E. J. MYERS, M. D.


At this institution, stude…


E. J. MYERS, M. D.


At this institution, students are instructed in sound surgical principles and practice, illustrated by abundant clinical cases cured by homoeopathic prescriptions, where “professional knivesmen,” not surgeons, would have claimed their “pound of flesh,” more or less, and possibly a subject for an autopsy in a little shorter time.

All prescriptions are made with a strict regard to “history of the case” and “totality of the symptoms.” traumatic cases, Calendula is given for clean cut wounds; Arnica for confusion; Staphysagria for lacerations; and Hypericum for wounds of the nerves.

In cases where operative surgery becomes a dire necessity, this work is performed under strictly aseptic conditions. Under no circumstances are carbolic acid, bichlorides or any so-called antiseptics allowed to enter the surgical ward. The surgical ward (in which operations are performed) is thoroughly cleansed and aired on day appointed for operation. All instruments are washed in clean hot water, thoroughly cleansed and aired on day appointed for operation. All instruments are washed in clean hot water, thoroughly dried and polished.

Perfectly clean sponges, free from all grit, are laid in solution of Calendula and hot water, from which they are taken and squeezed dry before applying to wash away blood. Calendula has not only a marked effect on the healing process, but is an efficient styptic.

Perhaps, while under influence of the anaesthetic (ether) or while recovering from it, pulse flags, or respiration becomes feeble, possibly wanting. In these cases the bastinado is applied freely, agent used being wooden back of a clothes brush, or sole of a slipper. The effect of this process, original with Dr. Edmund Carleton, Professor of Surgery, is instantaneous, and needs only to be seen to be appreciated.

After the operation is finished, Nux Vomica is administered until effects of ether have disappeared, and then Calendula is prescribed until symptoms of some remedy are present. Simple dressings are the rule. Occasionally Calendula is used in conjunction with that remedy internally.

Many of these cases are gynecological, such as lacerated cervix and ruptured perineum. Sometimes the two operations are performed at one time, but double operations take place only by urgent request of patient, and are not advised.

In case of lacerated cervix, a day is chosen midway between menstrual periods. Rectum is thoroughly evacuated by means of an enema, and parts rendered anemic by hot water douche. Patient being anaesthetized, uterus is drawn downwards by volsellum forceps, and held by two tenacula of silk-one passing through anterior and the other through posterior lip of cervix, uterus at points corresponding with cervical canal.

Surface of laceration is then denuded with a straight uterine knife, carefully avoiding central canal, unless patient has passed menopause, when the entire opening is obliterated. Parts being thoroughly cleansed and haemorrhage checked with Calendula solution, edges of wound are approximated by interrupted silver sutures if operation be single, or catgut if double; vaginal canal is sponged or douched with warm water, and patient put to bed.

After similar preliminaries have been observed, in cases of ruptured perineum, same process of denuding and application of sutures takes place. In latter cases, urine is removed by catheter until sutures are removed. This takes place in both cases after nine or ten days, and then we challenge any hospital to show better results than are here obtained from homoeopathic surgery, pure and simple.

Following may be interest:.


Woman about seventy years if age. For several years had a number of growths corresponding in situation to chain of lymphatic glands on left arm, extending from axilla to wrist. Size varies from hickory to walnut; bluish and knotty in appearance.

From some, of late, dark colored blood oozes constantly. Patient much emaciated. Complaints of tenderness and sticking pains in growths. Latter part of April, one of staff physicians gave one dose of Thuja cm. Repeated May 21. Patient discharged May 28. Great improvement.


Mr. H-, appeared before class with an abrasion, nearly circular, one inch in diameter, on surface of right hand, result of wound received a few weeks previous from barbed wire. Ointments, etc., had been used without benefit. Wound healed on one side and spread toward another. Few granulations noticeable. Wound seemed almost indolent. Upon careful examination, learned of a “previous history,” also use of intoxicants.

Hepar sulph. 30, prescribed and in about ten days wound entirely healed and patient in good condition, having suspended the use of stimulants.

In conclusion, would say, any member of the I. H. A. calling at our hospital will be cordially welcomed by Prof. Carleton to his surgical clinic, at the cleanest and sweetest hospital to be found, as regards odors, etc., and may see homoeopathic surgery taught as nowhere else.

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