Hahnemann also gave the Science of Medicine “prevision” in addition to “precision”. Signs and symptoms being the only language of the disordered Vital Energy which a physician should be able to understand and utilise for prescribing the indicated remedy, he is enabled to approach with full self – confidence even cases of new diseases which have no so far been mentioned in medical text – books, or whose causative germs or organisms are not so far known.

Without having seen a single case of Asiatic Cholera, Hahnemann was able to lay down the treatment of the disease with an accuracy which excited the admiration of the whole world. The homoeopaths were fully armed to meet the recent menace of the “Mystery Disease” (Virus Encephalitis) which last year created such a great scare in the country.

The subject of germs viruses and infections is in this age a popular house – hold talk and the “Scientific” Medicine makes spectacular claims in this connection. The point, already touched upon in the foregoing discussion, deserves a little elucidation. I cannot do better than quote an extract from a recent speech by one of the foremost living scientists in the field of antibiotics. Dr. Rene J. Dubos, of the Rock – feller Institute, U.S.A., addressed by him to the National Institute of Health Scientists. “There is strong evidence.” says Dr. Dubos, “to show that Bacteria and Viruses become dangerous only when the set up is fixed for them; otherwise even the most virulent of them are harmless.

Every person carries in his body throughout life a host of supposedly deadly “microbes” which live in blood and tissues as harmless guests until something happens to start them on a rampage. Although, the presence of the right micro – organisms is necessary for the particular disease, real cause is the something or the combination of “somethings” of which the present – day physician is quite ignorant. There even is the danger that the doctors who eliminate one form of supposedly malignant micro -organisms with some of the extremely potent new drugs, are just making room in the body for the increase of some worse kind.

Recent experiments have shown, goes on Dr. Dubos, “that it is practically impossible to infect volunteers picked at random with some supposedly highly infectious disease, because experiments do not know how to upset the internal environment so as to produce the right conditions”. This last sentence is of great significance as it brings out the limitations of laboratory investigations on medicines and disease conditions, for it is impossible to reproduce in testtube experiments and in experiments on rabbits and guinea – pigs the natural conditions under which diseases and cures are produced in human body. We cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that diseases and drugs act in the human body only through the medium of Vital Energy and in a dynamic way.

R. S. Rastogi
R. S. Rastogi
B.A., M.D.S.
Dehradun, India