A repetition of the remedy in the cm, a single dose, about a week later, removed all cardiac pain and permitted the woman to lie upon the left side with entire comfort. The cardiac action has since become much quieter and stronger. The murmur is, of course, unchanged. Remedies most likely to be compared with Amm. carb. in similar conditions are Arsenicum alb., Carbo veg., Kali iod.

This remedy is often neglected in the treatment of serious pulmonary and cardiac diseases. In a case of chronic valvular disease, with reduplication and a mitral regurgitant murmur, gradually failing compensation resulted in a marked oedema at the base of the lungs. Auscultation revealed moist bubbling rales in abundance. The cough was rattling, with expectoration of white, at time bloody, frothy, tenacious mucus. The cardiac action was very irregular, with violent and visible pulsation over the entire cardiac area, with jerking of the left arm.

Face and lips cyanotic. Pain about the breast, with entire inability to lie upon the left side. The temperature varied from subnormal to slightly above the normal. Infusion of digitalis had been given without result; quite naturally, since the case was not a digitalis case. The pulse was irregular, weak and rapid. Three doses of Ammonium carb. 200, at intervals of two hours, brought quick relief and gradual improvement.

A repetition of the remedy in the cm, a single dose, about a week later, removed all cardiac pain and permitted the woman to lie upon the left side with entire comfort. The cardiac action has since become much quieter and stronger. The murmur is, of course, unchanged. Remedies most likely to be compared with Amm. carb. in similar conditions are Arsenicum alb., Carbo veg., Kali iod. (greenish soap-suds like expectoration) and Antimonium tart. (inability to raise the sputum with gradually diminishing cough, symptoms of carbon dioxide poisoning and collapse).

In a case of asphyxiation from illuminating gas adrenalin, hypodermically, had apparently done nothing. A high saline enema had been given, and oxygen was constantly administered. The woman was decidedly cyanotic, totally unconscious, pulse very feeble, and a rattling cough was present.

Gas cases usually die of pulmonary oedema or pneumonia. Ammonium carb. 200 was given to this case, teaspoonful doses of a watery solution being gently poured into the mouth. In about two hours the patient became conscious, the lungs rapidly cleared up, and the case was discharged from the hospital the next day. The case is of interest, although it is difficult to decide just how much credit should be given to the oxygen or to the remedy.


The following symptoms of Cannabis sativa have been verified in three case of bronchitis, two of them recent. Burning and rawness under upper third of sternum, with a sensation of constriction or tightness in the same locality. Dry, hard, painful cough, with little or no expectoration, excited by tickling in the trachea at the level of the suprasternal fossa. Voice slightly hoarse. Physical examination of the chest detects sibilant and sonorous rales. Respiration wheezing. No change in the percussion note. Later thick yellow expectoration, with general amelioration.

Given in the 200th potency this remedy has brought prompt relief. Repetition at three hour intervals for twenty four hours seems desirable. Phosphorus seems to be the nearest analogue, and may be mistaken. Reference to Allens Encyclopaedia, the Guiding symptoms and Clarks Dictionary of materia Medica is of interest.

R F Rabe