At any rate it would not be farther from truth to say that its action comprises most of the ailments man is heir to. It is the leader of the polycrests and the King of Hahnemanns antipsorics, as Nash has put it, and as such, no wonder that the Homoeopathic physician should, at almost every step, have recourse to Sulphur while treating his cases. One could miss many a drug in the materia medica and yet carry on with his practice, but without Sulphur one could not move. It is second to none in its usefulness in the whole range of materia medica.

Sulphur has such a wide range of action in its pathogenesis, that it looks as if it were a panacea for the ills of mankind. At any rate it would not be farther from truth to say that its action comprises most of the ailments man is heir to. It is the leader of the polycrests and the King of Hahnemanns antipsorics, as Nash has put it, and as such, no wonder that the Homoeopathic physician should, at almost every step, have recourse to Sulphur while treating his cases. One could miss many a drug in the materia medica and yet carry on with his practice, but without Sulphur one could not move. It is second to none in its usefulness in the whole range of materia medica.

Next in order I would place, nux-vomica, arsenic and pulsatilla and others come next. At least that is my experience. I have therefore selected this drug for my paper of to-day. I shall give a few cases from among a large variety of diseases treated and cured with sulphur, spread over all these years. I have used it with success in headaches, swellings or oedemas, dyspepsias, diarrhoeas, fevers, colics, skin diseases, suppurations and boils, septic cases, defective reactions and suppressions, arthritis and hydrarthritis, pleuritis, dry or with effusion, blood pressure, typhoid fever, constipation, vertigo, sinusitis, hysteria, otitis, complaints of the liver, jaundice, backaches, rheumatism,impotence, uterine haemorrhages, etc, etc.

If I could rake up my files, I am sure I could give you a bigger catalogue of diseases to the credit of Sulphur. I wish I could encroach upon your time and give you at least one case for every complaint mentioned, to testify to the glory of Sulphur. But that would be a long, long story. I shall therefore limit myself to giving a few cases only.

Case No. 1.

This case is that of an uncured pleurisy. An adult man, aged 35, complained of bad health with occasional pains of indefinite type in the left side of the chest. He had an attack of double pneumonia, three months back, having started as pleuro- pneumonia on the left side. He was treated with 693 tablets, about 30 in all, besides good many injections and came out of it after 24 days. Before he came to me he had been to a hilly station where he had stayed for 2 months without appreciable improvement in his health. His digestion was poor, he was very costive with lot of flatulence and would not put on weight.

On physical examination his left lung showed dullness at the base with absence of a respiratory murmur, and an occasional and faint rub at a higher level and away from the site of the pain. Pain was noticed on coughing, while walking, by pressure or by lying on the left side and was relieved by heat. The pain was not constant; besides, he got vertigo after a bath. He had aversion for breeze and desire for warm drinks; cold drinks upset him. Thirst, every 2-3 hours. Liked pungent and sweet things.

Though usually very costive, had 2-3 loose stools by noon, for the last three or four days. Differential blood count showed: polymorphonuclears 54 percent, small lymphocytes, 36 percent, large mononuclears, 4 percent, and eosinophiles, 6 percent. Radiogram showed: Thickened pleura with some fluid in the costophrenic angle. Working out with Kents Repertory, Sulphur was found to be the most similar drug.

A dose of sulphur 30 was given to start with. Within four days, pain was considerably less, and gases in the belly also much less; diarrhoea stopped. After 8 days,– gases, nil; pains, nil; appetite, better; stools, normal. On examining after three weeks, air entry in the lungs, was normal; percussion note, resonant; B. P. systolic, which was 118 at the start, was raised to 130.

The patient was under observation with continuation powders for 22 months. He gained weight and made rapid improvement. The same radiologist, on screening now, declared that the lung and diaphragm movements were normal and that there was no fluid. It is a delight to see such a single dose cure.

Case No. 2.

A young lady, medical student, aged 23, had suffered ten years back from typhoid fever. The fever had continued for 21 days and during the latter two weeks of illness had diarrhoea of a severe type with fifty stools a day. For six months thereafter, there was no complaint; but all these ten years, got diarrhoea every ten or fifteen days and lasted for 3-4 days. It was all along controlled with Bismuth and Kaolin mixture and she had, all along, been on diet. A couple of days before the diarrhoea, she used to get stomatitis.

Stools were loose, and hasty; usually five to six stools by noon. Loss of sleep produced diarrhoea; milk also did the same. Sleep usually disturbed after 2 A. M. Felt worse in cold water or wet weather; liked warm weather; and liked to cover up even in warmest weather. In hot weather she perspired on scalp only. By temperament she was mild and weeped easily when cross. Monthly periods, every month, but with severe pains in back, pelvis and thighs, and therefore had to lie down quietly, fomenting all the time. After the fourth day, clots appeared and continued for 3 days; besides this, leucorrhoea was thick, milky and white, for the last five years.

The case was worked out with Kents Repertory, and Sulphur, 30, one dose given. She improved so nicely, that diarrhoea stopped; general health improved, and when she reported to me after two months, menstrual troubles and leucorrhoea had also considerably improved. She reported that she had been able to put in more work within those two months for her final examination than she had ever done within the previous two years.

Case No. 3.

A young girl student, aged 16, lean and tall with fair complexion: stools very costive, often missing same for days ; no appetite nor hunger. Got vertigo on rising in the mornings, specially worse after bathing. Hated working in water. At 9-30 A. M., felt emptiness in chest and was relived by eating or drinking some water. Sleep, good. Got, at times, sudden pains in chest; also sudden vertigo, relived by lying down. One morning, after her bath, had a fit of unconsciousness which lasted for half an hour. It was a warm bath. Sulphur 30 one dose was given. She reached so well, that appetite returned, bowels moved regularly; and no more fits on vertigo, for one year now. Another single dose cure.

Case No. 4.

A young girl, 5 years old. Had fever for 15 days, three months before she was brought to me, leaving paresis of legs; she kept her legs flexed up all the time; very tender and somewhat swollen. Couldnt bear the slightest touch. Whole body warm, but the lower extremities warmer still. Since the fever, her fair colour had changed into dark one. She scratched the skin during sleep. Always woke up from sleep at 4 A. M. Hated covers. No appetite for food; very costive. Took only milk, when forcibly given; though she had an aversion for it. Over and above the continuous heat, now a days, got more rise of temperature every 8th. day. Bathing overhead always gave some rise of temperature.

Sulphur, 30, was given in three doses 2 hours apart. The next day there was aggravation of temperature. From the third day she became quieter, and asked for covers fro the first time after so many months; stools better. On the seventh day, allowed to touch and handle legs; she could extend their fairly and was asking for food. Skin became clean and fair and the child made improvement all round.

On the fifteenth day, however, the lower ends of the femurs appeared swollen. Also swelling and tenderness of the wrists was noticed. Rickets or scurvy? Any way, she was put on vitamin C. tablets and orange juice and within one week much of the swellings had subsided. Sulphur had to be repeated after four weeks, because of constipation. The child made a steady recovery, until after eight weeks she started getting temperature in the afternoons, from noon to 6 P. M., with other things almost normal. A third dose of Sulphur 30 put everything right. The girl regained her fair complexion and ate and drank and moved about like a normal, healthy child.

Case No. 5.

A young boy, aged 22 years. This case shows a constitutional defective reaction removed by Sulphur. He had a swollen left knee, particularly at the external condyle of the femur. It was hot, tender and soft. He couldnt walk or move the joint. Duration 3 months. It was stationary, neither growing nor receding. He was taken from doctor to doctor and then from one hospital to the other where operative treatment was advised. The fear of operation made them bring the boy to me.

He had some temperature for the first three weeks; there was none now. The boy was thirsty; stools, normal; poor appetite; aversion for milk, except mothers. Hated covers; perspired on head, and back and upper extremities only. Pungent food produced diarrhoea. Desired iced water and tried to keep ice on the swollen joint. Had an abscess on the neck, a year back; thereafter he was vaccinated. Since the vaccination, they said, his health had impaired.

R. P. Mayenkar