Vibrations and Teachings of Hahnemann

I might go on indefinitely citing eminent authorities who discuss physics in relation to human energy in the cure of the sick. There is but one law of cure and that is the law of cure and that is the law of similia. This is being proven daily by physics and physiology departments of the great universities, seventeen of which I have visited and discussed physics in its relationship to disease. Homoeopathy is destined to be revived by the physics and physiology departments of the great universities, much to the humiliation of our national and international associations, unless we take prompt action to see that this relation of physics to the cure of disease is a pure application of Hahnemanns teachings.

Instruments are now in existence which can be used to measure the energy of potentized remedies. Not only Arndt of columbia, and Schulz, the great German scientist, have declared that crude drugs destroy life processes, but not the Baruch committee, headed by Dr. Ray Lyman Wilbur, has declared, after years of investigation by 400 of the most outstanding scientists of the United States, that drugs are to become obsolete. With this mind, let us act promptly.

Homoeopathy has been on the decline in America for some years, and now it is being rapidly adopted in Europe. In France, homoeopathic remedies have been admitted to the official Codex. In Switzerland, increasing interest is being maintained in the same sphere. News comes of great activity in homoeopathy in India and Pakistan, and in South American countries. In Britain, homoeopathic hospitals are now in full co – operation with the general scheme of the National Health Services.

Perhaps the most important advance of all, in Britain was achieved when the royal assent was given to that act of Parliament which sealed the incorporation of the Faculty of Homoeopathy, Homoeopathic hospitals will therefore be able to maintain their independent specialities without the danger of becoming engulfed in the ramification of administrative control, and education in homoeopathy will be able to continue with all the more certainty with the hospitals to help.

French homoeopaths are in close contact with the Curie Institute for Radiology regarding the effect of their remedies. As a matter of fact, the father of Pierre Curie, discoverer of radium, was a homoeopathic physician.

At the University of Washington, Mr. H.H. Holmes, long in the research laboratories, gave much of his time to interest the physics and physiology departments of the medical school of this University to see the relation between physics, as it is applied in the arc – actuated oscillator which duplicates homoeopathic energies, and homoeopathy, according to Mr. Knight. It was with the greatest humiliation that I was unable to interest out national and international associations sufficiently to support the Northwest association in its endeavor to place a homoeopathic department in the University of Washington.

Mr. Royal Dr. Rood, brother of our esteemed Dr. Marian Belle Rood, has stated that the American drug industries believe that they have finally won a seventy – five year war to destroy the practice of homoeopathic medicine; but the battle has only begun. Strategy is needed. Urge the American Institute of Homoeopathy at this meeting to appoint a committee, headed by Roger Schmidt, actively to pursue a program which will acquaint the physics and physiology departments of the various universities with physics as it is applied in the cure of the sick.

It is now known that the human brain contains approximately 10 billion neurons. Each neuron, science now believes, contains an electrical charge which it uses to accept an idea, a sight, a smell, or to create the various forms of physical response. Dr. Otto Lesser, M.D., PH.D. Berlin, in his excellent work entitled “Critique of Homoeopathy”, is in excellent agreement with the facts of physics. In potentizing substances into a state of higher remedial activity, we do not need the introduction of any hypothetic force. We have sufficient support from the knowledge of physics on action and energy. Radiation can be produced by mechanical procedures such as trituration, which he designates as tribo – luminescence, and these radiation effects can be observed, and can be transmitted by the receipient.

To demonstrate further the power of high potencies, it is known from elementary physics that increased surface, greater distance formed by an indifferent medium, dialectric and electro – lite, and greater regularity in the arrangement, all tend to elevate the level of the potential energy.

Dr. Morton Whitby, in his epoch making book entitled, “Theory of Life, Disease and Death”, has stated in his introduction:

My researches over the past six years have convinced me that life exists only because of the electrical energy which is within the living substances, whether it is a seed, a blade of grass, a leaf from any plant, including the human body. The electrical energy of living matter is the sum total of the collective tissue energy.”

Here again I wish to state disease must be treated by the totality of the symptoms, and there is no such thing as a local disease. Dr. Whitby further states:

“The difference between inorganic and organic matter is that in the former, electrical energy is static, whereas, in the latter, it is dynamic and fluctuates with its altered chemical and physical states”

From the foregoing it is evident that Hahnemanns concept of dynamis is a demonstration of our present under – standing of the electric energy present in potentized remedies, and his application, one hundred and fifty years ago, interpreted in present day physics, means that the electric energy of the remedy meets the disease 180 degrees out of phase. Thus, similia is proven.

Chairman, Bureau of Surgery