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Hartmann cured two cases with Sepia. Schreter used Sepia 1600c. Successfully for horny warts on neck in three months, while he gave Sepia three doses 1M. for small itching, flat,hard warts on hands and face, and cured them in two months.


12. A hysterical lady, in addition to many other complaints, also had horny warts on fingers, like corns, which were cured by Sulphur. (Rueckert).


a. Its indications in warts are: broad base and conical form; superficial on skin; fissured, with rough tops, and other kinds of warts with Thuja characteristics, resulting from chronic gonorrhoeal infection and appearing in different parts of body. (Mayerhofer).

b. That warts on hands have a sycotic-psoric cause seems to be evidenced by the results obtained, that they are common in masturbators, and are frequently cured by Thuja, Nitric acid and Sulphur, which also cured the bad habit. (Schindler).

13. Boy of 14, scrofulous, had 20-25 warts on right hand, some horny like corns, others less so, but some with rough tops, some smooth and small. He also had a pale-red herpetic spot with scales on dorsum of right forearm near wrist. Thuja 1c. five drops given daily for internal use, and Thuja water-diluted- tincture as local application to soften the warts. After six weeks all warts had disappeared. During the Thuja treatment several proving symptoms showed up.

14. Girl of 14. dark hair and eyes, has not yet menstruated, has not yet menstruated, has 30-40 warts on hands of various sizes. The tops of the smaller ones were smooth, almost translucent, the larger warts were rough, punctated, cauliflower-like. Thuja was used as in 13, but irregular application gave unsatisfactory results. Half of the warts disappeared, and the remaining ones became flat and smaller, but not all were cured. The healing took place in two forms; in horny warts the subcutaneous cellular tissue became inflamed and an abscess formed which caused the overlying skin and wart to die. The small, smooth and soft warts became flat and disappeared by desquamation of the two concentrical, superimposed epidermic layers, without leaving a mark.

15. Frank himself suffered from a kind of wart in left nostril which bled easily when picked, and then was covered with a crust. Thuja tincture was applied several times, and the thing was cured.

16. A horse had a wart on head and muzzle for many years, was cured in three weeks by Thuja 2c. two drops, later Thuja 15 twenty drops.


1. Girl of 14 had eczema impetiginosum of the head, later herpes; for some years suffered from headache and nosebleed; not yet menstruated. For six months has had a red spot on septum of nose, growing daily, bleeding from pressure which could not easily be stopped till it ceased on its own account, which was followed by some watery, ichorous discharge. A swelling developed of pea size which grew upward and was soft, covered by many small blood vessels. Aside from this the girl was healthy. Sulphur 30c. was given, and no more bleeding took place; the swelling dried up. (Rueckert).

2. Woman 18 had suffered frequently from inflamed throat with ulceration; patient was plethoric, but had scanty menses. On her left cheek a vessel proliferation developed. A complicating vesicular erysipelas indicated Rhus 30c., and in four days erysipelas and cheek condition were cured. (Wurda).

3. After rheumatic pains H. developed a steadily growing swelling between strand of the right pectoral muscle which interfered with the use of the arm. Allopathic treatment with Mercury and Iodum had not helped. There was a tense cystic tumor of hens egg size, probably filled with serous or colloid fluid. Calcarea carbonica 500c. was given every three days, which in eight days diminished the pain and swelling. The remedy was continued and cured completely and lastingly in a mouth. (Pemerl).

4. A similar swelling on elbow in a man was cured in two weeks by Calcarea carbonica 30c.

5. Small cystic tumors from pea-size to that of a hazelnut, as often seen on the wrist tendons of women, were resorbed by Calcarea 30c. in one or two weeks.

6. Woman of 23 had a painful, hard, movable cyst which quickly grew to goose-egg size on left upper arm. In ten days it was well reduced by Clematis 6c. and cured by Silicea. (Ohlhauth).

7. Man of 34, tall, pale, slightly bloated, has suffered for two years from tumor containing cheesy masses when excised. He works on mirrors and sleeps in a cellar room filled with quick-silver fumes. Has had scabies twice. Sulphur, Silicea and other remedies were given without result. Hepar sulphuris caused suppuration, but more tumors developed.

Symptoms: The first tumor developed over first dorsal vertebra, another on spine of scapula. They are red and purple, about two inches in diameter, at base slightly constricted, usually pain- less, except when lying on back nights, which caused pain like from a contusion, or burning, but are painless after arising.

Patient has no other subjective symptoms, but is always thirsty. Thuja 15c. was given daily, and in five weeks all tumors had disappeared, the covering skin was fallen in, withered, wrinkly. Thuja 30c. was given once, and in six months no other tumors had developed. (Guyerard).

Journal of the Ame. Inst. of Homoeo. Vol. 39 No. 10.
