excessive irritability of sexual organs, and excessive imagination toward copulation. (Hahnemann).
(b) Natrum muriaticum in brandy, a tablespoonful evenings is said to produce conception from intercourse the following night. Several surprising examples of this have been related to me. (Hering).
Hahnemanns remarks concerning female aversion toward intercourse and Herings report put together deserve attention.
12. Nux vomica.
Obstinate pollutions (not caused by onanism) as often found in robust men, were at times cured by Nux vomica.
Fervent sexual impulses with frequent painful erections in the morning hours, are quickly cured by Nux vomica, if there is not gonorrhea present. (Hartmann).
13. Phosphorus
(a) Too strong erections evenings; impotent and too quick ejaculations at intercourse; too frequent pollutions. (Hahnemann).
(b) Repeatedly I have observed that after Phosphorus had been taken (which has exact relations to the male and female sexual organs) pregnancy occurred, hence this remedy should be remembered in sterility, if the other conditions are in the realm of this remedy. However, during homoeopathic treatment, as soon as the general conditions is improved, women who had not conceived for a longer time, often became pregnant. This undoubtedly is due to the return of normal uterine function. One must avoid laying improved inclination to conception to a single remedy. Aside from Phosphorus also Mercurius, Ferrum, and perhaps Cannabis seem to have this characteristic in large degree. (Rummel.)
(c) Mrs. F., married for 2 years, of tender, irritable body; is in fair health between menses, but during menstruation (which was not abundant) suffers from severe cutting abdominal pains, as if a knife were cutting around, with backache and vomiting of bile, mucus and food, preceded by leucorrhoea and frequent urination; weepy mood. Phosphorus 30c was given. The next menstruation was less painful and without vomiting. At the next menstrual time there was no discharge; patient was pregnant for the first time. (Rummel.)
14 Phosphoric acid
(a) Before I became acquainted with Homoeopathy, I had cured several patients suffering from pollutions (usually the result of onanism or frequent coitus) with Phosphoric acid, 5, 10 to 15 drops in 2 cup of water, given before retiring, continued for months. I do not recollect that this caused any proving symptoms. I also dispensed smaller doses and frequent repetition with favorable results. (Wolf.)
(b) For frequent and weakening pollutions, especially in patients who had been onanists, the longer continued use of Phosphoric acid 6c and 9c was most helpful. (Lobeth.)
(c) Phosphoric acid, one drop in a tablespoonful of water, taken morning and night is recommended in this strong dose for impotence from excessive venery with exhausting diarrhea and nightsweats. (Rosenberg).
(d) For a man weakened by dissolute living I prescribed (aside from other homoeopathic remedies) Phosphoric acid in Hahnemannian doses. The action was minimal. Then I prescribed the same remedy unpotentized 12 drops in water, several times. The result was excellent, general well – feeling and happiness enlivened the patient; the former long – lasting night – sweats disappeared, and coitus was again normal. (Kopp.)
15. Platina
(a) Mrs. M. 40, phlegmatic temperament, and lacking sexual desire, mother of several children, generally well and strong; without apparent cause suddenly developed excessive sexual desire which was unknown before; now constantly craving over – powering satisfaction, throttling all other feeling. In spite of best conjugal efforts her pathological craving was insatiable. Her dreams were full of voluptuous pictures, and when awake that was the topic of her talk. Voluptuous tickling in uterine location. Platina 3c, 1 grain, cured in thirty hours. (Stapf).