Symptoms of the homeopathic medicine TELLURIUM from A Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by A.C. Cowperthwaite. Find all the symptoms of TELLURIUM …

      An element. Preparation. Triturations.


Acts chiefly upon the skin, producing vesicular and herpetic eruptions, sometimes resembling herpes circinatus. It also causes sensitiveness of the spine, and pain down the sacrum and thigh, resembling sciatica.


Mind. Very forgetful and negligent.

Eyes. Deposit of a chalky-looking white mass on anterior surface of lens. Purulent discharge; eczema impetigenoides on lids. Herpes conjunctiva bulbi; veins enlarged, running horizontally toward the cornea, ending in little blisters near edge of cornea; worse from crying.

Ears. Dull throbbing pain day and night; thin, watery; excoriating discharge. Vesicular eruption on membrane; suppuration; and perforation;; membrane permanently injured, and hearing greatly impaired. Itching and swelling, with painful throbbing in external meatus; in three or four days, discharge of a watery fluid, smelling like fish pickle, which causes vesicles wherever it touches; ear is blistered, as if oedematous; hearing impaired.

Nose. Fluent coryza, lachrymation, and hoarseness when walking in open air; also short cough and pressure under sternum.

Mouth. Breath has a garlic-like odor.

Abdomen. Burning in hepatic region.

Male Organs. Increased sexual desire. Herpes on scrotum and perineum.

Back Painful, sensitiveness of spine, from last cervical to fifth dorsal vertebra; sensitiveness to pressure and touch; dreads even to have it approached. Pain in sacrum, passing into right thigh down sciatic nerve; worse when pressing at stool, coughing, laughing, also when lying on affected side.

Generalities. Restless. Weakness.

Skin. Vesicular and herpetic eruptions, resembling, ringworms, covering whole body; more distinct on lower limbs; on single parts; more on left side; itching worse at night after going to bed. Sticking and pricking in various parts; worse during rest.

Compare. Arsenicum, Rhus tox., Xanthox.


Ringworms; vesicular and herpetic eruptions; eczema of the external ear (see symptom). Otorrhoea. Deafness. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Eczema and herpes of lids (see symptoms.). Spinal irritation. A valuable remedy in sciatica, usually on right side, worse on lying down at night, etc. (see symptom.).

A.C. Cowperthwaite
A.C. (Allen Corson) Cowperthwaite 1848-1926.
ALLEN CORSON COWPERTHWAITE was born at Cape May, New Jersey, May 3, 1848, son of Joseph C. and Deborah (Godfrey) Cowperthwaite. He attended medical lectures at the University of Iowa in 1867-1868, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He practiced his profession first in Illinois, and then in Nebraska. In 1877 he became Dean and Professor of Materia Medica in the recently organized Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, holding the position till 1892. In 1884 he accepted the chair of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Clinical Medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan. He removed to Chicago in 1892, and became Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. From 1901 he also served as president of that College. He is the author of various works, notably "Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations" (1876), "A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (1880), of "Gynecology" (1888), and of "The Practice of Medicine " (1901).