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Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Cocainae Chloras and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….

      Cocaine Hydrochlorate.


      Caused local anaesthesia and ischaemia. Vomiting of pregnancy. Pain and hemorrhage from the stomach. Hiccup. Angina pectoris with cyanosis, feeble pulse and respiration. Asthma. Tremors.


      Skin pale, cyanotic and moist. Pulse feeble, rapid and scarcely perceptible, or slow and irregular. Breathing slow and difficult.1. Nausea and vomiting.2. Tremors, formication. Regional or general convulsive movements followed by paralysis.3.


      Cocainae hydrochloras, 1/16-1/3 gr.

The initial amount prescribed should be small as syncope and death have been caused by moderate doses. Never apply more than two-thirds of a grain at a time to any mucous surface.


      Angina pectoris, pulse so feeble as to be almost imperceptible. Respiration short and hurried, face cyanotic, sense of great anxiety.1. (Begin with one sixth grain and increase to one-half grain four times per day).

Asthma.1. (One-eighth grain hypodermically, or one-eighth to one-fourth grain internally).

Whooping-cough.3. (One-sixteenth to one-eighth grain four times per day).



Chorea. 13. (One-sixteenth to one-eighth grain four times per day).

Paralysis agitans.3. (As for chorea).

Vomiting.2. (Internally or hypodermically).

Vomiting of pregnancy.2. (Five to ten percent. solution to cervix uteri or internally in doses of one-fourth to one-third grain).

Acute coryza. Hay fever. (Apply one to four percent solution with cotton applicator).

Hypodermically for small operations. (Cautious injection of from one to four percent solution).

To cause anaesthesia of the eye, nose or throat. (Small quantities of solutions varying from one to ten percent).

Operations upon the urethra and bladder. (One-half to four percent solution. Death has resulted from using one dram of a twenty percent solution in the urethra).

Pain and hemorrhage from the stomach. (One fourth to one- third grain)

First stage of labor. (Suppository to the cervix).

Chordee. (In urethra or rectum).

Pruritus ani or vaginae. (Ointment or suppository).

Itching and painful eruptions. (Ointment containing three to five grains to the drachm).

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.