Kali nitricum has produced conditions simulating sinus trouble on the right side of the face with sense of pressure and hypersensitiveness to touch. The Aranea diadema patient has a sensation as if the hands and forearms were intensely swollen and heavy, and he will rise from his bed and get a light to see what happened to them.

Dioscorea has wind colic, ameliorated by stretching out: Veratrum album has colic ameliorated by bending double, always accompanied with cold sweat.

Ranking high among the group of remedies having the symptoms, nausea from thinking of food, are Arsenicum, Cocculus, Colchicum, Sepia, Thuja.

In the erysipelas of old people, with a tendency to gangrenous conditions, consider Ammonium carb.

It has been pointed out that Ledum is just as appropriate to the remote as to the recent effects of punctured wounds.

Dark speck on the teeth; teeth begin to decay as soon as they appear, Kreosotum.

Gums bleed after extraction of teeth; Kreosotum, Lachesis, Pulsatilla.

Kali mur. has a sensation as if the eyes would be forced out of the head when coughing.

Ignatia is useful in the delayed menstrual periods of girls away at school.

The Staphisagria child with his decayed and blackened teeth has chronic tendency to colic.

In erysipelas of the joints, where there is sudden recession of the eruption, bear in mind Bryonia.

Think of Ledum in traumatic tetanus where the wound becomes as cold as ice and spasms begin in the wound.

Kali nitricum has produced conditions simulating sinus trouble on the right side of the face with sense of pressure and hypersensitiveness to touch.

The Aranea diadema patient has a sensation as if the hands and forearms were intensely swollen and heavy, and he will rise from his bed and get a light to see what happened to them.

There is a marked amaurosis (with little dilation of the pupils) in Bothrops lan.; the patient cannot see after sunrise.

Crotalus hor. imagines himself surrounded by enemies: Lachesis fears an enemy behind him.

If you have a patient who has a horror of rain study Elaps.

Ambra grisea is wonderfully well adapted to old people, and young people prematurely old, especially after worries and much care.

H.A. Roberts
Dr. H.A.Roberts (1868-1950) attended New York Homoeopathic Medical College and set up practrice in Brattleboro of Vermont (U.S.). He eventually moved to Connecticut where he practiced almost 50 years. Elected president of the Connecticut Homoeopathic Medical Society and subsequently President of The International Hahnemannian Association. His writings include Sensation As If and The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy.