Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Ergota and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….

      Ergot-Secale Cornutum-Spurred Rye.


      Haemorrhage during and after labor from lack of uterine energy. Threatened abortion from hemorrhage and uterine inertia. Relaxation of the blood vessels causing hemorrhages from the various organs; polyuria, diarrhoea, sweating, galactorrhoea and congestion of the brain and spinal cord. Paralysis of the bladder.


      Vertigo, impairment of vision, tinnitus aurium. Lassitude. Exhaustion. Delirium.1. Dilated pupils, formication and numbness of the extremities, muscular tremblings. Rigidity of the muscles Abortion. General clonic spasms. Paretic condition of the muscles. Spinal paralysis.2. Lividity of the skin. Cyanosis of vascular parts. Cutaneous eruption, the vesicles are filled with a dark fluid. Ecchymoses. Hematemesis. Hematuria Dry or moist gangrene of the extremities and face.3. Diarrhoea.4. Diuresis.5.


      Vinum ergotae, I-8 dr.

Extractum ergotae fluidum, 2 m-4 dr.

Extractum ergotae, 2-40 gr.

For internal use the fluid extract is generally preferred. Ergotin has little advantage over the fluid extract for hypodermic use, either having to be injected deeply into the muscular tissue to avoid excessive irritation. Intelligent instrumentation has largely supplanted the use of this drug in labor and abortion.


      Hemorrhage during labor. Lack of uterine energy.2-3 (Fully dilate os before administering the drug).

In inevitable abortion, to control hemorrhage and assist expulsion of contents of womb.2-3.

Post partum hemorrhage. Paretic condition of uterine walls.2-3 (If urgent give half ounce of the fluid extract, and repeat dose in half an hour).

Threatened abortion from hemorrhage and uterine inertia 2-3 (Small doses).

Hemorrhages from cancer of the uterus.3.



Uterine leucorrhoea.3.

Hemorrhoids.3. (Use one to ten grains of the extract in suppositories).


Hemoptysis.3. (Inject one to three grains of ergotin in a little salt water and glycerin).


Purpura hemorrhagica.3.

Paralysis of the bladder.2.

Incontinence of urine, day or night, caused by a paralytic state of the sphincter vesicae.2.

Prolapse of the rectum.2.

Diarrhoea with relaxation of the muscular walls of the intestines and blood-vessels.2-3.


Night sweats due to relaxation of the blood vessels. Galactorrhoea.

Spermatorrhoea, with enfeebled sexual functions.2.


Mania a potu.1-2.

Congestion of the spinal meninges.3.

Tinnitus aurium from quinine or salicylic acid.1.

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.