The CHAIRMAN said No, that this symptom came into many drugs.

Dr. Paterson said that there was one drug it was mentioned in Clarke for an attempt to jump from a window, Sulphur. He had had cases which worked out to Sulphur.

The CHAIRMAN said that even the “methods” of committing suicide were listed under different drugs; one had to differentiate.

Dr. GHAI mentioned a case of disseminated sclerosis in which the patient tried to burn herself and despaired of recovery and did not want to live. He gave her Selenium 10. The fear of insanity went away, but the other symptoms were still there. A week later he gave Aurum 10, and since then she did not want to commit suicide, but did not want to live. Eventually he consulted Sir John Weir, and he suggested Psorinum, and he gave her a dose of Psorinum 200, and all the symptoms disappeared. Aurum helped her some of the way but not all.

Dr. QUINTON asked whether Dr. Fergie Woods had found Aurum of great use in the case of the depressed, irritable man with stiff arteries and a high blood pressure, and usually before the full action could be completed that he had to give Lueticum.

Dr. FERGIE WOODS replied that he did not think that necessarily Lueticum had to follow Aurum, or was necessary to complete its action. It happened that in one or two of his cases he gave Lueticum chiefly because he had given Lycopodium with a certain amount of success, and it had ceased acting. He found that Lueticum followed Lycopodium. He had not classed Aurum patients amongst those with high blood pressure or hardened arteries, but one or two of the cases he mentioned had symptoms of coronary trouble, and he thought that it was likely to be a valuable remedy in cases of coronary or other atheroma if the patient were an Aurum patient.

The CHAIRMAN said that he hoped the members in future meetings would continue to talk about their cases. The discussion had been most useful and had brought out the kind of personal contributions they all wanted.

The British Homoeopathic Journal, Vol. XXXVII., No. 2.

Harold Fergie Woods