Hpathy Needs Your Help!


Unfortunately, from the very characteristic of sensations, this is not possible. Any pleasurable sensation, if indulged in for too long a time, loses its pleasurable quality and may even become painful. This is one of the properties of sensation and you cannot alter it. You can increase the time but you do so at the expense of the intensity of pleasurable feeling.


This question is within the province of each state to determine, as the question of the health of the citizens comes within the police power granted to each state by the Federal Government. It is interesting to note that Iowa and Michigan have tried such cases in their courts, and that decisions have been handed down in these states that the internal administration of Variolinum in potency was a legal vaccination.


Husband with a history of malignant G.C. urethritis, and G.C. arthritis, she herself with a severe, acrid leucorrhoea, burning during micturition since marriage. Was this a case of sycotic phthisis? Ever since I studied this question I began to suspect that a large percentage of case that we allopaths have until now condemned as suspected T.B., may not have been T.B. at all, but more probably old unresolved pneumonias, sycotic or syphilitic phthisis.


Every human being like every other animal is a product of heredity and environment. A man is born with certain special aptitude either for good or bad. Hereditary tendencies remain latent uptil they find a suitable environment for their development. According to the conditions favourable or unfavourable a child becomes useful or useless, even a dangerous member of the society.

Therapeutic Is A Hindrance

Samuel Hahnemann, Boenninghausen, Lippe, Hering, Allen, Hughes, Dunham and other apostles of true Homoeopathy have not written any “Therapeutic”, because Therapeutics hamper the progress of true Homoeopathy and encourage routine practice. Dr. Kent in the preface to the first edition of his lectures on Homoeopathic materia medica observed: “The Organon, the Symptomatology and a full Repertory must be the constant reference books, if careful Homoeopathic prescribing is to be attained and maintained.”

A Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy

Boericke divides symptoms into basic and determinative classes, the basic being the common, diagnostic and pathologic, and the determinative the subjective, modalities and generals. Boericke, like Dr. Margaret Tyler, in England, advocates the use of certain large general rubrics, such as lack of vital heat, as eliminative symptoms, which some Kentians consider dangerous.