Hair feels pulled.

Headache in whole front part of head.

Heaviness in forehead, cant hold head up or sit up,. Looking up aggravates headache.


Type : Nervous, Menstrual Hysterical. Neuralgic.

Location : Forehead. Right side of forehead. Left side of forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain : Boring, digging, burning cutting, stabbing, drawing, pressing, shooting, sore bruised, stitching, tearing, cold-needle-like, nail-like, piercing, beating, throbbing, pulsating, intermittent.

Causes : Over work at desk; hysteria; spine affections.

Extension; To root of nose.

Aggravation: Daytime; morning; morning in bed; morning on rising; morning on waking; noon; afternoon; evening; night on waking; about midnight; after midnight; 3 A.M.; coition; from becoming cold; after eating; pressure of hat; light; lying; during menses; after menses; mental exertion; noise; pressure; sexual excesses; sitting; after sleep; spirituous liquors; standing; straining eyes; talking; touch; overwork at the desk.

Amelioration: Moving slowly about; moving about; closing eyes; motion; pressure; walking in open air; wrapping up head.

Attending Symptoms : Nose bleed.

Thick mucus discharge.

Complete loss of energy.

Muscular twitchings.

Grimaces of lids, face, extremities.

Itching and burning in various parts.

Sensation of constriction of chest.



Cheeks feel hot and burning.


Frequent and violent yawning.

Muscular relaxation and weariness.

Soreness over the entire body, backache.

Sensation as if joints were out of place.


Frequent slight twitching of the eye-lids or of the facial muscles.

Violent shooting, burning pains deep in the spine.

Painfulness along spinal column when stooping.

spinal column sensitive to touch worse in morning.

Sensation as if ants were creeping along the spine.

Frequent jumping of muscles in different parts of the body; general trembling.

People who are subject to chorea or who become delirious in fever or with pain.

Symptoms: Nervous headaches from overwork at the desk etc.

Pain as if sharp ice touched the head or cold needle pierced it.

Pains run from occiput through the eyes or remain confined to some small spot, as left temple.

Pain as if fine splinters were driven into the brain, into cheeks which feel hot and burning.

Head constantly falls backward, as if a weight were attached to the occiput.

Headache from spine affections, hysteria, muscular twitchings and grimaces of lids face, extremities.

Itching and burning in various parts of body.

Sensation of constriction of chest; worse sitting; better moving slowly about, after stool.

Pressing pain in right temple as if a nail were thrust in, worse sitting, better moving about slowly.

Dull. drawing headaches worse in morning, extending into the root of nose with nose bleed or thick mucus discharge.

Neuralgia with icy cold head.

Desire to cover head warmly.

Head in constant motion.

Beating in vertex with almost furious despair.

Pressure in the head to the bottom of the brain increased by pressure or contact of the hair and accompanied by complete loss of energy.


Location: Over right eye. Temples, Upper part of head.

Character of pain; Tearing, contracting.

Aggravation : In persons with derangements of womb, ovaries, testicles, or sexual organs in general; in persons given to sexual excesses or in un-married persons suffering from nervous debility; motion; evening; reading; close damp room.

Amelioration: Looking at one point.

Symptoms: Probably most suitable to headache of persons with derangement of womb, ovaries testicles or sexual organs in general.

Headache of persons given to sexual excesses or subject to seminal emissions or of unmarried persons suffering from nervous debility.

Tearing pains above the right eye and temples as if one had received a blow upon the eye, attended with soreness of touch, worse, motion and in evening.

Melancholia and hypochondriac mood, keeps repeating that she will die.

Contracting headache from reading.

Pain upper part of head as from staying in a close damp room, better by looking at one point.

Contracting headache from sexual debility after excesses, better looking at one point.


Type : Periodical.

Location : Brain, Forehead, Right side of forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. Left side of head. Temples. Right temple.

Character of pain : Boring, pressing, pressing asunder, pressing inward, pressing outward, sore, bruised, stitching, pulsating, throbbing, beating.

Extension ; To back, forehead.

Aggravation : Heat; every footstep; winter; after stool, on closing eyes, while constipated ; from becoming heated; light; during menses; motion; stepping heavily; stooping; walking; warm room.

Amelioration: Partial closing of the eyelids; cold applications; after complete stool; on closing eyes; after eating; washing with cold water.

Attending Symptoms : Heaviness of eyes.


Alternating with lumbago.

Hair falls out or gets gray in patches.

Symptoms : Headache across forehead with heaviness of eyes and nausea with feeling as if a weight were pressing eyelids down, better from partial closing of the eyelids, from cold application, worse from heat.

Headache alternating with lumbago.

Stitches in temples worse by every footstep.

Headache from insufficient defecation with abdominal pains rendering him unfit for mental labour, with perfect relief from complete stool.

Headaches worse in winter, and diarrhoea in summer.

Headache after stool. Dull pressive pain worse from heat.


Type : Menstrual. Catarrhal. Periodical.

Location : Brain. Forehead. Over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Both sides. Right side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain : Boring, burning, bursting, cutting, darting, stabbing, drawing , dull, jerking, lancinating, pressing, shooting, sore bruised, stitching, tearing, pinching, beating, throbbing, cramping.

Cause : Constipation; chronic catarrhal flow.

Aggravation : Morning; morning in bed; morning on waking; forenoon; noon; afternoon; evening; night; night in bed; open air; ascending steps; going to bed; while constipated; after eating; pressure of heat; 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. ; looking downward; lying on right side, before menses; suppressed menses; on moving head; every other day; after excessive pollutions, sitting; after sleep; from spirituous liquors; standing; stepping heavily; stooping; touch; walking; walking in open air; coughing; warm room.

Amelioration: Lying down; when the menstrual flow begins; by food; standing.

Attending Symptoms: Constipation.


Falling of hair.

Chronic catarrh of head.

Persons of scrofulous habit who suffer from chronic diseases.

Paleness of the countenance and languor,

Inclination to vomit.

Symptoms: Headache from constipation; from chronic catarrh of head; better by lying quiet in bed, resting head upon a cushion.

Pale languid face.

Pain in vertex, worse on sitting, burning pain in head with vertigo, worse in morning but relieved by food.

Throbbing headache with constipation.

N.B. Alumen : Headache better drinking cold water. Burning pain and weight in vertex better ice cold clothes pressed on the part.

Burning pain as of weight on the top of the head better by pressure of the hands.

Headache worse on closing eyes.

Location : Forehead. Occiput. Over eyes. Vertex. Temples.

Character of pain : Boring, burning, pressing, shooting, sore, bruised, wandering.


Type : Catarrhal. Periodical.

Location : Forehead. over eyes. Occiput. One side of head. Left side of head. Temples. Vertex.

Character of pain : Cramping, cutting, stabbing, drawing, lancinating, pressing, shooting, tearing.

Extension : From nape of neck through head towards forehead.

Aggravation : Morning, evening; night; night on waking; coughing; with diarrhoea; after eating; lifting; lying; mental exertion; motion; every other day; after sleep; night watching; stepping heavily; nocturnal debauch; every two days; blowing nose; music.

Amelioration : Open air; lying; walking in open air.

Attending Symptoms : Fear of becoming crazy.

Paleness of face.

Coldness of left hand.

Mental depression.

Hearing impaired.

Hair falls out.

Burning in eyes.

Symptoms : Pressure in forehead with fear of becoming crazy.

Extremely painful tearing on top of head and apparently on the whole upper part of brain with paleness of the face and coldness of the left hand.

Pressive drawing ascending from the nape of the neck and extending through the head towards the forehead, considerable oppression remaining in the lower part of the occiput.

N C Das
N C Das