Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Reports have reached us of the early outbreak of malaria in many of the villages in the mofussil districts and the children, particularly among the evacuees, long accustomed to the amenities of city life, have caught the infection. No assistance has been rendered by the Government, so far as we are aware, to the municipalities or the union Boards where these exist, to enable them to take adequate sanitary precautions, including the supply of pure drinking water.


In the intense anxiety condition of pathological anxiety, it is natural therefore that both the time and space sense become stretched when nothing interests the patient. The disease may come to a standstill at this stage and after a few weeks or months, a gradual adjustment of the mind begins to take place as a result of treatment and the patient shows signs of improvement. If left to itself, the disease may develop further and may show certain extraordinary changes in its development.


This discovery promoted by the development of psycho- pathology, that emotions can be a cause of organic pathology may be of far greater importance than we still are inclined to believe. The research in the field of psychosomatic medicine is in its initial stage and the more we learn the more we become aware of the important role emotions play in the pathogenesis of many diseases.


Weakness in sacral and lumbar regions. Pain in lumbar region; and anteriorly in thighs, in muscles, worse motion, extending down legs. Sharp pain in region of coccyx. Rheumatic pain in joints. Lame sensation i shoulders. Heaviness of arms and legs on exertion, worse legs. Locomotor ataxia. The pains referable to spinal cord are strongly marked. Any attempt to study causes burning pain along spine, with great weakness of back and legs.


Complaints are not unfrequently made that the homoeopathic materia medica is too vast for practical utility; that the schematised list of symptoms are unprofitable, if not impossible reading. I do not think so. Indeed, I think that the test of a genuine homoeopath might not unfairly be said to life in his capacity to read through a Schema with both profit and enjoyment because of the possibilities it reveals of dealing with cases occurring every day in practice.


In dealing with any behaviour problems in childhood it must always be decided if the behaviour under consideration is not natural for that particular age. Children of 3 or 4 years are often accused of lying, whereas it is often the result of their particular way of thinking at that time and their inability to understand what they see, or their wrong interpretation of reality due to their lack of experience.


Hyperaesthesia from chest down to both legs, left side more marked; pain exaggerated, no delay to sensation. Temperature; response to cold quicker than heat, heat delayed outside both legs; burning sensation both shoulders, left side chest and left arm; no girdle sensation. Motor: walk jerky, slightly ataxic, Rombergs sign some-what present; fair power in limbs, Reflexes: Superficial present, deep, lost entirely at ankle and knee.


That rolls ceaseless on unyielding axle of time; Prince or peasant, all sink to its feel, It rules supreme through age and clime. He did conquer death by living to heal the ill. As when he was born, he breathes on us still. The 187th, birth anniversary of Samuel Hahnemann was celebrated by the following institutions, on the 10th. April, 1942 :. The Bengal Homoeopathic Institute, 84-3A, Bowbazar Street, Calcutta.