CANCER NOSODES. The homoeopathic preparation and potentizing of these diseased tissues makes them a similar remedy of use in treating cancer. Just as Tuberculinum is invaluable in the homoeopathic treatment of chronic and even of acute diseases, since it has been well-proven, doubtless Carcinosin would quickly have a large field of use if it were sufficiently proven.

the use of the ;products of disease in the treatment of the same of similar disease is not new. In fact there is “nothing new under the sum.” In the use or nosodes homoeopaths have preceded the regular school in this phase of medical treatment. for instance, Lessen has been used for one hundred gears in preventing and treating hydrophobia. Also, Tuberculinum or Bacillinum was used for years before Coach used it in his deadly experiments,. We also have nosodes from most of the acute contagious diseases which have their place and use, i.e. Scarlatinum, Pertussin, Diphtherinum, etc. For over fifty years we have had several cancer nosodes available for use in cancer and other conditions.

We are largely indebted to Dr. Compton Burnett for many nosodes and especially for those from various forms of cancer. These were prepared from diseased tissue, partially proved on himself and tested on people suffering from cancer and related conditions.

According to Dr. J.H. Clarke in his Cure of Tumors by Medicines, Dr. Burnett had and used some eleven different cancer nosodes. To name them: (1) Scirrhinum; (2) Carcinosin’ (3) Durum’ (4) Karkinosin’ (5) Masto-hematin'(6) Detromasto-hematin’ (7) Mammalian; (8) Sarcomin; (9) Sarcothoracin; (10) Epitheliomin; and (11) Epitheliomin-syphiliticum,. These names are largely self-explanatory. And from among these many the first two have been most widely used by Burnett, Clarke and others.

The homoeopathic preparation and potentizing of these diseased tissues makes them a similar remedy of use in treating cancer. Just as Tuberculinum is invaluable in the homoeopathic treatment of chronic and even of acute diseases, since it has been well-proven, doubtless Carcinosin would quickly have a large field of use if it were sufficiently proven.

Although these cancer Nosodes were in use fifty years ago by Burnett and Clarke, it is difficult to assess their symptomatology since they were rarely used alone or allowed to act for long undisturbed by other medications. And yet, using them as they did o0n mode or less in definite indications, it is remarkable what they accomplished in the treatment and cure of cancer and other tumors. to quote from Clarke’s introduction to cure of Tumours medicines:

“It must not be imagined that the nosodes of cancer are specifics for the cure of every and any case. There are more ways than one of curing cancer but there is no way which is suitable for all cases, Of all the remedies for cancer in my experience the nosodes form the most important class and the use of them ought to be nor familiar than it is to the homoeopaths.. . . A cancerous tumour is stored-up diseases. But if the mass is excised without any attempt being made to correct the constitutional state which has led to the formation the chances of recurrence are very great and the actual conditions is made worse instead of better”.

Clarke’s Dictionary of Materia Medica gives a short mention to Scirrhinum and in the appendix to Carcinosinum. Carcinosin is noted as a value in cancer, melancholia and worms. Dr.Clarke mentions that he used it more frequently than and other as a diathetic remedy. It is of value in many mental cases, and those with suicidal tendencies; and de[raved inherited condition in children such as infantile masturbation; excessive flatulence and flatus.

A sick, sinking, faint feeling is a leading indication for the cancer nosodes. Dr. Royal E.S. Hayes noted that a muddy complexion was a good indication for Carcinosin. Burnett found that “a tremendous sinking at the naval” was a keynote for its use. Haemorrhages and varices of legs and feet with purple points have been cured. Clarke noted that mucous colitis was close, related to cancer and, strangely enough, Burnett found that Scirrhinum would often cure inveterate cases of thread worms, Dr. Grimmer and Dr. Bond have stated that Carcinosin is of value in a family which has a cancerous tendency or background to clear the field for other remedies, much as Burnett used Thuja in his vaccinosis.

My final conclusion is that the face of the great increase in cancer cases we should have a complete proving of these common cancer nosodes and go on to cure many more cases of cancer than we now do.



Donald G. Gladish