Rheumatism – 2

Tension of joints. Rheumatic gout with itching. Rheumatic affections with great stiffness of joints. Tightness of tendons of rheumatic and gouty character. Synovitis when exudation has taken place (knee). Rheumatism with erratic pains (Kali bi, Bry.). Pain in the sacrum, cannot stand up straight, walks stooping. Tearing on left loin on motion. Pain above sacrum while walking. Sacrum; bruised pain, drawing painful stiffness. Pain in back when stooping. Stiffness in back. Burning pain between scapulae. Stiffness of neck. Stitches in nape when stooping. Rheumatic pain in the top of left shoulder.

Pressure as from a load on top of shoulder. Tearing in shoulder joint during rest, better on moving. Hard hot swelling on left upper arm with shooting pain. Bruised pain in elbow joint. Drawing in elbow joint. Drawing from elbow to wrist. Tearing in wrist joint. Pain in wrist joint as if sprained. Stiffness of the wrists. Tearing pains in the fingers. Sprained pain in the thumb. Severe pain in right hip-joint as if dislocated worse motion and touch. Bruised pain in right hip. Drawing pain in left hip.

In the lower limbs bruised pain and heaviness. Muscles of the thighs, painful while sitting down. Drawing tearing pains in thighs. Pain in left thigh better rubbing. Rigidity and stiffness in the knees. Tension of knees. Tendons feel too short. Shooting pain in knees. Bruised feeling in the limbs. Drawing tearing pains in the limbs better external warmth, worse cold.

Causes: Suppressed perspiration. Suppressed eruptions. From wet poultices. Abuse of mercury, from water and washing, from cold, dampness, from working in water. Bathing, changeable weather. Abuse of china.

Conditions: When proper medicines fail to produce a favourable effects in acute diseases. Pains are relieved by heat, Erratic pains. Pains worse at night and in bed. Inflammatory swellings ascend. Uncovering of burning feet. Rheumatism with or without swelling. Hot head and cold feet. Often indicated after Bryonia. Bright redness of lips, urgent morning diarrhoea, fetid stool, smell follows him. Hungry at 11 A.M.

Aggravation: Suppressed eruptions. Suppressed menses. Suppressed sweat. On walking. After eating. From exertion of body. Standing. From leaning against anything. From taking milk. During sweat. From wet poultices, on rising, quick motion. During sleep, after long sleep. During stool, on stretching the limbs, particularly the affected limbs. From water and washing. Warmth of bed. 11 a.m. Night. Morning. Bathing. Rest. Evening, after mid-night. During full moon, from touching the affected parts. Changeable weather. Pressure. Stooping. Moving arms. Every step. Ascending. Open air. Raw air. Cold damp weather. After sleep. Before storm. Sweets. Alcohol.

Amelioration: Lying on painful side, Lying on right side. Motion (Hip, knee) cold water (whitlow) warm food. From drawing up the limbs. During motion. By heat. In dry weather, after rising.

Similar remedies: Ars. A., Caust, Nux-V, Rhus. T, Bry, Colch, Kali-bi, Kali-c, Lyc, Mg-p, Sil, Kali-s, Puls, Carb-v, Acon-nap, Tab.

Attending Symptoms: Peevish. Irritable. Restless. Indifference to the welfare of others. Melancholy, difficulties of thinking, selfish, very forgetful. Bad effects of suppression of otorrhoea. Sensation of emptiness in the back part of head. Dryness of hair. Roots of hair painful. Lachrymation in open air. Burning of eyes. Blood comes from the nose whenever blowing it. Nose-bleed at 2 P.M. Dryness of nose. Face pale. Red spots on cheeks. Red, roughness of face. Sunken eyes with blue margins. Red lips. Lips dry, rough, cracked. Cold sweat on face. Sour taste, eats little, drinks much. Salty taste of food. Milk disagrees.

Aversion to meat. Ineffectual efforts at stools. Hard knotty stool. Insufficient stool. Diarrhoea drives him out of bed, too quick discharge of semen during coition. Impotence, penis cold, weak sexual power. Menses too late, short, scanty, acrid blood. Nose- bleed during menses. Sterility: Too early and profuse menses. Coldness of throat during inspiration. Fetid sweat in arm-pit. Sweat of palms and hands. Cold trembling hands. Cold sweat of feet. Burning of soles, wants cool place, Cold feet and hands. Cold soles of feet. Has to lie on back during sleep. Eyes half- open during sleep. Poor sleep. Aversion to washing.

Cold nose, hands and feet, sweat of one side of body, on the back part of body. Skin cold, dry. Follows Pulsatilla. Burning between Scapulae (Lyc., Phos.). Formication of hand. Sweaty hands. Peeling off of the fingers. Restlessness in lower limbs. Coldness and cold feeling of the legs in the evening. Cramps in soles and calves. Calves are very painful when going up-stairs, external warmth diminishes pains and coldness increases them. Formication of skin of body. Great restlessness. Chilly in open air. Restless nights, frequent walkings. Sweat all over abdomen at night. At night he puts his lower limbs outside of bed because of tearing pain in them. Snoring in sleep.

N C Das
N C Das