Clarke gives the toxic effects of homeopathy drug Carbo Vegetabilis and its therapeutic uses in non-toxic doses in his book The ABC Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, published in 1901….



      Flatulence with nausea, foetid breath and foul taste in the mouth. Cardialgia from distention of the stomach. Distention of the colon from putrefactive changes in its contents.


      One or more teaspoonfuls of the freshly prepared charcoal may be given in water, but all therapeutic effects are surely obtained by five grain or even much smaller doses.


      Flatulence with nausea, foetid breath, foul taste in the mouth, constipation, palpitation of the heart, etc.

Cardialgia from distention of the stomach.

Great accumulation of gas in the stomach of women at or near the climacteric.

Distention of the colon from putrefactive changes in its contents. (Per stomach and rectum).

Dysentery, to correct the fetor of the stools.

Gangrenous and foul ulcers. (One or two teaspoonfuls in a bread or yeast poultice).

George Hardy Clark
Clark, George H. (George Hardy) 1860-1941 was the author of: Homeopathic Treatment of Asthenopia; Lee and Clark's Cough and expectoration : a repertorial index of their symptoms; The A B C Manual of Materia Medica and Therapeutics; A system for the care and training of children; The Black Plague and Its Control.