Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Phosphorus and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….



      Fatty degenerations, present or impending, chiefly affecting the nervous system. Great nervous prostration with tenderness of the dorsal vertebrae. Paresis. Paralysis following cerebral hemorrhage. Pneumonic congestions with pain, oppression, hacking cough and tendency to haemoptysis. Second stage of pneumonia. Chronic pneumonia. Typhoid pneumonia. Sense of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen, with failure to assimilate food and water. Hemorrhages from the nose, intestines and other organs.


      Languor and wandering of the mind. Formication, stiffness and numbness of the limbs; partial spasms and fibrillary contractions of the voluntary muscles, followed by progressive paralysis. Weakness of the back with weakness and trembling of the extremities. Legs too weak to support him. Impotence with loss of erectile power.1. Lungs engorged with blood.2. Intolerable pains in the chest.3. Cough.4. Hemorrhage from the nose stomach, intestines, kidneys, uterus and gums and ecchymoses of the skin.5. Membranes of stomach swollen, grayish or yellowish in color from fatty degeneration. Loss of appetite, slimy tongue, thirst, dyspepsia.6. Stools loose, dark, bloody and voided with pain, or like the scrapings of the intestines, with almost constant tenesmus and involuntary stool upon the least motion.7.


      Oleum phosphoratum, I-5 m.

Pilulae phosphori, 1/100 – 1/30 gr.

Zinci phosphidum, 1/20 – 1/10 gr.

The second and third decimal triturations every two or four hours give very satisfactory results.


      Paralysis following cerebral hemorrhage or embolism, or their frequent consequence, softening.1.

The spinal processes of dorsal vertebrae between the scapulae become exceedingly sensitive to pressure, aggravated by emotional excitement.1.

Myelitic paraplegia from excessive venery.1.

Softening of the brain and cord.1.

Hysterical paralysis.1.

Great weakness of the whole body, especially the legs. Cannot raise the hands.1.

Neuralgia attended by extreme debility, produced by hemorrhage or lactation.1.


Angina pectoris depending upon fatty degeneration.

Asthenic amaurosis from sexual excesses or fatty degeneration.


Melancholia. Wakefulness of the aged, accompanied by muscular cramps, feebleness of the memory, giddiness, trembling of the voluntary muscles on exertion.1.


Nervous exhaustion following mental or physical fatigue.1.

Paralysis agitans.1.

Pneumonia second stage, parenchyma has become hepatized.2.

Typhoid pneumonia, patient stupid, violent pleuritic stitches, tongue dry, skin dry and burning, dyspepsia, singultus, cold sweats.2.

Pneumonia in delicate persons with lowered health.2-4.

Chronic pneumonia, tearing, irritating cough, causing soreness, expectoration of mucus, pus and blood, especially when condition remains after mismanaged acute pneumonia.2-4.

Dry, titillating cough; the irritation is felt throughout the whole chest; he coughs all the time, a short hacking, exhausting cough as if emanating from every part of the lungs. Lungs feel as if crowded full of blood, with sense of tension across the chest; expectoration of frothy mucus.2-3-4.

Heaviness of the chest as if a weight were lying on it.2-3.

Heat and depression in the chest, obliging frequent deep inspiration.2-3.

Hoarseness, with rough voice for several days and answer questions with great difficulty.1.

Mucous enteritis; threatened prostration of the ganglionic system, with impairment of brain action.

Sallow, cadaverous countenance; general, excessive prostration.1-7.

Green and bloody passages, the anus remaining wide open.7.

Sense of weakness and emptiness in the abdomen; face pale and swollen.6.

As soon as the water becomes warm in the stomach it is thrown up.6.

Emphysema from fatty degeneration of the bronchial tubes.

Profuse and long-lasting nose-bleed.5.

Slight wounds bleed much.5.

Petechial spots on the skin, similar to purpura hemorrhagica.5.

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.