Consumption and its real cause

So my view is that in treatment of Tuberculosis cases, the physician should always have in mind as how to improve the albumen in the blood of the patient. Each individual case should have. of course, distinct method of treatment but generally, the following course is advisable in the treatment of Tuberculosis.


In my previous articles I tried to elucidate the theory of DR. R.R. GREGG on the etiology of Consumption promulgated some 50 years ago. My long experience extending over 25 years in treatment of Tuberculosis has led me to believe in that theory which is quite in consonance with the Homoeopathic principle and idea of diseases and their treatment.

The theory is; “the cause of Consumption is a loss of albumen from the blood and a consequent disproportion into which such loss must necessarily throw all the other constituents of blood; and the terrible bacillus is nothing but a softening or suppuration of the tubercle, simple rod of fibrin.” Eminent Homoeopathic Physicians like Kent, Burnett, and other notable Homoeopaths did not support the bacteriological origin of Tuberculosis.


I have also shortly dealt with the treatment in my previous article. Traditional treatment of Tuberculosis, viz., change of climate, closed establishment, special diet, movement cure, oxygen treatment, Electricity, Calcium and Gold injection, personal Hygiene, etc., etc., in their individual sphere, will, no doubt, accomplish something towards sure, for each has more or less effect on the activity of cell-life. But we may be able to control and eventually eradicate and cure many phthisical cases by skillful application of the Simillimum and by judicious individualisation of all the aforesaid agents, combined with the correcting of the underlying psoric diathesis.


I am really indebted to DR. GREGG. for his able exposition of the nature and treatment of Consumption and I do appeal to my Homoeopathic brother physicians to follow that great doctor closely in their daily practice in the treatment of Tuberculosis cases. Not only loss of albumen but also deficiency in the formation of albumen in the blood pre-dispose a man to attacks of Tuberculosis.

So my view is that in treatment of Tuberculosis cases, the physician should always have in mind as how to improve the albumen in the blood of the patient. Each individual case should have. of course, distinct method of treatment but generally, the following course is advisable in the treatment of Tuberculosis.

To push albuminous food into the system; to advise for change of climate adaptable to each individual case; judicious selection of Homoeopathic medicines; first, to control the urgent distressing symptoms by acute remedies and then, to treat the constitution by constitutionally indicated remedies. Try to avoid repetition and frequent changes of medicine in your prescription always conscientiously and judiciously select the remedy and closely follow its action. Any medicine selected on pathological and bacteriological basis must result in failure.

S. Pattak