Its heart was going bad. The child would flush up and get very red at times, and it seemed to have spells of smothering at times. It is that case where you cant recommend a dose of Sulphur. Thinking that I had a remedy here that contained more than Sulphur, I gave Morgan on a staphylococcus, and I had a most positive result. Inside of twenty-four hours I had reduced sweat, the temperature dropped, I think, from 105 down to 99, and there was an uneventful recovery. I have had that happen in two or three cases f bronchial pneumonia at the hospital, two cases last winter and one case about three years ago.

DR. GREEN: Dr. Campbell, of Toronto, told me about Morgan being used in asthma, and I was telling him about an extreme case that I had watched from the time the child was less then a year old up until the time he was about sixteen. Although many remedies would held it, nothing could cure those attacks from recurring and recurring.

I haven’t finished it yet, because once in a while he will have an asthmatic attack, but whereas they sometimes lasted for three months, now, under this remedy, they last less than ten days, and once only three days, and the health of the patient, that is, his vitality, would come back much more promptly after receiving this remedy. He is able to go to school and keep up with his classes, whereas he wasnt able to before. I think he is now seventeen or eighteen years old.

DR. BOND: Is this the same remedy as Bacillus Mutabile?

DR. GRIGGS: It is not. Mutabile is an entirely different bacillus. It is one of the Bachs nosodes. Mutabile, while we are on the subject, is the one nosode that I have helped asthma with. That is the best nosode I have ever used in asthma.

DR. BOND: What potency?

DR. GRIGGS: The 30th and 1M. Mutable helps these old chronic cases very much, after you have been running along with the indicated remedy.

DR. ALFRED PULFORD: I would like to ask Dr. Griggs if there are any definite indications whereby another, like myself, may use these bacilli.

DR. GRIGGS: Doctor, I am living in an atmosphere at home where I must do things on what is called the modern science basis. Therefore, I have checked up the stools in the laboratory. I have found that these children were suffering with a Morgan infection or a Gaertner infection, and I have taken the symptoms that these children have produced when I found this, and I treating them as good clinical symptoms. I really wasnt in a position to have them properly narrated today, but I am going to write an article and send it to Dr. Smith on my collective symptoms.

DR. PULFORD: Are you going to prove them?

DR. GRIGGS : I am doing that now.

DR. HURD : I happened to be in Europe in 1927 at the International Homoeopathic Congress when Dr. Dishington was the first one to introduce these bacilli at the Congress, and we were very much interested in it at that time. After he died. Dr. John Paterson took up the work and in 1936 he had developed that considerably along the lines of getting symptoms, and so forth, but I can verify in my own experience the action of the Morgan bacillus in cases of eczema, I have seen some very remarkable results with Sulphur and some of those remedies.

I have also verified the action of Gaertner in some very intractable rheumatic cases where some of our remedies like Rhus and remedies of that nature have not acted so well, I havent gotten results. On a basis as we all do once in a while, I have given Gaertner with some beneficial results. I think Dr. Hubbard can give some more information, too, because she was at the Congress when I was.

DR. WOODBURY: Perhaps Dr. Hayes will tell us about some of his experience which he has published in regard to Morgan.

Dr. HAYES: I remember only one case- and I dont remember that well–where I gave Morgan, and there was considerable relief. I dont remember whether it was cured or not. It was a case of asthma.

DR. WOODBURY: One of the Bach nosodes.

DR. HAYES: It was one of them, I think.

DR. GRIGGS: There is very little more I can say. I am still working with them. I have corresponded with and sent my experiences to Dr. Paterson for several years, and he has accepted them, and he has written me several letters. I am enthusiastic over the work, but when one man is doing it, he cant produce very much at a time. They are very valuable, and I have seen some positive results, as I have told you here. Nothing is overcolored in this. I have seen these results. These are simply to help us along to give us a new thought when the old remedies dont always produce positive results.

William B. Griggs