At any rate it would not be farther from truth to say that its action comprises most of the ailments man is heir to. It is the leader of the polycrests and the King of Hahnemanns antipsorics, as Nash has put it, and as such, no wonder that the Homoeopathic physician should, at almost every step, have recourse to Sulphur while treating his cases. One could miss many a drug in the materia medica and yet carry on with his practice, but without Sulphur one could not move. It is second to none in its usefulness in the whole range of materia medica.


Hahnemann thought this may be the reason that bark is the curative agent for this fever, and he extended his theory to account for the action of drugs in other diseases. In order to do this satisfactorily, he selected a certain number of healthy people to whom he gave a drug and carefully noted its action. This was called proving the drug.

Editorial Esoteric “Faculty”

The plebeian homoeopathic practitioners, as distinct from the medical plutocrats, have been left in the cold shade and have thus been quickened with irresistible curiosity as to the destiny of the much longed-for Faculty. In the meantime pedlars of bogus medical degrees are catering their wares with impunity, humiliating the profession and abashing the State.


In course of time she became so adept that she treated many of patients as successfully as the master himself. Even Hahnemann was surprised with her abilities in this art. Now the Master was enjoying an extremely happy life in company with his second wife who cared for him so tenderly, attended to all his needs and further saw that he was not annoyed mentally or physically by people who flocked round him for one purpose or the other.


This is to a large extent only apparently true, because all upward paths lead to the summit, however devious they may seem to be. No two prescribers will follow exactly the same course in finding the similimum, yet if both the true followers of the law they must finally choose the same remedy.


Indian Homoeopathists have one great reason to be perpetually grateful to Dr. Knerr in giving this country the proud privilege of publishing his renowned Repertory. His was a life of unceasing work, and even when confined to bed he actually prescribed for his patients. And now.


In case taking such works as Boger, Close, Kent, Nashs How to Take the Case and Find the Similimum, Bidwells How to Use the Repertory, Margaret Tylers Repertorizing and How Not to Do It, are of inestimable value. In the study of philosophy one should familiarize himself with all of Hahnemanns works