Treatment of Hydrocele in Infants by Homoeopathy

Homoeopathic line of treatment is based purely and solely on symptoms. You know how difficult, or say almost impossible to elicit any symptoms from children. Repertories do not help us because of paucity of symptoms. I therefore say that diagnosis on pathological lines has also its own value in Homoeopathic treatment, and should not be ignored.


You all know that my experience is very meagre to speak on Homoeopathy and much less on the treatment of some definite disease by Homoeopathy. Still I made myself bold enough to speak before you in spite of my short-comings simply with a view to stimulate some interest in other brother members.

I have treated up to now only six cases of Hydrocele in infants. No doubt the number is too small to speak with any authority on the subject. But my experience is backed up by those who had greater chances of treating such cases.

The ages of the children varied from a few months to four years. In five cases it was Hydrocele of the testes, but in one it was that of the chord. In some it was on the right side while in others it was on the left. The time required for the absorption of the fluid varied from one week to eight weeks.

I have derived most benefit from Rhododendron, 30, I have had also failures with this. I then gave Calc. 30 on the indication of these children being leucophlegmatic. I also referred to Jahr who says “Remember Calc. in children.” My apology in reading this paper before you is this:

Homoeopathic line of treatment is based purely and solely on symptoms. You know how difficult, or say almost impossible to elicit any symptoms from children. Repertories do not help us because of paucity of symptoms. I therefore say that diagnosis on pathological lines has also its own value in Homoeopathic treatment, and should not be ignored.

Venkatrao R. Huilgol