
Neglected pneumonia with spasmodic cough, bluish face, offensive expectoration. Neglected pneumonia, with expectoration of a dirty yellow color and smelling badly. Old badly treated cases of pneumonia, with remaining bronchitis, weakness of chest when coughing; pneumonia third stage with fetid sputa, cold breath, cold sweat, desire to be fanned; threatened paralysis of lungs.



Accompaniments: Mild temperament. Mild delirium. Mental and physical restlessness. Constantly tosses about bed. Constant desire to move. Marked debility. (may lie perfectly quiet for this debility). Indifferent to everything. Hallucinations. Fear of being poisoned; refuses to take medicine or food or drink. Stupor, answers slowly in a petulant way. Severe headache, flushing of face. Epistaxis relieving headache. Dreams of hard work and difficulty; of mental exertion.

Tongue dark brown, dry and cracked, bleeding, tongue and mouth covered with a brownish tenacious mucus. Imprint of teeth on tongue. Tongue with a triangular red tip. Diarrhoea, yellowish- brown or greenish stools of cadaverous smell, involuntary during sleep. Tearing pains down the thighs during stool, involuntary urine. Backache, tearing pains in limbs. Dreams of the business of the day. Body dry and hot and redder. Copious sour smelling sweat, with milliary rash. Tympanitic abdomen, sensitive. Thirst for cold milk. Aversion to light. Dryness of nose. Dryness of mouth. Longing for oysters. During stool shortness of breath. Divided stream of urine. Great sensitiveness to open air. Lying on the back during sleep, yawning. Stretching of limbs.

Aggravation: Before a storm or rain. After midnight. In the morning. Before falling asleep. From breathing. In autumn. On taking a deep breath. On inspiration. From cold. Cold air. Cold and wet weather. From coughing. During chewing. Drawing up limbs. Bodily exertion. After drinking. Uncovering head. While lying down. Cold food. Cold water. During sweat. Wet poultices. During rest. Undressing. Foggy weather. Foggy and wet weather. From getting wet. In winter. From getting wet while in perspiration. Change of weather.

Amelioration: Warm dry weather. Wrapping up. Warm or hot things. Motion. Change of position. Exhaling. In dry weather. In clear weather. From stretching out limbs.

Remedies following: Hyos-c. Lach. Phos. Puls. Merc. Sulph. Ars-a. Bry. Carb-v.


Type: Typhoid pneumonia. Hypostatic pneumonia. Pneumonia senilis. Pneumonia of drunkards. Cerebral pneumonia.

Stages: Second stage.

Location: Sides of the chest. Both lungs.

Causes: Getting cold and cold air. Unhappy love.

Expectoration: Salty mucus. Bright red blood, mixed with clots. Greenish expectoration. Expectoration of blood.

Cough: Violent spasmodic cough. Short cough excited by tickling in throat. Dry cough at night. Cough worse at night, after midnight, during rest, during sleep, in cold air, from eating or drinking. Cough better by sitting up. Constant cough on lying down. Dry, shaking, sobbing cough, Persistent dry cough. Dry, racking, harassing cough worse lying down. Cough after measles. Most exhausting cough.

Respiration: Difficult respiration. Loss of breath. Slow rattling breathing. Redness of the face and suffocation. Oppression and embarrassed and rattling respiration. Anxiety and shortness of breath.

Pain: Stitches in the sides of the chest.

Pulse: Full, hard, strong, rapid, intermitting; slow, small, scarcely perceptible.

Patient: Irritable, nervous, hysterical. Drunkards. Old people. Light haired people.

Fever: Rapidly becomes typhoid. Afternoon fever. Putrid taste. Mental symptoms and delirium. Restlessness. Skin hot and dry to touch. Lips sticky. Burning hot skin (Bell); thirst, drinks but a little; lasciviousness.


Type: Lobar pneumonia, typhoid pneumonia, neglected pneumonia, neglected pleurisy, abscess formation in lungs, low chronic pneumonia.

Stages: Second stage; threatened gangrene of lungs.

Location: Left side.

Causes: Draught of air, alcohol, sun, warm weather. Masturbation, disappointed love, fright, jealousy, anger, vexation, grief, injuries, spring season, summer.

Expectoration: Difficult expectoration, watery, salty mucus which must be swallowed; Sputa frothy, mixed with blood, purulent. Scanty, difficult, saltish, watery, slimy, blood-streaked. Offensive purulent; tough, greenish muco-purulent. Thin, tough mucus; thick, round, small lumps which fly in every direction (Kali-c).

Cough: Dry hacking cough worse from touching throat, in morning after sleep; during sleep, rising, in open air; violent tickling cough. Short cough from tickling in throat-pit; cough caused by any covering of the throat. Cough from tickling in throat-pit and sternum; cough with pain in throat, head and eyes. Cough from tickling in pit of stomach, cough worse during day; after sleep; from changes in temperature; from acids and sour drinks. Dry suffocative cough.

Respiration: Oppressed breathing; worse talking. Shortness of breath and suffocative attacks caused by touching the larynx and worse on moving the arm. Heavy wheezing breathing, must sit up; Difficult breathing. Great dyspnoea on waking.

Pain: Stitches in left side of chest; pain as from soreness in chest. Oppressive pain in chest relieved by eructation. Burning, stinging from chest through its shoulders.

Accompaniments: Great prostration with jerkings and twitchings of muscles; sliding down in bed. Muscles tremble and quiver; Gradually increasing weakness. Jaw drops; suspicious of everybody. Fear of being poisoned, refuses to take medicine; conversations with imaginary people. Sees persons in the room who are not there; Delirium, jumps out of bed; throw off the bed clothes; takes off the clothes and goes naked. Throws the bed clothes entirely off body. Unconscious delirium, with closed eyes; talks of business; fears to be poisoned or to be sold; scolds, raves. Delirium without consciousness, does not know anybody and has no wants.

Delirium, sees persons who are not and have not been present, muttering, picking of the bed clothes, staring at surrounding objects, reaching into the empty air for them. Tongue, red, dry, brown, cracked, cannot put it out or puts it out slowly and forgets to draw it back. Sordes on teeth; bloody saliva, salty saliva. Watery painless diarrhoea, involuntary stools; involuntary urine. Hot dry skin; Hardness of hearing. Great restlessness, every muscle twitches; red spot on abdomen. Coma vigil.

Aggravation: Night, when lying, evening, mental affections, jealousy, unhappy love, cold air. Menstruation; after eating and drinking.

Amelioration: Stooping (breathing).

Remedies following: Lach, Puls, Stram.

Pulse: Small and weak but accelerated; unequal or intermittent or alternately full and small.

Patient: Melancholy persons, dark eye, indolent. Long-lasting grief or disappointed love; women at the change of life and after it. Drunkard; haemorrhagic persons.

Fever: Fever worse in the afternoon, evening; livid complexion. Oppression of chest, great loquacity; burning in palms and soles, must uncover them. Must be held firm to relieve pain in head and chest and prevent shaking; wants heavy load on his body to keep him from shaking; warmth relieves. Trembling tongue clutches behind the teeth; muttering delirium. Falling of lower jaw; sweat stains yellow.

Conditions: In pneumonia Lach. is not useful in the early stage of the disease; it is indicated in the later stages of the affection when it assumes a typhoid form especially when abscess forms in the lungs. Profuse sweat; sputum frothy, mixed with blood and purulent; when in pneumonia tubercles form for which Lach. is the proper remedy and not Sulphur.

Accompaniments: Low muttering delirium. Cold extremities. Hands and body tremble. Tongue tremble and catches in the teeth. Tongue dark brown. Loquacity, subject rapidly changes. Delusion that he is under super-human power. Diarrhoea, stool horribly offensive. Stools offensive even if formed. Stupor, lower jaw drops. Point of nose red. Tongue dry, red, black, cracked especially on the tip. Sensation of plug in throat. Sensation of ball rolling in the bladder. Cold hands. Knees tremble. Cold feet. Inclination to lie down and aversion to move. All symptoms are worse after sleep. Extreme sensitiveness to touch.

Aggravation: After sleep. Acid, spring, summer, sun, pressure, constriction, mercury, contact, left side, closing eyes.

Amelioration: Warm application. Appearance of discharges.


Type: Lobar pneumonia. Broncho-pneumonia. Pleurisy. Hypostatic pneumonia. Pneumonia of old people. Pneumonia of asthenic persons.

Stages: Third stage. Second stage. Collapse.

Location: Right lung. (Apex and middle portion). Under third of right lung. Upper right chest.

Causes: Chill in the water. Eating ices. Poor diet. Fruits. Drunkenness Tobacco. Quinine. Iodine. Sea-bathing. Sea- travelling. Climbing hills. Care. Grief. Fright. Repercussed eruptions.

Expectoration: Bloody, acrid blood, black blood, pale blood. Streaked with blood. Brownish, copious, difficult. frothy, grayish, greenish, lumpy, milky, mucous, bloody mucus, fetid, offensive, purulent, rusty, saliva-like, scanty, bitter, earthy, flat, nausea, like onion (taste), putrid (taste) salty, sour, sweetish wood-like taste, thick, tough, transparent, viscid, watery, white, yellow.

Frothy saliva, frothy sputa, yellow mucus, enveloped in or mingled with froth. Mucus, streaked or specked with blood. “Frothy expectoration is characteristic”. Allen. Tenacious mucus, difficult to dislodge with rattling in chest.

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N C Das