Arnica 3x is able to absorb blood extravasations. During attack it may be alternated with or followed by Belladonna especially in fullblooded persons. It is also valuable when paralysis follows, but must be given for a long time in higher potency.
Belladonna 4x to 6x: Face very red; conjunctivitis; brilliant eyes; pupils dilated. Illusions and hallucinations.
China 3x: Patients is weak and exhausted, anemic, has congestions to brain. In similar conditions of the aged where all organic functions are weakened Arsenicum 5x and higher is helpful, but must follow other indicated remedies.
Coffea 3x to 6x has emotions followed by intense sensory irritability and insomnia.
Gelsemium 4x to 6x when apoplexy is due to nervous exhaustion. Paralysis of upper eyelids with speech interference and dark-red face. Motion of eyes is painful.
Glonoinum 6x : Brain congestion (in patients who have had slight attacks), with pulsating temporal arteries and vertigo. Sensation as if brain were flapping loosely around, worse from shaking head.
Hyoscyamus 3x to 6x is indicated in apoplexy where patient cries out when falling, with twitching, followed by snoring, and rattling in throat.
Nux vomica 4x and higher is indicated in apoplexy of drinkers, after errors in diet; haemorrhoids. The attack is often preceded by headache and head noises. Paralysis in organs of deglutition; lower extremities are cold and numb.
Opium 4x to 6x has deeply red face, deep sleep in which even loud noises do not disturb; loud snoring, and upon awakening beclouded sensorium with usually dilated pupils. Before attack : vertigo, insomnia, agitated circulation and general heat.
Phosphorus 6x and higher : in lung edema; overcomes quickest brain congestion, thus preventing renewed cerebral haemorrhage.
Tartarus emeticus 4x to 6x: Patient is unconscious, has rattling respiration with danger of asphyxiation. It also can absorb smaller haemorrhages.
For remaining paralyses :.
Causticum 6x and higher: paralysis of muscles of extremities and face; patient gropes for the right words.
Cuprum metallicum 6x and higher: Stiffness of crooked joints which can not be bent. Choreic jerking.
Plumbum metallicum 6x and higher: Similar to Cuprum, only the muscle atrophy of the afflicted side is more pronounced.
Zincum metallicum 6x and higher: is indicated when Cuprum seems to be insufficient. Prominent indications are: formication, worse from rubbing and pressure; trembling vibration all through body.