He thanked Dr. McCrae for his remarks, and had been interested in what he said about the inferiority and superiority complex.

He thanked Dr. Cooper for the interesting case he had quoted. Major Gordons remarks had been quite new to him. Thanking Dr. Wheeler for his comments he thought with regard to lectures to new men it would be a good idea to divide them into junior and senior lectures; one group for juniors dealing with the acute remedies in every day use, and more advanced lectures dealing with the drugs belonging to i.e., the “psoric” group or “tubercular” group.

(The PRESIDENT interjected that he thought this would be a good idea). He recommended Mr. Power to try Ignatia for his case of spasm.

With regard to the diastolic pressure that Dr. Walker had mentioned, it was very interesting but he thought it was the systolic pressure which indicated Ignatia.

In thanking the President for his remarks he had not concentrated at all on the peculiarities of the remedy; it was a point which had rather eluded him but he quite saw it was an omission in his Paper.

In conclusion he thanked everyone present for the very kind way in which they had received his paper.

P G Quinton