Constant desire to eat which gives ease momentarily, but the hunger is never assuaged and pain and distress may be again relieved by eating. He has to get up at night to eat something. Flatulence form emptiness. Patient hungry, better while eating, but worse afterwards. Relief while eating or from eating but the trouble soon returns. Dyspeptic pains return two hours, after eating.


Type: Flatulent

Causes: Checked perspiration. Excessive mental labour.

Aversion: Food.

Taste: Bitter. Loss of taste. Acid. Insipid. Offensive putrid.

Appetite: Changeable. Increased. Ravenous. Wanting

Thirst: Burning thirst. Extreme, with arrest of breathing while drinking.

Tongue: White rough tongue, like a grater.

Nausea: In the morning. In the evening. Before breakfast. In chest; after cold drinks; after drinking. Before eating, after eating. In throat. Nausea in the morning with empty feeling in stomach. 4 p.m.

Vomiting: In the evening, after eating. Vomiting of food; of water; of worms; vomiting of food after coughing, which affords relief.

Eructations: In the morning; after eating; after soup; after stool. Empty; fluid; waterbrash; heart burn. Tasteless or sour eructations.

Stomach and Abdomen: Weak digestion, with fulness and distention. Empty feeling in stomach. Eructations, nausea, vomiting. Eating relieves the Anacardium dyspepsia. Apt to choke when eating or drinking. Swallows food and drink hastily. Pain in abdomen as if dull plugs were pressed into intestines. Rumbling, pinching and griping. Great thirst, with arrest of breathing while drinking. Morning nausea, vomiting of ingesta, which gives relief. Pressure in the pit of the stomach when awaking in the morning. Hardness of abdomen. Painful sensation in cardiac end of the stomach on walking fast. Continual rumbling in the abdomen.

Constant desire to eat which gives ease momentarily, but the hunger is never assuaged and pain and distress may be again relieved by eating. He has to get up at night to eat something. Flatulence form emptiness. Patient hungry, better while eating, but worse afterwards. Relief while eating or from eating but the trouble soon returns. Dyspeptic pains return two hours, after eating. Constipation.

In the evening waterbrash and vomiting followed by acidity in the mouth. Pressure in the stomach chiefly after a meal and when engaged in thought and mental exertion. Symptoms disappear after dinner, but begin again in two hours. All kinds of food appear insipid. Bitter taste with dryness of the mouth and throat. Fetid taste in the mouth, violent and constant thirst with sensation of suffocation when drinking. Want of appetite. At times violent hunger, at times no appetite at all for his meals.

During dinner almost all his ailments vanish; two hours later they begin again. After dinner heat in the face, with collection of sweetish saliva in his mouth, and violent thirst. After a meal drowsy and indisposed to work. After a meal eructation which burns in his throat. Eructations after drinks and liquid food. Gurgling and fermentation. Constant gnawing in the abdomen especially in the region of the navel.

Stool: Urging to stool, frequently during the day, without being able to discharge anything; he feels as if everything was stopped up in the rectum. Stool first soft, then hard.

Diarrhoea of watery stool, often and yet with much straining griping in abdomen during stool. After stool yawning and eructation.

Urine: Turbid when discharged, muddy sediment.

Accompaniments: Sensation of a hoop or band around a part. Sensation as if a plug pressing or penetrating in different parts; continual chilliness even in a warm room. Impaired memory is a marked characteristic. When walking, feels as if some one were pursuing; suspects every one around and is constantly apprehending trouble from everything, which gives him no peace.

He has no confidence in himself that he can do what is required of him. Two different influences seem to be exerted upon him at the sametime, one to do murder and the other to do good. Very easily offended, becomes quarrelsome, abusive, malicious and cruel. Fixed ideas; that he is double, there is no reality in anything, all appears like a dream; that mind and body are separated, that a stranger is, constantly by his side, one to the right, the other to the left.

Profuse salivation, sometimes it provokes vomiting. Hands feel very dry.

Aggravation: Application of hot water.

Amelioration: While eating.

Prabir Kumar