Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Rhus Toxicodendron and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….

      Poison Oak.


      Stiffness and lameness of the joints, tendons and muscles from undue exertion or from getting wet. Soreness as if bruised. Worse on first moving the part, better on continued motion. Incontinence of urine with weakness of the legs. Vesicular erysipelas. Typhoid fever with bruised feeling in the limbs.


      Vesicular eruption upon the skin with swelling, heat, redness and itching. Severe tumefaction with burning. 1. Chilliness. VERtigo faintness, dullness and stupidity, restlessness, delirium. Weak irregular pulse. Nausea. Bloody mucous stool some-times involuntary. Lips and tongue dry. 2. Pains as if strained or bruised made worse by rest and warmth. Pain and stiffness in the lumbar region. Loss of strength with numbness in the lower extremities. Debility. Incontinence of urine. Trembling. Spasmodic twitching. Convulsions. 3.


      One or two drops of the the tincture have been used with satisfaction, but doses ranging from the first to the fourth decimal dilution are more generally employed.


      Typhoid inflammation of the bowels and peritoneum. Bruised feeling in the limbs restlessness. 2-3.

Typhoid pneumonia, cough with stitches and foul or b bloody expectoration.

Stiffness and lameness of the joints, tendons and muscles. Soreness as if bruised. Worse on first moving the part better on continued motion.3

Stiffness and aching in the joints after subsidence of acute rheumatism. Worse when at rest relieved by motion. 3.

Stiffness and pains as if strained or bruised, following a wetting.3.

Strains and blows affecting the tendons and ligamentous tissues. 3.

Incontinence of the urine from atony of the sphincter, especially where there is rheumatic stiffness and muscular weakness of the legs. 3.

erysipelatous eruption of a vesicular variety. 1

Herpetic eruptions with itching swelling and smarting. 1.

Herpes zoster. 1.

Eczema of the scalp and elsewhere with itching and burning.


Conjunctivitis with burning, swelling and inflammation of the lids.1.

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.