Guide to Complexes


Hydrocotyle A. 30, Xanthox. 30, K. Iodium 30, K. Bich. 30.

P. 2. B., P. 6.


General remedies:Echinacea 30, C.S. 30, Anacard. 30, Caryophyl. 30, Sulphur 30, Rosemarinus 30, Iris V. 30, Iodium 30, K.M. 30, M. & B. 30, Ol Cade 30, Ant. Crude 30.

P.13, P. 10, P. 33.

Mainly intestinal: Echinacea 30, Sulphur 30, Rosemarinus 30, Elaps 30, Granat. 30, Baptis. 30, Ol. Cade 30.

P. 51, P.10.

Soured milk (Yoghurt) or Jessop’s Lactic Sugar (or Malt) are vital aids in intestinal intoxication.


Dr. Guyon Richards has done so much valuable work in connection with bacteria that I feel I cannot do better than give the tables below which are reprinted by kind permission from “Radiesthesia,” the official organ of The Medical Society For The Study of Radiesthesia.

(P. 13 may be regarded as a satisfactory general remedy for bacterial conditions, and as a prophylactic.)

NOTE.-Where one remedy only is given it acts for microbe and virus. The 30th potency is suggested.


Remedy. Virus Remedy.

B. Bachii Cactus Strontia.

Bach’s Muco Bacteria Apis.

B. Botulinus Carbo Veg. Mezereum Brucella Abortus Samarium Oxide.

B. Coli Granatum Dysentery Bach Ipecac. Radium Bromide Dysentery Flexner Ipecac. Bryonia Foekalis Alkaligenes Sulphur Mygale B. Goertner Elaps.

Goertner Patterson Elaps Actea Racemosa Goertner Richards Elaps Sepia.

B. Morgan Sulphur.

Morgan Goertner Chenopodium Morgan Patterson Sulphur Iris Verbascum

Morgan Richards Agrimonia Typhosus Anacardium Lachesis Paratyphosus A Anacardium Millefolium Paratyphosus B Anacardium Echinacea Paratyphosus C Aesculus Para Coli Plumbum Welchii Carbo Veg.


B.Bronchisepticus Natrum Mur.


Coryzae Calcarea Carb. Antimony Tart.

Micrococcus Catarrhalis Calcarea Carb Bufo B. Influenzae Cinnamon Cad. Sulph.

Gonococcus Thuja.

Remedy. Virus Remedy.

Peterson’s Coccus Aconite Phytolacca Pertussis Belladonna Ambra Gris.

Staphylococcus- Aureus Stannum Iris Florentina Cereus Rhus Tox. Causticum Salivarius Naja Pyogenes Stannum Palladium


Anterio- Poliomyelitis Crot. Viper Erisipelatosus Crot. Solidago Cardio arthritis Crot. Aralia Racemosa Foekalis I Ignatia Foekalis II Rheum Havens Crot. Nux Vomica Haemolyticus Crot. Lac Caninum Infrequens Lycopodium Mastoiditis Tellurium Mucosus Crot. Thorium Mutans Crot. Urea Rheumaticus Crot. Causing Rheumatism Hyoscyamus Accompanying Flushes Tantalum Affecting Retina Bell’s Affecting Veins Crot. Agaricus Stimulating Sex Staphisagria

Present in Psoriasis Iridium Viridans Rosemary (Note.-Remedies I have found to be of great service for strep. and staph. are Ol. Cade and Ol. Caryophyl. It may well be that Dr. Richards never tested these items.)


Remedy Cerebrococcus Iritans Thallium Oxide Coccus causing Sleepiness Origanum Micrococcus irritating Brain Sumbul Bacillus causing pain in Legs Epiphegus Disseminated Sclerosis Erbium Emotional Virus Platinum Herpes Aconite Hydrophobia Zinc Cyanate Meningococcus Latrodectus Paralysis Agitans Neodynium Oxide Progressive muscular Atrophy Kali Bichromate Shingles (Chicken Pox) (Nerve) Morphia Shingles (Skin) Titanium Tetanus Mephitis Tetanomorphus Opium Erysipelas Suis Kali Chlorum

Bacillus causing small Blisters Helleborus Nig.

Cheiropomblex Eucalyptus Virus found in Psoriasis (Strep.) Petroleum Ditto Zinc Bromium

Ditto Iridium Ditto Baryta Carb.

Pigment Virus Primula Obconica Scleroderma Latrodectus Scleroderma Tellurium Warts Castoreum



Kochi Weeks Passiflora Morux Axenfelt Euphrasia Streptococcus in Inflammation Sclerotic Bellis



Bacillus causing Noises Pilocarpus Morgan Gaertner Chenopodium



Asthma Oleander Measles Belladonna Mumps Belladonna Tarantula Syphilis Salvarsan Rumex Tubercle Crot. Lycopus Virginicus



B. Bachii Cactus Strontia Bacillus affecting Heart Anacardium Coccus irritating Veins Euphorbium Coccus irritating Veins Mercury Sulph.



Coccus Hystericus Aurum, Nat. Mur.

Emotional Virus Platinum Flushes Virus Fuchsia Flushes Strep.

Virus… Tantalum Strep. Stimulating Sex Staphisagria

BASEDOW’S DISEASE (See Goitre,-Exop.)

BILIOUSNESS (See Liver and Gall Bladder.)


Verbascum 30, Achillea M. 30, Thlaspi 30, C.F. 30, F.P. 30.

Irritable: Apis M. 30, Formica 30, Bella. 30, Ruta 30.

P. 8, P. 30. P. 25 for inflammation.

BLOOD POISONING (See Auto-intoxication; also Bacteria)


Gloninum 30, Sumbul 30, C.F. 30, Aurum Mur. 30 (also Viscum 200).

P. 29.

Low: Gelsem. 30, Arsenicum 30, Xanthox. 30.

P. 2 B, P. 6.

BOILS (Treat as for Abscess.)


To promote bone formation: Symphit. 30, C.P. 30, C.F. 30.

P. 47, Aurum Met. 3x.

Disease affecting bones: Treat the disease adding the above remedies.

Pain in bones: Aurum Met. 6x, Ruta 3x, 6 Eupatorium 3x.

BRAIN Brain fag:

Gelsem. 30, K.P. 30, Rose marinus 30, Phosphorus 30, Scutell. 30

P. 2. B, P. 6, Aurum Met. 3x Baryta C. 6x. Inflammation: Bella. 30, F.P. 30, Aconit 30, Pilocarpus 30 (R.).

P. 25.

P. 56 is a reliable formula for many unhealthy mental states. (See Mental States.)

To give tone to brain cells: Absinth. 1x or 30, Viscum Alb. 30.

Always pay special attention to the brain centres and the mental condition, neglect of which is one reason why some cases do not respond to treatment.


Bella. 30, Drosera 30, Tussilago D. 30, N.M. 30, M.P. 30, F.P.30.

P.5, P. 34, N.M. 4x P. 34. is the usual remedy. P. 34 every hour in acute attacks.


Urtica U. 30, F.P. 30, N.M. 30, K.M. 30. Repeated sprinkling of the affected area with Ess. menth. pip. or with Ess. menth. vir. until patient is easy. Then apply a dressing of Calendula 0, or Urtica U. ointment. The ointment given under skin diseases is highly recommended.

CAECUM Diseased:

Lanthanum 30 (R.), Dioscorea 30, K.M. 30.

P. 46.

CALCULUS (See Stone.)


To give tone: Guaiac. 30 (R.), Euphorbium 30 (R.), Podophyllum 30 (R.), F.P. 30, C.F. 30, Xanthox.30

In high blood pressure: Gloninum 30, F.P. 30, C.F. 30.



Sex glands: Samarium 30, Chelidon. 30, Silicea 30, K.M. 30.

Mammary: Conium M. 30, Euphrasia 30, Murex 30, K.M. 30

Stomach: Ornithog. 30, Polygon. 30, Hyd. 30, K.M. 30.

Liver: Podophyllum 30, Carduus M. 30, Hyd. 30, Solid 30, K.M. 30.

Colon: Lobelia E. 30, Uva-ursi 30, Kali Perm. 30, K.M. 30

Rectum: Ruta 30, Polygon. 30, Hyd. 30, K.M. 30.

Uterus: Murex 30, Mentha Pul. 30, Lapis Alb. 30.

Remedies to be considered in cancer: Elaps 30, Sulphur 30, Echinacea 30, Silicea 30, Formica 30, Inula 30, Kali Iodium 30, Drosera 30, Alumin. 30, Calendula 30, Rad. Bromium 30, Fuligo 30, Toxicophis 30 (R.), Arsenicum 30 Also Carcinosin (high), Sinapis Alb.

30 A good secondary remedy is P. 21, which should be prescribed in addition to the organ remedies.


Anacard. 30, Digit. 30, Kalmia 30, F.P. 30, C.F. 30.

P. 25, P. 36.


Chelid 30, Origanum 30, Bella. 30, Iodium 30, Phosphorus 30, C.F. 30.

P.1. Occasionally P. 9 is useful.


Chief remedy usually Crotal. H. (R.). (See under Bacteria.) Hyd. 30, Ant. S. Aurum 30 Kali bichromicum 30, K.M. 30, N.M. 30, Caryophyl. 30, Ol. Cade 30, Angelica 30.

P. 11, P. 17, P. 51.

For acute attacks: P. 11 and P. 17 (or P. 51) alternately every two hours.


Rubus Id. 3x, Morphia 6x, Rhus Tox. 3x, K.M. 3x, F.P. 3x, Scutell. 3x, Urtica U. 3x Hourly doses of the formula; or give P. 46. After acute stage Morphia 30 to clear toxins.


Euphorbium 30, Calcarea Iodium 30, Agaricus 30, Tamus 30, C.P. 30, C.F. 30, F.P. 30. P. 6, P. 9.

If circulation poor treat accordingly.

When unbroken paint with Friar’s Balsam morning and night.

CHLOROSIS (See Anaemia.)


Arsen 30, Veratrum A. 30, Cuprum 30, Plumb. 30, Anacard. 30, Echinacea 30, Xanthox. 30.

P. 7, P. 13. These may be administered every hour alternately. When P. 13 not available use P. 46.


(See St. Vitus’ Dance.)


Cactus G. 30, Crataeg. O. 30, Lobelia I. 30, Guaiac. 30, Iodium 30, F.P. 30, K.P. 30. P. 6, P. 36 (see also Compound Vitalizer, page 64).


For the acute condition: Kali Iodium 3x. Antimonium Tart. 6x, Allium Cepa. 3x Euphras. 3x, F.P. 3x, K.M. 3x.

Or, give P. 11 every two hours. Following the acute condition treat causes.


Hyd. 30, Erigeron 30, Uva-ursi 30, Caryophyl. 30, Juniperus C. 30 Achillea M. 30, Ol. Cade 30, K.M. 30, Kali bichromicum 30, Castoreum 30.

P. 7, P. 17.

Ulmus Fulva gruel highly recommended.

COLLAPSE P. 54 alternated with P. 32, Verat Alb. 3x. (See also Compound Vitalizer, page 64.)


To give tone: Lobelia E. 30 (R.), Uva-ursi 30 (R.), Dioscorea 30, Hamamelis 30, C.F. 30, F.P. 30, Achillea M. 30.

P. 7.

An inflamed and irritable colon may call for Erigeron 30.


ACON. 30, Gelsem. 30, K.P. 30.

P. 32, P. 3. B.


Euphrasia 30, Bellis 30, Aconite 30, Pulsatilla 30, F.P. 30.

P. 42.


Podophyllum 30, Opi. 30 N.M. 30, Berberis V. 30.

P. 24 B., P. 15. Occasionally P. 30 is better. p. 43 in obstinate cases.


Colocynth. 30, M.P. 30, Passiflora 30, Lobelia I. 30, Dioscorea 30, Cuprum 30, Scutell 30, Mag. Sul. 30.

Eric F. W. Powell
Eric Frederick William Powell 1895 – 1991, Phys B, MNCA England, PhD, NB, was a Nature Cure Practitioner and lay homeopath, who also taught Kythymic Physical Culture.
Powell wrote Kelp the Health Giver, The Group Remedy Prescriber, Health secrets of all ages, Biochemic prescriber, A Home Course in Nutrition, Tranquillization with Harmless Herbs and other Natural Methods, Life Abundant: A Practical Handbook on the Divine Laws of Health and Healing, Salud en la cocina (Health in the Kitchen), Herbal Remedies and Nature Cure, Water Treatments: Plain and Medicated, The Natural Home Physician, Biochemistry, The Biochemic Pocket Book, Biochemistry Up to Date, Building a Healthy Heart, A Simple Way to Successful Living, Health Secrets of All Ages, Cell Nutrition and Medication for Layman, Health from Earth, Air and Water, Modern Botanic Prescriber, Balance – Physical – Spiritual – Intellectual, Healing by Auto-induction, Lady be Beautiful: Guide to Natural Health and Beauty,