Sherbino G W


January 2d, 1890. Took one dose of Swan’s cmm. at ten A. M., dry

Sherbino G W


January 2d, 1890. Took one dose of Swan’s cmm. at ten A. M., dry on the tongue.

9 P. M. Felt a pain in the region of the left nipple, as if in the heart, as if it was going to ache; only lasted a short time.

I feel a little chilly at times and a little aching, feel a little feverish.

Loud ringing in the left ear, like a bell; lasted only a short time.

January 3d. Took a dose at 11 a. M., cmm.

6 P. M. Loud ringing in right ear, lasting for a few minutes. Dreamed I had nose bleed, and found on waking that my nose had bled all over the pillow.

Aching about the knees, deep in the bone, while sitting by a hot fire, > by walking around.

January 4th. Dreaming about various things; about business; dreaming all night; dreaming three ladies were stopping at the same house; we all had diarrhoea, and were all cured with the similimum, which was Aloe.

January 6th. Belching of sour water after breakfast. Took a dose at 12 M., cmm. In fifteen minutes felt a pain in the umbilical region, with passage of sticky, yellow stool.

January 7th. At 7 A. M., on passing flatus per anus, a portion passed involuntary; no appetite for breakfast; feel too full in the stomach and bowels; two soft, sticky stools, 8 to 9 A. M.

January 8th. Took one dose at 1 P. M.

At 8 P. M., pain in both mastoids, aching < on the right side; never had it before; there is a dull throbbing in the mastoid region.

January 9th. Took dose.

January 10th. Dreamed all night of doing business.

January 11th. Took a dose of a solution in water.

January 12th. Stools very much constipated, large and difficult; required great effort; first part of stool composed of balls, the last natural; on the stool there were streaks of blood; leaving a soreness in the anus.

January 13th. Bowels moved this morning; first part of stool hard, the last natural; felt a soreness in anus. This constipation came on after eating graham gems. .

January 15th. Took a dose of the 1m.

January 16th. Took a dose of the 1m.

January 17th. Took a dose of the 1m.

January 18th. After dinner I felt bad; commenced to ache all over, thought I had taken cold; felt chilly, with increased heart action; went to bed and slept a while; awoke to roll and tumble in every conceivable position; chilly all night; ache all over; bed feels hard; can not lie bit a few minutes in one position; pulse 120; great throbbing in the arteries of the temple and head; every pulsation felt through the brain; this throbbing would meet on top of the brain; temperature, 99.3.

Heart feels tired, as after a long run.

Took a dose of Rhus mm.; went to sleep; wakened in the morning feeling tired and weak; felt as though the night was thirty-six hours long; on getting up I staggered as if drunk.

January 18th. Got three times to urinate; testicles hang down, relaxed, and the scrotum feels thin; feel work all over, in the back; aching all over continues; I am better by motion. Rhus is an antidote.

Coughing, spitting up phlegm from the larynx. Cough < from moving, turning over or the least motion.

Increased heart action from the least motion. Tongue coated white on the fore part and brown on the back part; no appetite or thirst.

January 19th. Aching all day but not so severe as before. Pulse 92, temp. 98.5. No appetite to-day.

After getting into bed felt chilly, teeth chattered. Awoke at 10 P. M. in a perspiration. Sweating most on the upper part of the body. Slept well all night. I feel weak this morning; no appetite for breakfast (I never miss a meal); tongue coated brownish, mostly on the back part.

January 20th. Very loquacious. I never talked so much in one day in al my life. I could think faster and talk faster than I ever could. I am naturally not much of a talker, and rather opposed to too much talking.

I feel good and buoyant, in the best of spirits, although I feel sick. This desire to talk is unnatural for me.

Cough more is a warm room. Burning in larynx and bronchi on coughing; causes a pain in the back of the head. .

Stitching in the small of the back on coughing, only noticed in the chair. Weak feeling in the back. Temp. 96.5. Pulse, 92 in a warm room. No appetite for dinner; feel chilly at times. Not so much aching to-day.

While riding in a buggy aching in, or pain on, the left side of the umbilicus. < by drinking water. > by passing flatus down wards. Pulse 96, temperature 98. At 12 P. M., aching above the knees, deep in the bone, < in the left, > walking and motion.

Every pulsation felt in the head ears, painless throbbing. I feel hot as if I had a fever, but the temperature is only 99. Feel as if it was 105. Burning of the face. Left eye ball sore, < by looking up and turning the eye ball outwards, aching above the knees in the bones, > by putting the legs on the stretch.

No stool to-day; something very unusual for me.

Urinated only twice to-day, very unusual for me; usually urinate several times during the day; normal in quantity each time. After going to bed feel a pain about the patella, by flexing the leg. Tingling sensation in the right little toe as if frost-bitten.

Sneezing every time I put my hands out from under the bed covers; cough every time I move or turn over in bed.

Bubbling sensation, or gurgling, in the left hypochondrium, extending back to the left side of the spine; this was felt when lying on the left side.

Could not sleep any last night, as the brain was too active; was making a speeches and writing articles; could not keep my eyes shut; circulation was so active I could hear the blood pass though my ears and sounded like the steam escaping from a steam tug. The blood was throbbing all through the fore part of my head , and, in fact, I could feel it in every part of my body, even in my fingers.

I have not been free from that tired feeling about my heart and I feel as if I would like to take it out and let it rest. It would be such a relief to stop it and let it lie down and stop throbbing. I fell asleep just at dawn. Coughed up yellow sputa through the night.

Jan. 21st. No appetite for breakfast; tongue coated brown; bad taste in the mouth; temperature 98, pulse 96, at 9 A.M.

Sneezing at night; nostrils closing and alternating from side to side.

Urine very yellow after being made, scant; do not desire to urinate half as often as in health; urine, after standing, gets very cloudy with a substance that looks like orange peel; a red line was deposited on the side of the vessel (never had this symptom before); the red line was hard to remove from the vessel. Pulse 96, temperature 98.

Jan. 22d. Urine has a reddish cloud at the bottom of the vessel; urine still yellow. Urine scant; irritable to-day; face yellow; tongue coated a yellow brown; bad taste in the month in the morning; aching about the left knee as though the bone was broken.

Jan. 24th. Tongue coated with a brownish coat; bad taste in the mouth this morning.

Urine not to so cloudy this morning, but there is a red sediment that looks like red pepper; it floats on the bottom of the vessel.

April 17th. Took a dose of the 1 m., Swan’s.

Five P. M. Aching in the left shoulder joints, in front; seemed to be in the joint extending down the arm for three inches, the pain lasting till I went to bed.

Where the potency is not mentioned it is always the Swan’s cmm.


Dreaming about various things; about business. Dreaming all night; dreaming that three ladies were stopping at the same house. We all had diarrhoea and were all cured with the similimum, which was Aloe (4th day).

Dreamed all night of doing business (10th day).

Very loquacious. I never talked so much in one day in my life. I could think faster and talk faster then I ever could in my life (19th day).

I feel good and buoyant, in the best of spirits, although I feel sick; this desire to talk is unnatural for me.

Irritable to-day (22d day).


On getting up in the morning staggering as if drunk (18th day).


Dull, throbbing in the mastoid region (7th day).

Great throbbing in the arteries of the temple and head, every pulsation felt through the brain; this throbbing would meet on top of the head or brain. Every pulsation felt in head and ears; painless throbbing . Throbbing all through the fore part of the head; sounds like steam escaping from a steam tug; a puffing and purring sound.


Loud ringing in the left ear, like a bell. Loud ringing in the right ear, lasting a few minutes.


Sneezing every time I put my hand out from under the bed covers.

Sneezing at night; nostrils closing, first one then the other, alternating from one to the other.


Left eye-ball sore, < by looking up and turning the eye-ball outwards.


Coated on the fore part whitish, and brown on the back part; no thirst or appetite (19th day).

No appetite for breakfast. Tongue coated brown; bad taste in the mouth (22d day).

Tongue coated a yellowish brown; bad taste in the mouth in the morning (22d day).


No appetite for dinner; loss of appetite.


Belching of sour water after breakfast.


Feel too full in the stomach.


Bloating and full feeling in abdomen.


Very much constipated; large and difficult stools; require great effort; stools composed of balls or lumps, the first part, the last soft and natural; streaks of blood on the stool; soreness in the anus.

Involuntary; when passing flatus stool passed. (Aloes.). HYPOCHONDRIA. -Gurgling or bubbling sensation, extending back to the left side of the spine; only felt when lying on the left side.


Urine scant; only urinate twice in twenty-four hours. Got up three times to urinate in the night; urine very yellow as soon as it has been voided; scant; do not desire to urinate half as often as in health. Urine, after standing, gets very cloudy with a substance that looks like orange peel.

A red line was deposited on the side of the vessel, hard to remove.

Urine has a reddish cloud at the bottom of the vessel.

Urine not so cloudy this morning, but there is a sediment that looks like red pepper; it floats on the bottom of the vessel.


Testicles hang down relaxed; the scrotum feels thin and it looks that way.


Wheezing when expiring; coughing; spitting up large masses of phlegm from the larynx; cough < by motion (Bry.); cough more in a warm room; burning in the larynx and bronchi on coughing; coughing causes pain in the back of the head; stitching in the small of the back on coughing; only noticed in the chair; cough up yellow sputa through the night.


Pain in the region of the left nipple, as if in the heart as if it was going to ache; increased heart action; pulse 120.

Heart feels tired as after a long run. Increased heart action < from the least motion.

Every pulsation felt in the head and ears; a painless throbbing.

I have not been free from that tired feeling about my heart, and I would like to take it out and let it rest; it would be such a relief. Temperature 96, pulse 98, at 9 A. M.

Sensation as if the heart was enlarged; distinct consciousness of a heart.


Weak feeling in the back; stitching pain in the back on coughing.


Pain in the shoulder joint; in front, passing down the arm for two or three inches, lasting till going to bed.


Aching in the bones; aching all over the body, as if I had taken a severe cold; aching with soreness of the flesh; the bed feels hard (Bapt, Arn, Rhus); > from motion, Rhus- < from motion (Arn, Bapt, Bry.).

Aching above the knees, deep in the bones, while sitting by a hot fire; > by walking. On going to bed aching in the patella; > by flexing the leg.

Aching above the left knee as though the bone was broken.

Aching above the knees in the bones, > by stretching out the limbs.


Aching deep in the bones above the knees while sitting by the fire; > walking around.

Can’t lie but a few minutes in one position, > by turning over or any change in position.

Increased heart action from the least motion.

Cough < from the least motion.

Left eye-ball sore < by looking up or turning the eye- ball outwards.

Aching in the bones above the knees > by putting them on the stretch.


Great debility in the morning, so that I staggered when trying to walk. Great nervousness and restlessness. Could not lie long in one place without moving.


Slept awhile; woke to roll and tumble in every conceivable position. Chilly all night; aching all over. Bed feels hard. Can’t lie but a few minutes in one position. Could not sleep on account of ideas crowding on the mind. Brain too active; could not sleep till forwards dawn.


Chilly at times and a little aching; a little feverish.

After dinner, ache all over; chilly all night; bed feels hard. After getting in bed felt chilly; teeth chatter; awoke at ten P. M. in a perspiration on the upper part of the body. Relieved by motion.


Pyrogen resembles Arnica, Baptisia and Rhus in the aching and the hard bed. it is more similar to Rhus, as the restlessness is better from changing the position or motion. The restlessness is as great as in Rhus, and Rhus is an antidote to Pyrogen.

The cough is more like Bryonia, as it is < from motion and in a warm room.

I have been cured of the purring in my ears and a sensation as if I could distinctly outline the heart. There was a consciousness of the beating, and is working in the chest was as plain as my fist or my nose. I have also been cured of palpitation of the heart from the least excitement or any anxiety.

It was always worse when commencing to move, and it soon passed off, like Cactus, but Cactus did me no good; increased heart action from the least motion, as in turning the head in bed or turning over or straightening out one leg or moving one hand; this was always noticed, after having been still awhile, on commencing to move, here resembling Rhus, but it never did me more than temporary good.

I have had such increased heart action that I could not sleep at night; this purring and throbbing in the brain would keep me awake all night. I quiet tea and coffee, and it was just the same. I have had spells of intense congestion about the head; I would feel sometimes as if I would have apoplexia; I could feel the carotids pulsate, and also hear it in my ears, with redness of the face and ears; this has all passed off since the proving.

I had blood poisoning in the hospital, in 1863, and nearly lost my life; the only thing that saved me was my faithfulness in putting the medicine in the spittoon.

I wish to call attention to the discrepancy between the records of the pulse and the temperature. I had increased heart action from first to last, and I felt at times as if I could not stand that everlasting thumping and throbbing; I actually felt it would be such a relief if I could only stop that heart and lay it down to vest.


Mrs.M -, primipara, was taken with child bed fever; she complained of being so sore all over, body aching, hard bed (Bapt., Arn. Rhus), a high fever, temperature 103. I tired to check it with Bap., for two days, without controlling it; her pulse was 140, and she was relieved by turning over, or any change in position; great restlessness; she thought she would break if she laid too long in one position. I gave her a dose of Rhus cm., and for twenty-four hours I waited on it without any change. The rapidity of the pulse called my attention to Pyrogen; one dose cured in twelve hours.

Miss W. E., after being convalescent from typhoid fever, in about a week or ten days, from unaccountable cause, a relapse came on; the most characteristic feature was the rapidity of the pulse, it being about 140; temperature 102; one dose of Pyrogen, cmm. cured in twenty-four hours.

Miss P., aged 17, was taken sick with a fever; tongue heavily coated and complete loss of appetite; aching in the bones; she complained of the bed feeling hard.

She moaned most of the time, was very restless; could not lie long in one place. She had to be turned to one side or the other; this she said she wanted done to relieve the hardness of the bed and the restlessness, as she was relieved for a short time and then the same thing over again.

She complained of a soreness in the throat, yet no soreness could be discovered; in three or four day she became almost paralyzed, especially the lower extremities; she could not walk without help and then she had to drag her legs along in a paralytic manner. She now became so that she could with difficulty articulate. I could hardly understand her; she talked as if she had her mouth full of hot mush, and it imparted a nasal twang.

She became so helpless that she could not feel herself nor could she turn over in bed, and was so that she could not walk for a long time after she was convalescent. She complained of feeling numb all the time; it looked at one time as though she would not survive, as the paralysis was growing worse all the time.

She received Bapt. in the very highest potencies; also Rhus, cm. and mm. (Fincke), without any benefit. After her fever left her, her pulse kept on climbing up, could not account for this, unless it denoted the approach of dissolution. Her pulse was 120 when her temperature was normal. With this symptom I thought of Pyrogen.

She got it in the cmm (Swan) and it always helped her, and brought her pulse down and relieved that intolerable restlessness. A dose would not last long till relapse would come on and another dose would have to be given. But this strange case was cured this nosode; it was so much like Rhus, and yet Rhus did not even palliate. Don’t forget Pyrogen with rapid heart action, when the temperature is normal or subnormal, and in heart failure.


While in a store I was invited to take a smoke from a very strong cigar. I accepted the invitation and soon was making clouds of smoke.

The first symptom I had was that of stimulation, like that felt after a drink of whisky.

The second one coming on was a little nausea, and a weak feeling.

Next I commenced to perspire on my hands and neck, and it went all over my body; an intense desire for fresh air; in fifteen minutes I was in a perfect torrent of sweat. I became so intoxicated I had to get in my buggy and get where I could get some fresh air. When I arrived at home I was so saturated with perspiration, that I had to change my clothing. I felt prostrated. I took Tabacum cc. and in two hours I was all right again.

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