Editorial – Homoeopathic Method Of Examination

19. Expectoration – its colour; taste; smell; quantity; character, stringy or sticky, frothy, bloody, or blood.

20. Breathing – Fast, difficult, on ascending or descending, lying on any particular position.

21. Palpitation – Worse after eating, exertion, emotion, etc. better by rest or motion etc.

22. Appetite: Lack of; or excess of; at 11 A.M.

23. Thirst: Marked or absent; for cold water or for hot water, vomits after drinking: with moist mouth: with dry mouth: with aversion to water: with ability to drink only a little at a time.

24. Cravings: for cold food; hot food; cold drinks; hot drinks; sour things; sugar; salt: sweets; meat; fish; bread; eggs; milk; butter, etc.

25. Aversion to: Meat, fish, milk, sweets, eggs, butter bread, salt, hot food, cold food, acid things liquids, solids, etc.

26. Stool: its colour, (Black, white, yellow clay-coloured) quantity, scanty or much; watery, soft, liquid or thin, hard, entire stool hard, first part hard, remaining portion soft, thin or watery. First part thin, last part hard. Very offensive: acrid; worse after food or drink; in noon or night, or morning; painful; painless; stool relieves pain; stool does not relieve pain; stool followed by long-continued pain; diarrhoea after spoiled food or meat or after decomposed meat or after watery fruits, or dirty water or due to suppressions or burns etc.

27. Urine – its colour, quantity, smell, frequency, hot or cold, sugar, sediment, etc. frothy, divided stream.

28. Sweat – smell-colour, location, time, relieves discomfort, increases troubles. Sweat of palms, armpits, soles, feet. head, local sweats, acrid sweat, fetid sweat, want of sweat, suppressed sweat.

29. Menses: colour, quantity, offensive, regular, irregular, scanty, profuse, prolonged, absent, suppressed, clotted, thick or thin blood, etc.

30. Leucorrhoea, white, yellow, greenish sticky, stringy, fetid, acrid, time of flow, suppressed, hot or cold. Instead of menses, during pregnancy.

31. Warts – Location, nose, face, forehead, head, back, fingers, hands etc. appearance, character, itching, bleeding, painful, isolated fleshy, smooth hard, soft, red etc.

32. Condylomata – location, character, colour – painful, painless etc.

33. Hairs, falling off, brittle, oily etc.

34. Nails – white spots, cracked, brittle, irregular etc.

35. Mind – irritability – cheerfulness – weeping mood – changeable. Hopeful, hopeless. Fear of death, fear of crowd, etc.

36. Sexual life : Impotency – excessive desire, want of erection, erection, erection when at stool or when urinating or when sleeping etc. Semen thin, thick, bloody, fetid, easy and quick discharge, discharges late or discharge fails, etc. Disappointed love, unsatisfied desire.

37. Dreams : of snake, of death, of fire, of water, dreadful dreams, pleasant dreams, dreams of exertion, dreams of falling from a height.

38. Sleep- sound or poor or disturbed, catnaps; sleeps lying on back; with hands over head; on sides; or on knee-chest position; walks while asleep, talks while asleep, grinding of teeth or chewing during sleep; starting during sleep. Worse during sleep, better after sleep.

39. Lying : on back; on right side; on left side; on abdomen; lying aggravates or ameliorates. Cannot lie on left side or right side or on back or on abdomen. Always takes knee-chest position during sleep.

40. Fever: its time, aggravation, amelioration, causes of fever, fever after abuse of drugs – history of injury.

41. Inflammations: Effects of heat, effect of cold. Pain or burning; redness or blackness about it; hard; soft; sensitive to touch; can bear touch. Time of aggravation, time of amelioration, discharges, thin, thick, black red, bloody, fetid, bland, acrid etc.

42. Aggravation and Amelioration.

43. Pain – its location, character – extension, aggravation and amelioration, effects of heat and cold. Suddenly comes and suddenly disappears, comes suddenly but disappears slowly, comes slowly but disappears suddenly. Better by heat, worse by cold, better by cold or worse by heat. Worse in winter better in summer. Worse in damp weather, etc.

N C Das
N C Das