Dr. J.E. Barker.

59. In certain children, as Dr. Brishoe says Syphilinum and Bacillinum given in turn produce excellent results.

Dr. L. Renard.

60. Syphilinum vies with Sulphur as a sleep resorter. It is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

Dr. L. Renard.

61. The children of the type of Syphilinum look old. They are “little dwarfs” of Syphillitic heredity (Bar-c).

Dr. L. Renard.


You will see that the (Causticum) children very often crying because they think that you are hurting some other child – they cannot bear to see another kid crying.

Natrum mur: They will steal salt as other children would steal sugar.

Sepia: They very often have a definite dislike of going to parties and that is a dislike of playing with other children. It is the sort of thing that later develops in typical “Sepia dislike of its friends.”

Sulphur: They have a great dislike of interference. They think they know how to do a thing, very definitely resent their parents butting in, they would make a better show of it if they were left alone they think.

Arsenicum album: When they are nervy you find them often going from their mother to their father, from the father to the nurse, and back to the mother.

Cina: This type of children are frightfully touchy, they have got complete inability to see a joke of any kind, particularly if it refers to themselves.


The Calcarea carb. children – if they are not sure of themselves nothing will induce them ever to answer questions in class in case they are wrong – in case they are laughed at.

Every child is forgetful, every child is inattentive but the Baryta carb. child has that very much exaggerated.

Aurum met: Then you always get the report from school that they are backward, and that they have very, very poor memories.

Lycopodium: Such a boy should not be directed to study mathematics. He will never learn in the least of it.

And the Kali sulph kids are not bright, they get tired out by mental exertion whereas the Pulsatilla kids are very often bright and sharp and do well at school.

Sulphur children; badly handled they are dull, heavy, cross, irritable; and properly handled they can be bright, interesting, quite friendly and very often clever. I have seen some of these Sulphur children with the most astonishing command of language, not necessarily unprintable.

Sulphur: They have an astonishing money sense; quite a small child has a very definite sense of values.

Flouric acid: They are liable to get quite unreasoning hatred of one or other individual in school. It is such a wierd difference from the ordinary kids make up that it strikes you whenever you get it. I have met it in adults too.


Calcarea carb children are clumsy in their movements, bad at games, and it tends to push them back into themselves; instead of sticking at it and becoming efficient they chuck their hands in and give up the game altogether.

Baryta carb: If they are playing they never stick to it for any length of time, they pick up a toy, play with it and drop it. They pick up a thing from your desk and fumble with it for a minute or two, and the next moment they are playing with the handle of the drawer.

Flouric acid: Playing games does them good, it wakes them up, they are better for it.

B K Goswami