Uterine haemorrhage and haemorrhages in Typhoid fever, presenting these characters will find their remedy in Lachesis. Whenever a local affection assumes a malignant character and from thence proceed blood-poisoning and prostration of the nervous energies, Lachesis is indicated, e.g., Traumatic Gangrene, Carbuncle, Malignant Erysipelas, Putrid Sore Throat, etc.

The use of all serpent poisons for any septicaemic state ought to be frequently suggested. Just as poisonous doses of serpent poisons lower coagulability (causing haemorrhage and extravasation of blood) and diminish resistance to septic invasion, so medicinal doses heighten resistance and enable the body to combat sepsis. No remedies surpass the serpent poisons for helping profound systemic bacterial poisoning. Arsenic, Carbon, Nitric acid compete with them, but the first two present the general symptom of aggravation from cold, and Nitric acid, like Mercurius, affects most those to whom both extremes (heat and cold) are unpleasant.

The serpent poisons, ( on the other hand, find their subjects most readily among those to whom cold is pleasing and heat distressing. Such diseases as Bubonic Plague would in general suggest to the Homoeopath, the use of Lachesis or one of its congeners, and symptoms calling for one of these remedies are likely to present themselves in the grave cases of many acute diseases, e.g. Enteric, Pneumonia, etc.

Lachesis is a great enemy of all constrictions. It is a common remedy at the menstrual period– a remedy for climacteric period, specially in women who have exhausted themselves by repeated pregnancies (the peculiar flashes, hot vertex; metrorrhagia; fainting). Eminently on Ovarian remedy, specially when the left one is affected. In Dysmenorrhoea, when there was headache preceding the trouble, but relieved as soon as the flow was established. It may be used in Puerperal Metritis, specially when the local discharge is fetid. The haemorrhages of Lachesis have this peculiarity– they contain flakes of decomposed blood looking like charred wheat straw.

Uterine haemorrhage and haemorrhages in Typhoid fever, presenting these characters will find their remedy in Lachesis. Whenever a local affection assumes a malignant character and from thence proceed blood-poisoning and prostration of the nervous energies, Lachesis is indicated, e.g., Traumatic Gangrene, Carbuncle, Malignant Erysipelas, Putrid Sore Throat, etc. Invaluable remedy in Typhoid and in fact in all diseases of a Typhoid type. Lachesis has cured far advanced and apparently hopeless cases of Croup, indicated particularly by very distressing aggravation after sleeping.

There is no remedy so often effective in breaking up an attack of Quinsy at its inception or in promoting resolution in the later stage. A most valuable remedy in Malignant Diphtheria, and malignant ulcer of the throat, the fauces and pharynx presenting a purplish appearance. Lachesis is one of the best remedies for sore throat and sore mouth in the last stage of Consumption. Useful in Delirium Tremens– trembling of hands and nervous weakness of drunkards. In Apoplectic paralysis of the left side and paralysis of tongue after Apoplexy, JOUSSET considers it to be the principal remedy in Nervous Deafness.

It is particularly useful for affections of the Optic Nerve, and Retina with consequent dimness of vision. It is one of the leading remedies for dimsight–evidence of heart disease, and vertigo. It is a great remedy for Jaundice and valuable for the inflammation of Liver, threatening to develop an abscess. Lachesis is considered as a valuable remedy in Gastritis of drunkards. FARRINGTON says that Lachesis follows Belladonna, when, specially in children, with inflammatory diarrhoea, constipation suddenly sets in with abdominal swelling and tenderness, particularly at one spot, or if suppuration ensues and Mercurius fails or again if gangrene threatens.

It can cure Fistula-in-ano, haemorrhoids with a sensation of beating little hammers in the anus. Seeing that these poisons kill through their action on the nerve mechanism of the heart, it is no wonder why we prize them for the relief of certain cases of Morbus Cordis wherein the mechanism of the heart, it is no wonder why we prize them for the relief of certain cases of Morbus Cordis wherein the mechanism is affected. Palpitation with fainting, cramp-like pains and dyspnoea, quickened and irregular pulse, sense of constriction and intolerance of the least pressure–these are of the most prominent symptoms that suggest it.

It will help functional as well as organic disease if the symptoms correspond. Malignant Endocarditis, on symptomatic grounds call for it frequently. It is often called for in Rheumatism of the heart and Cyanosis Neonatorum.

Crotalus Horridus is a remedy for Haemorrhages and Haemorrhagic diathesis. It causes bleeding from all the orifices of the body, even from the pores of the skin. It has been used with great success in the treatment of Yellow Fever and also as a prophylactic against it. It is useful in low, malignant fevers, malignant inflammations, septic and adynamic conditions, Erysipelas, Gangrenous tendency and Diphtheria. It is useful in Plague and should be thought of in bad effects of vaccination. HERING considers it to be useful in muttering delirium of Typhoid-delirium with open eyes, Delirium Tremens, nearly constant drowsiness, but with inability to sleep.

Think of it in epistaxis specially during Diphtheria. Ozaena of a syphilitic origin or following exanthemata are relieved by it. One of our best remedies for Albuminuria in the course of Typhoid fever and Diphtheria. When there is dysenteric discharges and dark fluid blood; involuntary; great debility and faintness give Crotalus a chance.

Naja Tripudians is useful for nervous palpitations and faintness; frequent sensation of swelling or “choking” in the throat with dyspnoea and occasionally of anaesthesia down the right side. It is very useful for restoring a heart damaged by acute inflammations or for relief of sufferings of chronic hypertrophy and valvular lesion. Rheumatic Endocarditis. Paralysis heart, following Diphtheria. Periodic neuralgia, sick headache. Ovarian neuralgia. Plague.

Enough has already been said to prove that the serpent poisons in the hands of Homoeopaths have been relieving in the distress of the people for about a century and old school are only dimly looking at their therapeutic value, inspite of all their ingenious devices, experiments and so-called scientific methods. Apparently hopeless cases of Gangrene, Septicaemia, Erysipelas have very smoothly been cured by potentized serpent poisons when even all sorts of injections–which are both terror and trouble to the patients and a heavy drain on their purse– have failed.

Long long back Homoeopaths found a remedial agent in the serpent poisons in the successful treatment of Haemorrhages and Bubonic Plague. Instances after instances may be cited where Homoeopathy has triumphed over the old school and has withstood and can withstand the uniformed and prejudiced criticism of the so-called men of science, who have not even the honest courage to admit their ignorance and fall on knees to the world for having ridiculed a truth of which they knew nothing.

D C Das Gupta