Tumors of Breast Cured Without Operation

The cure of the tumour-state and the removal of the tumour-state and the removal of the breast tumour is, as a rule, much more easily brought about when no operation has been performed…..


ALTHOUGH operative interference does not necessarily militate against cure, the cure of the tumour-state and the removal of the tumour-state and the removal of the tumour i, as a rule, much more easily brought about when no operation has been performed. I will now give a few cases in illustration.

CASE XIV.-Tumour of Left Breast

On January 21st, 1904, Mrs H,, aged 48, the wife of a clergyman in the country, came to me in a good deal of alarm an about a lump she had found in her left breast. There was certainly some cause for anxiety, seeing that her father had died of cancer, her mother of consumption, and her mother of consumption, and her sister had died after an operation for cancer. the patient herself was of a very gouty habit, suffered much from sick headaches, attacks of abdominal pain, and bleeding piles. The cervical and inguinal glands were indurated. At times she suffered from eczema, and there was a good deal of tinea versicolor scattered about the body.

The patient had dark hair and complexion, and was somewhat ruddy. The periods, which had ceased for eight months, used to be irregular, scanty; and during the periods there was pain in the breasts. This also occurred during her two pregnancies.

On examining the breast, I found a small lump the size of a hazelnut, in the upper segment on the axillary side, and near it was a second lump the size of a small pea. There were enlarged glands in both axillae.

Rx Carcinos. 100, three doses to go over the month.

February 17th-The lump is more tender; she now feels the slightest pressure of the dress.

General health very good.

The Increased sensitiveness of the tumour showed to me that the remedy was at work. I did not therefore repeat it, but gave night. The indication for Conium was the pain the patient used to have in the breasts at the periods, the periods themselves being scanty.

March 19th-The smaller of the two lumps has nearly gone. It is like a small pea, and is quite loose. On the whole she has been very well, except when the northeast winds were strong.


April 26th-Lump smaller

Has had a good deal of sickness and faint feeling.

This sick, sinking, faint feeling is a leading indication for the cancer nosodes. Burnett proved them on himself, and experienced this effect in a marked degree.

Mamillin 100,.three doses in the month.

January 12th, 1905-I heard nothing of the patient during the intermediate months. She then came, and gave me this history: During the beginning of the time that she was taking the last remedy she felt ill altogether. When she had finished it she felt extremely well, and continued, as she described it, “extraordinarily well” all the summer.

November and December she had been troubled with indigestion. the most careful examination of the breast could not detect the faintest trace of the tumour.

The appearance of tumours at the change of life is not at all a pleasant symptom, especially when there is a bad family history at the back of the patient. I consider that in this case the nosodes of cancer were of vital importance in saving this lady from the fate of other members of her family.

CASE XV-Tumour of Right Breast.

February 2nd, 1908-Mrs E. (35, married seven years; has two children, one 5 years old and the other 7 months) consulted me about a lump in her right breast.

On the back of the left shoulder is a scar, where she once had a fibrous tumour that was removed.

She had fair health as a child. Had measles, whooping- cough, and scarlatina. Vaccinated once only. Had influenza badly several times,. and it affected here heart, Had a severe attack six months before her marriage. A year after her marriage her breast went wrong; a sharp pain in it wakened her in the night.

Her father is living, aged 66., He is not strong; has chronic bronchitis and a weak heart. He has had a stroke.

Her mother died of phthisis after smallpox. Her mother’s family are strong. Has one sister, who is delicate.

The patient is fair, has brown eyes, and is slightly anaemic. Has neuralgic over the temples. Tongue fairly clean. Appetite fair; dislikes meat and milk. Is not a salt-eater, and does not care for tea. Has pricking pains in region of spleen at times; splenic dullness increased. Has pains in left iliac region since last child was born. INguinal glands slightly enlarged. Is inclined to be constipated;worse when she is run down; has been worse since her confinement. the periods are regular, and not painful; before marriage they were too frequent.

At the confinement much Ergot was given; and after she got about, a pessary was inserted to prevent prolapse. After the confinement the milk was suppressed by Belladonna plasters, and the breast has been knotty since.

Both nipples are fissured across horizontally. Right breast considerably enlarged. In the centre all round the nipple are, is a hard mass. In the axilla is a very small gland. The left breast is soft, and there is no gland in the axilla.

I found the valve sounds of the heart, though not very clear, quite free bruit. She feels a stained feeling at the heart, as if it was not going at all.

Has pain in lower back.

Pains back of right wrist. Sleep is bad; wakes many times, and is restless.

This lady’s husband is a patient of mine, but her own family are strong allopaths, and very naturally urged her to go at once to an allopathic surgeon., However, she came to me first, and I said I thought I could cure her, so she decided to postpone the visit to the surgeon.

Rx. Scirrhinum 100, three doses in the month.

February 26th, 1906-Lump in right breast less. right breast still larger than left. Nipple is split and retracted. Left breast tender and slightly lumpy. Nipple more retracted than right, but it is drawn-in circularly, and not inverted.

Both nipples can be drawn out. Period was all right; the breast was larger at the time. Less leucorrhoea.

Feels her throat a trouble, cannot bear the least pressure; there is no enlargement of the thyroid gland. Has had throbbing in left iliac region. Not much headache. Bowels still constipated.

The scirrhinum had evidently got to work in this case. It caused a decrease in the tumour of the right breast, and had set up symptoms in the left. The marked indrawing of the nipples I looked upon as an aggravation; it was much more noticeable the second time I saw the patient than it was the first.

There is one remedy which has this symptom very marked in its pathogenesis, and that is sarsaparilla. Sarsaparilla is anti- syphilitic and also anti-cancerous, belonging to the Liliaceal alliance. I ordered a repetition of the Scirrh. 100, and in addition a dose of sarsap. 30, on each night that the Scirrh, was not taken.

March 30th, 1996-0Right breast much softer. Tumour nearly gone. Still a lumpiness remains, but it is loose and not compact as it was. The right nipple is no longer indrawn, but stands out well. Left breast is till tender, but no lumpiness is felt. some throbbing in left iliac region. Appetite fair. Bowels confined; has to take some aperient every alternate night.

take some aperient every alternate night.

I now felt assured that I had command of this case, which did not look at all a pleasant one at the start.

Repeat. Sacchar. Offic. ust. 3x, two tablets three times a day, half-an-hour before meals when required for constipation.

May 7th, 1906.-Breast almost normal-only aspect, where a small pea like lobule is felt. Has pain in second and third ribs. Slight pain in left iliac region at times. Much headache on waking. Has been a good deal fagged lately.

Repeat. Magnesia carb. 20, gtt. v in wineglass of water in the morning on rising.

This concluded the case. Mrs E. reported herself as immensely better in all ways, and I have seen her frequently since about other members of her family. There has been no return of the tumour.

CASE XVI.-Tumour of Right Breast.

Mrs V., 51. Pale, rather thin, light brown eyes, consulted me, March 1906, about her general health. She had been ailing for two years; was depressed, had headaches and palpitation of the heart; faint, sinking sensation at 11 A.M., and again from 5 to 7 P.M. She had two children, the youngest being 23. The periods were still regular,

returning every three weeks, and gave no trouble, except for a sick feeling, which was new. Leucorrhoea after the period. There was aversion to fat, and a craving for salt. Her father had died at the age of 49, of tumour of the liver. She had been twice four or five years before I saw her.

I noticed, when I saw her first, a small lump just below the right nipple, but as she had not felt it herself I did not call her attention to it, as I did not wish to alarm her, and thought I might possibly cure it before she found it out. On the right shoulder, towards the joint, was a small cheloid like lump, which she had had for ten years.

Under Thuja 30 she improved enormously in general health, and the tumour of the breast made no advance; but one day in the following July she overdid herself with gardening; she got overheated, and the wind blew on the right side, and she felt a chill. She then discovered the lump in the breast, and the discovery gave her a fright. It was then tender, and the whole breast felt lumpy.

John Henry Clarke
John Henry Clarke MD (1853 – November 24, 1931 was a prominent English classical homeopath. Dr. Clarke was a busy practitioner. As a physician he not only had his own clinic in Piccadilly, London, but he also was a consultant at the London Homeopathic Hospital and researched into new remedies — nosodes. For many years, he was the editor of The Homeopathic World. He wrote many books, his best known were Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica and Repertory of Materia Medica