Girl, 24, came under my care for her skin symptoms. About 18 days ago she had an extensive red discolouration of skin about her left elbow joint. The whole area was red and painful. The redness was followed by an eruption of vesicular type which caused a good deal of pain and burning. Allopathic treatment with tablets and ointments failed to give her satisfactory relief. Then she desired to try Homoeopathic drugs. I noted to following symptoms.

(1) Patient of fair complexion with dark hair, disposition cheerful.

(2) Eruptions in ulcerated condition.

(3) The entire area with surrounding parts looks black.

(4) Burning, pain, itching, discharge of pus – like matter which is not fetid.

(5) Cold application relieves.

(6) Appetite poor. Thirst not marked.

(7) Stiffness of parts, can bend hand only with difficulty.

(8) Constipation.

(9) Sweat not marked.

(10) Chronic urticaria which puts her to extreme inconvenience every now and then. Eruptions appear with swelling. At present she has no such eruption.

Apis 30, 4 times a day for 4 days cured her completely.



1. Very offensive smell of the perspiration of the axillae


2. Stool with a sensation as if something had stayed behind, and not enough had been discharged.


3. Great dryness of the finger tips in the afternoon.


4. Coldness of the feet in the evening in bed, hindering from going to sleep.


5. Many of the pains, especially those of the pressive – drawing kind, begin gently, slowly increase to a high degree and then decrease just as slowly.


6. Asthma and lack of breath on going upstairs and at the slightest motion.


7. Asthma, as if the clothes were too tight, he has to open them to breath properly.

Stannum. 8. Rumbling in the abdomen, with sensation of emptiness therein.


9. Sweet taste in the mouth, while smoking tobacco.


10. Trembling of the hands in writing, with formication and itching therein.

Ac. Phos

11. A nail grown into the flesh causes inflammation and pain.

Ac. Phos

12. Great restlessness in the legs, with icy cold hands, chiefly in the evening.


13. Constant coldness in the knees, at night in bed. Phos 14. Increased sensation of warmth in paralyzed parts.



17. Has the Allopath anything to compare with the effect of Tuberculinum in the child with the T.B. diathesis with its thin body and hairy back, its blue veins and blue sclerotics. Dr. N.B. Blackie.

18. We must look to past history for back – ground, to the present symptomatology as a stage in progression, and to our homoeopathic materia medica for that power which unlocks the patients vital energy to cure, which is our goal for the patients future. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

19. Our problem of the present day is suppression – suppression of excretory functions, suppression of natural symptomatic manifestations usually come first, and thus early in life symptoms become masked, if not entirely suppressed, and the guideposts to curative prescribing are destroyed or so misplaced as to be far less valuable. Dr. H.A. Roberts, M.D.

20. The whole science and art of Homoeopathy lies not alone in ones knowledge of the various remedies and how to distinguish between them, but in knowing how to elicit the proper indications from the patient. Dr. A. Paulford, M.D.

21. Objective phenomena, being exempt from self – interpretation and allowing the largest scope to acumen of the examiner, are without the least deceptive and should receive our first and best attention. They teach lessons not to be learnt elsewhere, and by their great utility have contributed much to the brilliant success of homoeopathy, particularly in diseases of children. Nothing should escape the observer, for faulty examinations are the main cause of failure. Dr. C.M. Boger, M.D.

22. With children, lunatics and liars, you have to use your own observation. Dr. D.M. Burnett.

23. Not only is the mother a keen observer of her infant, but she can often give us an account of the family history, and a first hand account of the period of gestation and labour, Dr. D.M. Foubister, B.Sc., M.B.

24. Let nature speak to you. That which aggravates is generally harmful, that which ameliorates and soothes is often beneficial. Especially is this true in dealing with acute diseases and with children. In dealing with chronic patients the voice of nature is often stifled through years of suppression, perversion and prejudice. Dr. E. Underhill, M.D.

25. Family history is often of the greatest importance. Dr. Margaret Tyler.

26. I think you will agree that one has to fully taken the case till one has recorded for every patient vaccinations, especially any bad or unsuccessful ones, as well as any personal or family history of tuberculosis, syphilis or gonorrhoea. Dr. Margaret G. Tyler, M.D.

27. In family history where we find gout, rheumatism, asthma, chronic bronchitis, small pox, etc., or dysmenorrhoea, salpingitis, Oophoritis, endometritis in the mother herself, think of an anti – sycotic remedy. History of ringworm, puerperal diarrhoea, tuberculosis, bleeding piles, fistula in ano in the family should be treated with tubercular remedies.

28. Family history of – cancer, carbuncles, epilepsy, necrosis of the bones, deafness, etc., should suggest anti – syphilitic remedies.

29. Professor Kent gives a good example in his lectures on materia medica. He instances the children of sycotic parents who do not thrive, and look waxy and pale, as though about to go into consumption, although they do not actually develop this disease. They fail to react to well selected remedies. Such children require Medorrhinum in high potency, and after this is administered they react better to other remedies. Heal – Thyself.

30. Example of chronic disease latent for years; luetic mother with no symptoms; her child full of symptoms and four plus. Dr. T.K. Moore, M.D.

31. The vaccinate is one who suffers from vaccinosis. He may not be ill, but he must be in a subdued morbid state. He has been blighted or he is no vaccinate. Dr. Burnett.

32. The use of laxatives of all kinds should be strictly avoided. A sure way to build chronic constipation in the growing child is to give an occasional laxative on the theory that it will help to keep the intestinal tract properly cleansed. It will have no such effect. It will only pervert the digestive secretions and interfere with gastro – intestinal function and efficiency. Dr. Eugene Underhill, M.D.

33. The habitual use of enemas should be condemned. Occasionally in acute illness they may be used in very toxic cases, but if the intake of food is sufficiently restricted and of a nontoxic nature the danger from constipation is negligible. Dr. E. Underhill, M.D.

34. It is also essential that the child be taught regularity of habit and always to respond as promptly as possible to the natural urge for stool. Neglect along these lines will predispose intestinal stasis. Dr. E. Underhill, M.D.

35. Sugar, either as such, or in the form of candy, pastry or bottled beverages will induce dental caries through acid formation in the mouth. Excessive use of sugar containing foods may even rob the teeth and bones of calcium through the production of Calcium sucrate which is excreted by the kidneys. Dr. E. Underhill, M.D.

36. Thorough rinsing of the mouth with plain water immediately after taking anything sweet is important in preventing tooth decay. Dr. E. Underhill, M.D.

37. Sleep is just as important as food in the normal development of the growing child. The lack of it may cause either temporary or permanent derangement of the endocrine system to the detriment of health and happiness, and to ones success in life. Dr. E. Underhill, M.D.

38. Night terrors are often caused through mechanical blockade of the air passage by enlarged tonsils and adenoids. In these circumstances night terrors are obviously not of high value in prescribing. Dr. D.M. Foubister, B.Sc., M.D.

39. The diseases of the baby should be studied carefully and the curative remedies remembered, for it will enable us to bring swift help in later years. Dr. H.C. Allen.

40. Regarding the child eating dirt, I have felt a good many times that it was due to lack of some food element that the child needed. It might be due to some Calcium deficiency, either Calcarea carbonica or one of the other Calciums. Dr. Neiswander.

41. Candy eating children do not develop their muscles, their heart remains weak and small. Dr. F.K. Bellokossy.

42. For prophylaxis is required a less degree of similitude than for curing. Dr. T.K. Moore, M.D.

43. Practically all text books on obsterics condemn the use of alcohol during and immediately after pregnancy suggesting it as a possible cause of sterility, abortions, still births and a high foetal mortality. Dr. D.M. Foubister, B.Sc., M.B.

44. Occasionally some outstanding event of pregnancy or labour is of utmost volume in prescribing. Dr. D.M. Foubister, B.Sc., M.B.

45. Sucklings should never receive medicine, the mother or the wet nurse instead and through their milk it acts on the child very quickly, mildly and beneficially. Hahnemann.

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