
Pneumonia, sputa raised with difficulty. Expectoration makes the breathing easy. Sputa of blood mixed with clots during day. Pulse intermits. Typhoid pneumonia, with rattling in chest, inability to expectorate or when he can expectorate, the sputa is brown and bloody, urine smells like that of horse. Nose bleed. Face anxious, haggard, sickly. Dark rings about eyes, mouth, nose.

Type: Lobar Pneumonia. Broncho Pneumonia. Pneumo-typhus. Bronchitis. Pleurisy (Rheumatic).

Stage: Second stage.

Location: Right side generally. Left side of chest.

Causes: Suppressed catarrh. Cold air. Dry weather. Drunkards. Piles. After intoxication. Cold water. Wine. Clear fine weather. Dry cold air. Debauchees.

Expectoration: Bloody expectoration. Blood dark. Sour taste of expectoration. Expectoration during day. Expectoration yellow, gray, cold mucus sour or sweet; bright red blood. Difficult expectoration. Frothy. Greenish. Mucus. Offensive. Purulent. Bitter, metallic. Nauseous. Putrid. Rancid. Salty. Sour. Sweet. Tough. Viscid. Watery. Yellow.

Cough: Cough dry, fatiguing from titillation in larynx. Worse after mid night and morning causing headache, pain in stomach and soreness in this abdominal wall. Cough aggravated by gaping, mental exertion, cold, exertion, awaking, tobacco, drinking, eating, lying down especially lying on the back; expiration; early morning, motion, use of voice. Night cough better from warm drink; warmth or when quiet. Dry fatiguing cough, seldom loose. Desire to eat during cough. Cough with sensation as if something were torn loose in chest. Tight, dry, hacking cough.

Cough worse after mid night and after acids. Dry teasing cough with great soreness of the chest (Bry.).

Respiration: Dyspnoea. Difficult respiration, shortness of breath. Oppression of chest worse in morning, night, when lying on back. Slow wheezing respiration. Quick breathing. Breath fetid or of an acid smell. Want to take full inspiration.

Pain: Pain as from constriction, and cramp-like contraction in chest. Heavy pressing pain in chest, as from heavy load. Tension pressure in chest as from a weight worse at night and in open air, with difficult respiration. Shooting in chest and in sides worse breathing. Feeling as if something were torn loose in chest. Heat and burning in chest. Pain as if a bruise in chest (Shortness of breath). Pulsation in chest and sides.

Pulse: Pulse full, hard, accelerated. Pulse small and rapid, every fourth or fifth beat intermits. Small, quick during heat.

Patients: Drunkards. Persons suffering from piles. Children. “Thin spare, quick active, nervous, irritable”. Does a good deal of mental work. Leads a sedentary life. Prolonged office work, overstudy, close application to business. With cares and anxieties. Chilly, avoids open air. Zealous fiery temperament. Irritable.

Fever: Heat, with aversion to be uncovered and from it at once chilliness. Chilliness with hot face. Heat of single parts. Perspiration relieves pain in the limbs. Gastric and bilious symptoms. Wants to vomit but cannot. Wants to pass stool but cannot. Wants to pass urine but cannot. First half of the tongue clean, posterior covered with deep fur. Redness of face and chilliness, must remain covered.

Heat with anxiety, restlessness or the patient wants to lie quiet like Bryonia. When perspiring wants to throw off covers. Backache, patient cannot turn over. Must be covered in every stage of fever. One-sided perspiration. Great heat, whole body burning hot yet patient must be covered up. Delirium with redness of face. Chilly on least movement, repugnance to cold or cold air. Urine red and fetid.

Condition: Gastric symptoms and chilliness with desire to remain covered and constipation with frequent ineffectual urging, after stool feeling as if part remained unexpelled, first part of tongue clean, rest coated, cough worse when lying on the back. Redness of face, desire to lie quiet, painful cough, irritableness, cannot bear noises, odors, light, does not want to be touched. Stools relieve pains for a time. Cannot sleep after 3 a.m. until towards morning, awakes feeling wretchedly. Morning sleep aggravates all complains.

Accompaniments: Spiteful disposition. Fiery, excited temperament. Inclined to find fault and scold. Oversensitiveness to external impressions. Time passes too slowly. Very irritable persons. Takes cold from dry wind. Anxious staring look. Twitching of eye-lids. Coryza with stoppage of nose. Yellowness around the mouth and nose or around the eyes. Pale face; twitching of the muscles of the face in the evening when lying down. Painful peeling off of the lips. Crusts on lips, corners of mouth ulcerated. Tongue black and dark red and cracked on edges. Longing for brandy, chalk; sour taste in morning, constipation or diarrhoea with ineffectual efforts to go to stool, pain relieved after passing stool. Cold sweaty hands with cold nose. Cramp in the calves at night. Thin slender persons.

Aggravation: Morning; mental exertion; touch; dry cold weather. After midnight; 4 a.m. open air. In cold air; dry weather, while coughing; from drinking. In drunkards; uncovering head; after intoxication. Lying on the back; noise; brandy, wine, cold food, cold water. Pressure of clothes; clear fine weather, when yawning; on waking in the night.

Better: Lying on side; from loosening dress, on getting warm. Warmth; after discharging wind; damp and wet weather; while at rest.


Type: Lobar Pneumonia; pleurisy; typhoid pneumonia (Kent.).

Stages: Third stage. Protracted cases.

Location: Right chest; upper part of chest. “Left chest” (Guernsey).

Causes: Some virulent poison, mercurialization, Psora, Syphilis. Broken down cachectic constitutions; continued loss of sleep. Long-lasting anxiety; over exertion of body and mind. Hot weather; anaemia, change of temperature or weather; winter.

Expectoration: Expectoration ameliorates oppression of chest. Difficult expectoration; expectoration is greenish, viscid, or thin, dirty, watery, bloody mucus, or dark clotted blood. Rattling yet no expectoration; sputum bitter, sour or salty; offensive and putrid. Sweat during efforts of expectorate; inability to expectorate in Typhoid Pneumonia with rattling in chest; when he can expectorate (typhoid pneumonia) the sputum is brown and bloody. Expectoration of blood mixed with clots or of yellow, acrid pus tasting bitter, sour or salt and of offensive smell. Black clotted blood; brown bloody mucus; muco-purulent.

Cough: Violent shaking barking cough caused by tickling in the larynx and pit of stomach. Dry barking cough in the evening, after lying down. Dry hacking cough. Cough during sleep; cough worse at night and in daytime while lying down. Frequent hacking cough with irritation and crawling in larynx. Rough dry cough before midnight. Cough with sticking pains in rectum while coughing. Cough worse in warm room, from becoming warm. Dry barking cough worse night, lying, before midnight, during sleep. Loose cough in day time, dry at night.

Respiration: Breathing oppressed caused by cough. Painful labored breathing. Difficult, rough, whistling breathing. Breathing slow and feeble, short and anxious. Shortness of breath. Short breath on going upstairs.

Pain: Soreness in the chest when breathing and coughing. Stitches in the chest, right side and scapula. Cramp-like contraction pain in the chest. Soreness at lower end of sternum. Rawness and soreness of chest, as if ulcerated. Whistling and rales in chest on inspiration. Sore pain worse breathing and coughing. Stitches in right chest, scapula and larynx, in the upper part of right chest, worse when lying on back. Stitches in left chest in morning making breathing difficult; in middle of chest when coughing or breathing.

Pulse: Pulse rapid, irregular, every fourth beat is missed. Alternate hard, rapid and small beats. Pulse intermits. “Abatement of pain but increase of the pulse in smallness and quickness.”

Patient: Dark haired people. Old cachectic people. Lean persons with dark complexion, black hair and eyes. Extremely sensitive to medicine especially high potencies. Offensive. Anger with trembling. Despair of recovery. Chilly.

Fever: Heat especially on the hands and face. Flushes of heat with perspiration of hands. At night internal dry heat with inclination to uncover. Sweat smelling like horse urine, offensive or sour. Dryness of throat. Thirstlessness in all stages of fever. Cold hands and feet. Offensive urine. Dark red blood in haemorrhage.

Conditions: Pneumonia, sputa raised with difficulty. Expectoration makes the breathing easy. Sputa of blood mixed with clots during day. Pulse intermits. Typhoid pneumonia, with rattling in chest, inability to expectorate or when he can expectorate, the sputa is brown and bloody, urine smells like that of horse. Nose bleed. Face anxious, haggard, sickly. Dark rings about eyes, mouth, nose.

Accompaniments: Anxiety about his disease with fear of death. Great nervousness. Vexed at trifles, irritable hateful, headstrong. Sensitive to noise, pain, touch, jar. Scalp sensitive; headache worse from street noises. Great sensitiveness of the head to the rattling of wagons, especially over the paved streets and against stepping hard; to touch. Headache better from cold air. Very sensitive to noise. Green casts from nose every morning. Fetid yellow discharge from nose.

Fetid smell from nose; unsuccessful attempts to sneeze. Nose dry and stopped, complete obstruction of nose. Nose bleed with chest affections; bloody saliva. Yellow teeth, gums white, bleeding; great dryness of mouth with thirst, dry hot throat, white dry tongue in the morning. Tongue coated green and ptyalism. Pale face and sunken eyes. Yellowness around the eyes with red cheeks. Bloated around eyes in the morning. Cracked lips. Corners of the mouth and lips ulcerated. Ulcers in the red part of the lips.

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N C Das