Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Hyoscyamus and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….



      Main the patient is violent, wants to escape sings and howls. Hallucinations and sleeplessness of the insane. Mental excitement with hallucinations and sleeplessness in delirium tremens puerperal insanity and meningitis. Typhoid fever with coma vigil, muttering delirium, subsultus tendinum. Patient will not remain covered. Tremors and contractures, torticollis, intestinal spasm.


      Vertigo eyes red wild sparkling and protruding. Pupils dilated cornea insensitive. Face haggard. Throat and mouth dry. Stupidity and delirium. Delirium may be furious the person becoming uncontrollable. Hallucinations with efforts to escape. Singing or howling. Comatose condition alternating with convulsions. 1 Trismus rises sardonicus. Subsultus tendinum. Trembling of the limbs. Muscles cramped, or alternately affected with spasms and paralysis. Neuralgic pains in the limbs. Dulness of cutaneous sensibility. Small intermittent pulse, veins distended. Breathing difficult.


      Extractum hyoscyami, 1-3 gr.

Extractum hyoscyami fluidum, 2-20m.

Tinctura hyoscyami, 20-120m.

The two alkaloids, hyoscyamine and hyoscine, are usually prescribed both hypodermically and by the mouth the former in doses ranging from one one-hundred and fiftieth to one-tenth of a grain, and the latter in somewhat smaller quantities. Beyond doubt the minute dose of hyoscyamus is effective. The larger doses must be used with caution.


      Mania. The attacks are violent and of an intermittent character. 1 (Hyoscyamine)

Hallucinations and sleeplessness of the insane.1 (One three- hundredth or one one-hundredth of a grain of the hydrobromate of hyoscine)

Sleeplessness with great mental excitement 1

Agitation and hallucinations of hypochondriasis.

Delirium tremens. Patient very violent 1-2.

Puerperal insanity. 1.

Mental excitement of meningitis.1

Chronic dementia with destructive tendencies, bad habits and sleeplessness. 1 (Small doses)

Typhoid fever coma vigil muttering delirium, subsultus tendinum. patient will not remain covers (First to the third decimal dilution of hyoscyamine)

Hysterical spasms before the menses, with convulsive trembling and insomnia during the menses 1-2.

Tremors and contractures of paralysis agitans. 2. (Ten or twenty minims of the fluid extract)

Tetanus. 2.

Torticollis 2.

Intestinal spasm 2.

Rental colic 2

Neuralgic pains with sleeplessness. 1-2

Spasm and neuralgic pains of locomotor ataxia. 2.

Functional palpitation of the heart. 2.

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.