LYCOPODIUM. – An excellent remedy for the flatulent and dyspeptic with a great craving for sweets like Argentum Nitr. but the difference lies in locations. It has a selective affinity for thee liver and the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, while Argentum Nitricum locations are the nervous system and mucous membranes generally. Lycopodium has fullness while eating or soon after it. Constipation; polyuria worse during the night, with practically normal urine during the day. Gouty lithaemia. Urine contains uric acid. Impotence may be a ranking symptom.

NATRUM MUR. – Emaciates in spite of eating well. Craves salt. Unquenchable thirst; aversion to bread; constipation. Ill effects of grief, fright, anger etc. Sad and depressed; consolation aggravates. Sleeplessness from grief or persistent sad thoughts crowding the mind. Greasy skin. Aggravated by heat and worm room.

NATRUM SULPH. – Diabetes of hepatic origin. Excessive secretion of urine loaded with sugar, bile, brick dust. Bitter taste; acid dyspepsia with heartburn and flatulence; It has a strong action on Hydrogenoid constitutions Itching while undressing. Asthmatic patients.

NUX VOMICA. – Thin, nervous, irritable, hypersensitive subjects, easily chilled, averse to open air, addicted to drugs, liquor, and high living. Dyspepsia, constipation, piles, liver complaints. Numbness and paresis of legs and perhaps arms too. Particularly where spinal lesions may be the exciting cause.

PHOSPHORUS – Tall, slender, narrow chested persons, with thin transparent skin, and persons of a gouty or tuberculous diathesis come particularly under the domain of this remedy. Great thirst for cold water; hunger soon after eating; desire for cold and refreshing things. Cataract. Weak spine. Haemorrhagic tendency. Irresistible sexual desire but lack of power. Great sensitiveness to external impressions. Marked weakness and restlessness; wants to be rubbed or magnetised.

PLUMBUM. – Considered by Dr. Hering as one of the most important remedies in Diabetes. Nephritis and albuminuria may be present. Arterio-sclerosis. Mental depression, diminution of sight; loss of sexual power; constipation with lumpy stools, or impaction of feces.

PULSATILLA. – Has been used by the writer with marked success in several cases and would seldom disappoint the prescriber if and when the indications are present. The patient, whether male or female, is sensitive to heat, likes open air, and has a gentle, yielding, tearful disposition. Not much thirst. He is generally not disposed to constipation, and often has a tendency to lose motions. May have heart-burn, flatulence and is made worse by fats, cakes, pastries, and food fried in much butter. Legs feel heavy and weary.

SILICA. – Should be strongly related to Diabetes, considering how profoundly it affects nutrition and metabolism. Has shown very good results in many cases. Patient is faint-hearted and has marked lack of self-confidence, want of moral and physical grit; lack of stamina. Sensitive to cold, with icy cold sweaty feet. Offensive sweat on feet, hands and axillae. Loss of power in legs. Crippled nails; white spots on nails. Excessive thirst; disgust for meat and warm food; constipation, Felons, carbuncles, prolonged suppurations, diseases of bones, caries and necrosis.

SYZIGIUM JAMBOLANUM. – Though not well proved, it is highly extolled for this disease and is a great favourite with those who would rather prescribe for the disease rather than for the patient. Great thirst, weakness, emaciation, large amount of sugary urine with high specific gravity. Small red violently itching pimples; old ulcers. The powdered seeds (10 grs. t.i.d.) as well as the tincture and the 1st. have been used.

R. S. Rastogi
R. S. Rastogi
B.A., M.D.S.
Dehradun, India