“Its complaints are more insidious and come on with a degree of slowness.”

“Slow in its beginning.”

“The extremities become cold and the head and back become hot.”

“The head cannot be lifted from the pillow, so tired and so heavy is it, and there is such a great weight in limbs.”

“The patient is thirstless.”

“He is unable to move, he is too weak to move.”

“During marked febrile conditions he has a profound sleep or coma.”.

“Extreme muscular and nervous prostration, general trembling, feels weak, wants to lie down, legs or hands tremble if he attempts to lift them, tongue trembles when he attempts to protrude it; pulse weak and slow but quick on motion; chilliness, hands and feet cool, crimson flushing of face, drowsy or sleeps frequently, incoherent muttering; head feels very big; vertigo, dimness of vision; tongue slightly coated or not at all; speech thick; little or no thirst; no constipation or diarrhoea, Drooping of eyelids.”.

“The offensive sweat, stool and urine of Bapt. (also, falls asleep when answering a question), are not found under Gels.”.

“For the nervous prostration just preceding typhoid there is nothing like Gels.”.

“Gelsem usually precedes Bapt. its symptoms being similar but milder.”.

“Bapt. leads when soreness is most prominent and Gels. when prostration is most marked.”.

“Heat in the face, sleep or sleepy, stupid, besotted; with half waking, muttering delirium, tired, wants to lie still (Bry, Nux- v) or great nervous restlessness. Semi-stupor, cannot open his eyes or think correctly, vertigo, staggers as if intoxicated. Sensitive to light and noise. Loquacity. Patient is nervous, irritable, easily angered. Sleep throughout heat; muttering delirium when half-awake. Must be covered in all stages. Tendency to typhoid.”.

Compare: Bry., Bapt., Nux-v., Bell.

Potency: 30th 200th.



(1) Great nervousness, chilliness, aching pains all over, in head, back limbs.

(2) Sensation of soreness all over, feels as if bruised.

(3) Prostrated, drowsy, confused.

(4) Besotted appearance of face and eyes.

(5) Falls asleep even before he can answer a question or in the midst of an answer.

(6) Tongue brown in a streak down the middle.

(7) Mutters, reaches about the bed, tosses to and fro.

(8) Feels scattered around the bed and tries to get the pieces together.

(9) Bowels rumble in ileo-caecal region which is sensitive to touch.

(10) All the discharges, stool, urine, sweat, are extremely offensive.

(11) Fetid odor of body, breath.

(12) In whatever position the patient lies the parts rested upon feel sore and bruised.

(13) Decubitus.

(14) After abuse of Arsenic.

(15) Perfect indifference.

(16) Distention and rumbling in abdomen.

(17) Rapid and early prostration.

(18) A wild, wandering feeling.

(19) Sudden invasion, very rapid progress.

(20) Feeling of expansion of parts. Restlessness.

Mind: Body feels scattered about, tosses around to get pieces together; can not sleep because he can not get pieces together.

Stupor; falls asleep while being spoken to or answering. Gives slow answers or falls asleep while answering, questions.

Sensation as if the patient were double or as if second self were outside.

Head feels scattered about and tosses about to get pieces together, confusion of ideas; confused as if drunk.

Cannot confine his mind, a sort of wild wandering feeling.

Indisposed to think, want of power, mind seems weak.

Delirium especially at night or constant.

Mentally restless but too lifeless to move.

Illusion that the body is double, limbs separated and conversing with each other.

A certainly of death. Despair of cure.

Restless and disturbed.

Feeling of expansion as if head and body were large.

Wants to be continually moving from place to place.

Indescribable sick feeling all over, weak, restless, uneasy.

Mind wanders as soon as his eyes are closed.

Heavy sleep till aroused; awakes only to again fall asleep in the midst of his answer, which he vainly endeavours to finish.

When aroused he takes on delirium.

He gives you the impression that he has been on a big drunk.

He does not know what he is talking about.

He is in confusion, and when aroused he attempts to say something and utters a word or two and it all flits away, and he is back in his state of stupor again.

Mental confusion.

Inability to think.

Low delirium during which the patient is trying to get himself or his tools together.

Ideas confused.

Illusion of divided personality.

Thinks he is broken or double and tosses about the bed trying to get pieces together.

Delirium, wandering, muttering.

Picking the bed clothes.

Gloomy unhappy state of mind.

Imagines he is in pieces.

Perfect indifference.

Head: Soreness of brain, worse stooping.

Head feels large and heavy.

Numb feeling of head and face.

Heavy pain at base of brain.

Top of head feels as if it would fly off.

Great tightness of the skin of forehead.

Scalp feels sore.

Confused swimming feeling.

Feels too large, heavy, numb.

Vertigo, and weak feeling of entire system; especially lower limbs and legs.

Bruised feeling in occiput.

Neck feels so tired she cannot hold her head easy in any position.

Eyes: Cannot bear light; eyes burn but do not water. Eyeballs feel sore. Eyes half-closed. Eyelids heavy.

Ears: Dullness of hearing. Roaring in ears with mental confusion.

Delirium with almost complete deafness.

Early deafness in typhoid.

Face: Heat of face with dark redness.

Face congested and dusky.

Face sallow, cheeks yellow, with central deep flush; dark red, with besotted expression; flushed, dusky; hot and perceptibly flushed.

Face and whole head feel numb.

Muscles of jaw rigid. Pain in articulation of lower jaw.

Anxious frightened look. On rousing from sleep looks as if he had a horrible dream.

Face flushed, dusky-red or hot with besotted expression. Injected eyes.

Epistaxis of dark blood. Illusion of smell.

Tongue: Swollen, painful, offensive. Covered with black blood.

Raw, denuded. Stiff and dry as leather; as if made of wood, or burnt leather; ulcerated.

Tongue red, and dry in the middle.

Tongue of a dark hue.

Tongue dry, brown down centre.

Tongue covered with a thick, brown crust.

Tongue yellowish white, deeply furred.

Tongue feels burned; yellowish brown; edges red and shining.

Tongue dry and brown in centre, with dry and glistening edges; surface cracked and sore.

Centre of tongue coated yellow, with bitter taste. Dryness of mouth and tongue.

Coated tongue brown and dry, particularly in the centre, or dry and red.

Tongue dry and brown down centre.

Tongue coated white at first, then yellow, then brown with red edges.

Tongue dry on waking and feeling burnt.

Tongue, when it is put out is tremulous.

Tongue yellow along the centre; first white, with reddish papillae, followed by yellow brown coating in centre; cracked, sore, ulcerated.

Mouth and tongue very dry in fevers.

White tongue with red edges or brown with yellow stripe down centre.

Tongue has a brown streak down the centre.

Black or brownish coated tongue.

Tongue dry, cracked, ulcerated.

Mouth: Sordes on the teeth and lips.

Putrid ulcers with salivation.

Putrid offensive fetid breath.

Flat bitter taste in mouth.

Abdomen: Abdomen distended. Stomach; distended. Tympanitic abdomen. Great soreness in the right iliac fossa.

Right iliac region sensitive.

Abdominal muscles sore on pressure.

Slight sensitiveness in ileo-caecal region. Distention and rumbling in abdomen. Pain in the region of gall bladder.

Gurgling and slight sensitiveness in right iliac region. Tenderness in ileo-caecal region. Soreness of abdomen in region of liver.

Stool: Diarrhoea, thin, faecal, watery, yellow. Stool like yellow corn-meal mush, soft, pappy, consistency of soft mush. Stool black, brown, dark.

Stool like ground up slate, Slate coloured, brownish. Penetrating odor, horribly putrid like decomposed meat. Prostrating.

Fetid discharges from the bowels.

Yellow, putrescent stools. Stools horribly putrid.

Stools very offensive, thin, dark, bloody.

Stool of pure blood or bloody mucus.

Stools dark, thin, fecal, offensive.

Soft; papescent, with large quantities of mucus.

Fetid exhausting diarrhoea causing excoriations.

Offensive diarrhoea day and night.

Dark brown mucus and bloody.

Stools with brown tongue.

Papescent painless stools. Diarrhoea in morning.

Involuntary diarrhoea.

Involuntary urine and stool.

Urine: Fetid urine.

Involuntary urine.

Pulse: Pulse full and rapid, but soft and easily compressed.

High temperature and pulse.

First accelerated afterwards slow and faint.

Limbs: Neck so tired he can not hold it easy in any position; sore down the neck.

Cervical muscles stiff, lame.

Back and hips very stiff, ache severely.

Dull lumbar back worse walking, sacral pain.

Feels as if lying on a board; changes position often, bed feels so hard, worst part is the region of sacrum.

Sore and stiff about shoulders and chest.

Numbness of left hand and forearm.

Hands feel large, tremulous.

Lower limbs weak.

Soreness in thigh.

Drawing in hips and calves.

Cramp in calves whenever he moves them.

Left foot numb.

All parts of body feel sore, feet painful even from resting them on the floor.


Fetor of breath, body and stool.

Chilliness with bruised pains and soreness over entire body.

N C Das
N C Das