Sal Ammoniac.
Bronchitis, the secretion thick and abundant. Chronic bronchitis in feeble patients. Chronic pharyngitis with secretion of glairy mucus. long lasting mucous diarrhoea in weakly persons. Hemorrhages from the stomach, womb or lungs in weakly patients with feeble heart action. Amenorrhoea or dysmenorrhoea with excessive weakness and relaxation.
Chilliness, pallor, loss of appetite, sluggishness, emaciation, great prostration.1. Intermittent fever occurring every seventh day.2. Increase of secretion of all the mucous surfaces in the body a constant effect.3. Tongue coated, gastric pain, vomiting diarrhoea. 4. Heart action weak. 5. Blood Blebs upon the and in the mouth 6. Haematuria, profuse haemorrhage from the nose, fauces and bowels.7.
Ammonii Chloridum.1-30 gr. Usually given in milk or extract of Licorice.
Promotes efflorescence in eruptive fevers.1
Obstinate intermittent fevers through influence upon the function 9of nutrition.1-2.
Enlargement of the thyroid, Prostate and other glands where sluggishness, emaciation and great prostration are present.1
Amenorrhoea or dysmenorrhoea with excessive weakness and relaxation.1
Bronchitis, secretion thick and abundant.3 (Medium sized doses every three or four hours. Use also in atomizer).
Chronic bronchitis in feeble patients, of relaxed habit of body.1-3.
Chronic pharyngitis, flaccid mucous membrane and glairy secretion.3
Whooping cough, sputa tenacious and excessive.3.
Long-lasting mucous diarrhoea.3-4.
Jaundice from catarrh of the bile ducts.3.
Fainting from weak heart action. 1-6 (Internally, and cautious inhalation of the prepared salts or of aqua ammoniae).
Haemorrhage in puerperal state. Weak heart. Relaxed state of the system.1-5-7.
Haemorrhage from the stomach, lungs and uterus,1-7
Coated tongue, gastric tenderness, vomiting.4. (One grain every two hours).
Loss of blood by stool during catamenia.7.
Neuralgias and headaches in debilitated and relaxed patients.1. (Twenty to thirty-grain doses several times per day).