The patient, when not unconscious, was hardly able to give an account of herself, so a prescription was a leap in the dark, rather than a differentiation of remedies. There I stood, to stand or fall, and there wavered homoeopathy, to win or lose, depending upon the choice of remedy a pregnant moment, indeed.

The patient, a young married woman, the mother of two children, had now a third well on the way. This pregnancy was deemed inadvisable and the obstetrician, for tenable reasons, felt justified in inducing abortion. The operation was performed at one of our private hospitals. Severe haemorrhage followed. Further operating was resorted to and other means were employed to check the loss of blood, but nothing had stopped it and the patients life was ebbing.

As I was the family physician, I was now asked to see the patient at once and to consult with the obstetrician. He said that he had exhausted his resources unless he did another curettage, which he dared not hazard on of account of the patients precarious condition. If there was any help from homoeopathy, he would gladly welcome it.

The patient, when not unconscious, was hardly able to give an account of herself, so a prescription was a leap in the dark, rather than a differentiation of remedies. There I stood, to stand or fall, and there wavered homoeopathy, to win or lose, depending upon the choice of remedy a pregnant moment, indeed.

A dose of Cinchona off. 5M. was given. The flow soon lessened and in half an hour had entirely ceased. It did not recur and the patient made a speedy recovery.

So, instead of a gravestone for the woman, another tablet was placed to the genius of Samuel Hahnemann!.

Lawrence M. Stanton