In delayed or suppressed menses Sulphur will follow when Puls. proves ineffective. Also fairly often required in the mornings sickness of pregnancy and during labour when the pains are slow, weak and ineffective ; and also in the after-pains after delivery. “In girls at puberty, milk in the breasts ; a premature establishment of milk.

In non-pregnant woman, milk in the breasts”, (mammary glands affected by Puls. before, during and after pregnancy). Puls. is many times the remedy in simple retained placenta (here competing with Sepia. Sabina, Secale and Caulophyllum Puls is indicated when mechanical irritation. e.g. carrying books, excites flow of milk. The pains in Puls. are accompanied with chilliness. The more severe the pain the harder the chill. Pains come suddenly and leave gradually in the case of Puls.

There are certain remedies indicated in the manner in which the pains appear and disappear, e.g. :- [The Remedies and Modalities of Facial Neuralgia”- J.A.Lathoud- The Journal of the American Institute of Homoeopathy, January, 1937, P.40.- L.D.D.].

(1) Pains appear and disappear suddenly, e.g., Bell., Cactus grand., Mag. Phos., Nitric acid, Rhodium, Sepia, Strychnine.

(2) Pains appear and disappear gradually e.g. Argent nit, Platina, Stannum.

(3) Pains appear suddenly and disappear gradually, e.g. Puls.

(4) Pains appear suddenly but disappear in a variable fashion, e.g. Verbascum.

(5) Pains which appear gradually and disappear in a variable fashion, e.g. Calc. carb., Cinchona, Silicea.

RELATIONS OF PULS :- Kali mur. is its chemical analogue.

(1) Complimentary remedies of Puls. are : Sulphuric acid and Lycopodium, Kali bi., Kali mur., Kali sul., Sep., Silicea., Stann., Zinc.

(2) Its antidotes are : Asaf., Chamomilla, Coffea, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Stann.

(3) Silicea and Kali sulph are the chronic of Puls. in nearly all ailments.

(4) “Follows and is followed by, Kali mur.”.

(5) “Ailments : from abuse of chamomile, quinine, mercury, tea- drinking, sulphur.”.

(6) “One of the best remedies with which to begin the treatment of a chronic case (Calc., Sulph.)”.

(7) “Patients, anaemic and chlorotic, who have taken much Iron, Quinine, Mercury, Tonics even years before.”.

(8) “Follows well : after Kali bi., Lycopodium, Sep., Sil, Sulphur.”.

Now I will describe a few cases treated with Pulsatilla :-.

No.1. A Case of Headache.

About a year back, a young person, aged about 22 years, came to me complaining of headache in both the temporal regions for one week. The pain was better by tightly bandaging the head and cold applications ; there was also slight yellowish discharge from the nose. On questioning further, it was found that the headache was strong desire for drinking cold water ; no other derangement was detected in him.

Puls. 200, one dose, was given on 15th Nov. 1938. Next day his headache was better but he began to complain of severe pain in both his feet. On being questioned he said that the pain in both the feet was his chronic complaint for the last four years. Placebo was given for several days, after which the pain in the feet disappeared and there was no recurrence of the headache nor of the pain in the feet.

No.2. A case of Measles.

A child, about 2 years old, was entrusted to me for treatment in 1936 after a severe rash of measles had appeared on the body. The child had temperature 104, and was drowsy. There was a bland yellow discharge from the nose, eyes and both the ears ; there was no thirst.

Bronchitic signs were present and the voice was slightly changed ; no other symptoms could be obtained from the parents, e.g., time of aggravation of fever etc. Puls. 30, in 3 doses, was given 2 hourly, on the following indications : (1) yellow discharge from the mucous outlets, which was bland, (2) thirstlessness and (3) drowsiness during heat. The next day temperature came down to 100F. and the child was free from drowsiness; on the third day, the temperature dropped down and the disappeared in a weeks time, the child made an uneventful recovery.

No. 3. A Case of Remittent Fever.

On July 24th, 1939, a child aged about four years was seen by me for fever. There was slight cough ; temp. 100F. ; onset of fever, sudden. Child drank about 2-3 teaspoonfuls of water, only once, and had no nutrition after that, not even water; used to cry when covered by warm wraps and refused to be in bed. A day before fever, the child was exposed in bed. A day before fever, the child was exposed to rains ; no other history could be obtained from the parents. Child was very quiet. Thirstlessness, aggravation by warm wraps and exposure to rains were the symptoms to base the prescription. Puls. 30 was prescribed in a single dose.

July, 25th- temperature 99.8F. in the morning. Placebo was prescribed ; in the evening it rose to 100.4F.

July, 26th- 100.8F. in the mornings, Puls. 30 was given again in the evening ; 101F., in the evening.

July, 27th- Child drowsy, temperature 104F. throughout the night.

July, 28th- Temperature 102F. in the morning ; placebo prescribed ; rose to 104F. at night.

July, 29th- Temperature 102F. in the morning ; Puls. 200, one dose, was given. Temperature began to drop down slowly and came to 98.2F. the following morning and did not rise again.

No.4 A Case of Pyelitis (B. Colic).

This was the case of an infant, aged about 6 months. The infant was vaccinated when it was five months old. In Jan. 1936, the infant began get fever about 100F. with few bronchitic signs. It was treated allopathically for the first 2 days, with diaphoretic mixture and euquinine. This had no effect on the fever and the temperature used to go up to 102F., twice in 24 hours, once at 10.30 A.M. The urine, on examination [ Pyelitis is one of the obscure causes of fever in infants and children and even in adults. The essential thing for correct diagnosis is to suspect it and get the urine examined.- L.D.D.] showed albumin and pus. The case was again “taken,” with the following symptoms :-.

1. Agg. of fever at 10.30 A.M. and 1.30 A.M.

2. Drowsiness, during heat.

3. Vomiting, on coughing.

4. No thirst at all.

5. Aversion for milk.

6. Urine, turbid.

7. Urine, albuminous.

8. Urine, offensive.

9. Frequency of urine.

10. Kidney.

Pulsatilla stood very high on repertorization. It was given in the 30th potency, (single dose), on 12th Jan., 1936.

13-1-1936. Temperature dropped to normal, so placebo was given.

18-1-1936. Again the temperature rose. Puls. 30,repeated.

19-1-1936. Temperature, normal.

27-1-1936. Temperature rose again to 102F. Puls. 30, was again repeated.

28-1-1936. Temperature remained the same in the morning.

I thought the dose had no action and committed an error in repeating, Puls 30, on the 28th morning, with the result that there was severe aggravation for three days. Child became more drowsy ; temperature rose to 104F. and inspite of the ice, it remained at 104F., for three days. I waited for three days with great anxiety and then on 1-2-1936 the temperature dropped down and the child was better in every way. Again after a week, the child got fever ; the urine was again examined and founds to contain pus, but this time there was no vomiting on coughing,e.g. the cough was much less. Puls. 200, was prescribed and the temperature dropped down but the child got stomatitis.

I thought of giving the child a deeper acting remedy to prevent the relapse of fever. Sulphur 30. was, therefore, given in one dose and the chronic of Puls. but it did not cover mouth inflammation, hence was not given. I now thought the case would recover, but the temperature rose again on 26-1-1936 to 101F., as usual the urine was turbid and contained pus. Thirst was absent and change of posture aggravated the child. Puls, 200 was given again and the temperature dropped down next evening.

As Sulphur did not take hold of the case and as there were early relapses I changed the deep acting remedy. Silica, 30, was given in one dose on 28-1- 1936, particularly as the trouble had come on after vaccination but the child again and the temperature dropped down after two days. But on 13-3-36, there was pain in the left lower extremity ; a slight movements of the left lower limbs would make the child cry with pain. There was no evidence of acute inflammation nor any cause for pain could be accounted for.

So I consulted Dr. Dhawale. He diagnosed the case as that of scurvy and advised administration of orange juice. This was done and the pain disappeared in about two days time and never recurred again. But the child could not be free from fever ; after a week or so the old symptoms would come up. I therefore went on gradually from 200 to MM of Puls. But the child became very irritable, ; it always desire to be carried by somebody in the house, all the 24 hours ! Would sleep only on Dr. Dhawale.

On his advice, Chamomilla, 30, was given to antidote the effects of Pulsatilla ; and then that symptom disappeared completely ! In 1937 the same child was attacked by measles, in about a weeks time the rash and the other symptoms disappeared under Puls., 30, but the temperature kept on and the following symptoms were noted.

R. P. Patwardhan