Temples feel compressed as if in a vise.

Sticking inwards in upper part of parietal bone.

Pressure in occiput forward towards forehead with feeling as if eyes would close with heaviness.

Chronic dull headaches with depressed spirits and constipation.

Great dryness of hair.

Paralysis with wasting of scalp, also of eyebrows and whiskers (moustaches)

Pulsating pain.


Location: Forehead. Over eyes. Root of nose. Occiput. Nape of neck. Brain. Vertex. One side of head. Bones. Temples. Right side of forehead. Over left eye.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, burning, bursting, pricking, crushing, drawing, pressing, shooting, sore bruised, stitching, stunning, stupefying, lancinating.

Extension: Extends to forehead, neck, through whole head from neck.

Aggravation: Morning; morning in bed; morning on rising; forenoon; after noon; evening; open air; binding up the hairs; feet becoming cold; coughing; after eating; from becoming heated; from becoming heated; from becoming heated by fire or stove; jar; lifting; lying; moving head; moving eyes; noise; external pressure; raising head; shaking head; after sleep; stepping heavily; stooping; summer; exposure to sun; walking; warm room; washing head; yawning; in aged persons; aged people who are childish; heat of stove; mentally and physically dwarfish persons.

Amelioration: Open air; standing; stooping; walking in open air.

Attending Symptoms: Buzzing.

Singing in ears.

Catches cold easily when washes head.

Stiffness of neck.

Bald head.

Loss of hair from the crown of head.

Scalp very sensitive to touch especially on the side on which he lies.

Symptoms: Aching pains in the head principally in forehead, over eyes, and the root of the nose or with tension on the occiput towards the nape of the neck.

Pricking lancinating pains in the head especially provoked by the heat of the stove.

Pressure in brain under vertex towards occiput, on waking, with stiffness of neck.

Digging in the head with a sensation of looseness of the brain.

Painful sensibility in the scalp.

Scalp is very sensitive to touch especially on the side on which he lies.

Baldness, loosing hair from the crown of the head.

Headache of aged people who become childish; sensorium not clear, loss of speech.

Headache in persons mentally and physically dwarfish.

Headache as if head were compressed in a vise.

Pressure in brain under vertex, towards occiput on walking with stiffness of neck, extending through whole head when standing in the sun.

Pressure over forehead and over eyes.

Catches cold easily when washing the head.

Headache with buzzing and singing in ears.


Type: Chronic. Catarrhal. Congestive.

Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Right side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain: Throbbing, band-like, sore bruised, pressive, beating, shooting, stitching, stunning, stupefying, tearing.

Aggravation: Morning; morning on rising; forenoon; afternoon; open air; fasting; before menses; at the commencement of menses; from mercury; motion; quick motion; moving head; noise; riding in a carriage; lying; pressing at stool; talking; walking; walking rapidly; warm room; wrapping up head; warm air; hot air; fatigue; in old people.

Amelioration: Open air; closing eyes; cold application; motion.

Symptoms: Chronic headaches.

Dizziness on exertion.

Brain feels as if stirred-around with a spoon.

Head heavy as if foreign substance were in brain; worse in warm air, by fatigue; wants to support head.

Throbbing; rushing of blood and feeling of a tight band.

Chronic congestive headache of old people.

Headache in hot air as well as from prolonged movement of a carriage or from a long walk and worse by noise and speech.

Pain as from a bruise in the brain with want of strength in the body, as from paralysis.

Acute pressive pain in forehead.

Beating in brain.

Headache at if a tape or band were tightly drawn around the head.

PRessure on a small spot above the root of the nose. Throbbing in head with every motion.

Hair falls out.


Type: Rheumatic. Hysterical. Nervous. Catarrhal. Menstrual. Location: Forehead. Brain. Over eyes. Occiput. Right side of head. Left side of head. Left temple. Vertex Eyeballs.

Character of pain: Boring, digging, bursting, drawing, pressing, shooting, sore bruised, stitching, dull excruciating.

Extension: Occiput to vertex. Vertex. down both eyes, occiput down spine to eyeballs.

Aggravation: 10 A.M. after noon; evening 2 A.M. open air; ascending steps; before breakfast; after dinner; from becoming heated by fire or stove; lying; before menses; mental exertion; motion; moving head; reading; after sleep; spirituous liquors; straining eyes; warm room; damp cold weather; debauch; indoor; in students; in drunkards; moving eyes; worry.

Amelioration: Open air; after breakfast; external pressure; walking in open air.

Attending Symptoms: Inability to think.


Hysterical crying.

Brain feels too large for cranium, as if vertex opened and let in cold air.

Soreness of occipital region.

Nervous and hysterical women.

Faintness and sinking at the pit of stomach.

Sleepless from nervous irritation.

Eructations with nausea and vomiting.

Pain in back and along the spine.

Symptoms: Headache of drunkards and students.

Rush of blood to head, brain feels too large for cranium.

Waving sensation in the brain, top of head feels as if it would fly off.

Aching pain in head, especially in occiput and down the spine or from vertex down both eyes only while indoors, relieved by the open air, increasing during the afternoon and severe in the evening.

Intense pain as if a bolt were driven from neck to vertex, worse at every throb of the heart.

Great pain in head and eyeballs with hysterical crying, increased by slightest motion.

Severe pain in right side of head, back of orbit.


Type: Gastric. Nervous. Chronic.

Location: Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Vertex.

Character of pain: Shooting.

Aggravation: Smoking tobacco; spirituous liquors; stooping; abuse of tobacco; opium; coffee or alcohol; chronic gastric irritation.

Symptoms: Headache from abuse of tobacco, opium, coffee or alcohol.

Headache by chronic gastric irritation, nervous cephalalgia.

Heaviness of head with sense of drunkenness, confused, dull aching over frontal region and vertex.

Shooting through temples.

Temporal vessels distended.

Pain across root of tongue.

Nervous headache from abuse of narcotics.


Type: Gastric. Haemorrhoidal. Neuralgic.

Location: Forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain: Tearing, bursting, cutting, dull, lancinating, pressing, pressing asunder, stitching, sore bruised.

Aggravation: From a cold; stooping; haemorrhoids; morning; sitting; after sleep.

Attending Symptoms: Drowsiness.

Too weak to walk.



Stitches in right hypochondria.

Flying pains in epigastrium.

Haemorrhoidal pain.

Rectal or sacral symptoms.

Symptoms : Gastric and Haemorrhoidal headaches.

Feeling as if a board were on the head, worse rising from a seat.

Severe lancinating headache at the base of brain as if too full.

Dull stupefying pains all over head, neuralgic pains in different parts of head, temples, forehead, occiput, going and coming.

Headache with drowsiness.

Too weak to walk.

Head dull, confused aching as from a cold.

Pressure in forehead with nausea followed by stitches in right hypochondrium.

Pain from occiput to frontal region with bruised sensation of scalp; worse in morning.

Neuralgic stitches from right to left through forehead, followed by flying pains in epigastrium.

Headache accompanied by Haemorrhoidal, rectal or sacral symptoms.


Type : Periodical, Migraine.

Location : Forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Over left eye. Occiput. One side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain : Crushing, drawing, jerking, pressing, pulling, shooting, stitching, tearing.

Extension : To spine.

Aggravation : Forenoon; afternoon; coughing; looking; looking upward; after sleep; warm room.

Amelioration : Walking in open air; discharge of flatus downwards; bending stiffly backward; lying down; pressure; stool.

Attending Symptoms : Unconsciousness.



Eyes appear protruded.

Face pale.

Great anxiety.


Hair feels pulled.

Cant hold head up or sit up.

Symptoms : Violent pain as if brain were dashed to pieces.

Pressing pain in forehead as if it would split, at its acme vomiting and finally diarrhoea.

Headache ceases with discharge of flatus downwards, stitches and pulsations in the head.

Dressing pain in occiput, nape and down the spine, better from bending stiffly backward.

Sensation as if she were constantly pulled by the hair.

Hemicrania driving her into open air which relieves.

Desire to have a band fastened tightly around the head. As is there were a tight hoop around the head, the eyes appear protruded and the face is pale, great anxiety and restlessness.

Head feels bound up or in a vice.

Occipital pain extending down spine, better lying down and by pressure.

Head symptoms relieved by expelling flatus and by stool.

N C Das
N C Das