Symptoms of the homeopathic medicine STANNUM from A Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by A.C. Cowperthwaite. Find all the symptoms of STANNUM …

      Synonym. Stannum Metallicum. Common names. Tin. Preparation. Triturations.


Acts primarily upon thee cerebro-spinal system, giving rise in the motor sphere to profound prostration (neurasthenia), as well as paralysis and conclusions, and in the nervous sphere to neuralgic pains. It also acts prominently upon the respiratory mucous membrane, producing catarrhal inflammation, and profuse muco-purulent expectoration, with dilatation of the bronchi, together with excessive prostration of the respiratory nerves. Tin has formerly ranked as an important vermicide, acting, according to Hahnemann, as a narcotic to the parasites, so that they may readily be dislodged by appropriate purgative It has also proved of service for the removal of those symptoms of the digestive sphere, which usually accompany vermicular affections, whether the parasites be actually present or not.


Mind Great anxiety and restlessness, melancholy and disposition to weep (Ignatia, Natr. mur., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox.). Quiet fretfulness; answers unwillingly and abruptly. Sad. Discontented, discouraged. A version to and dread of people. Restless and distracted, not persistent in work. Fruitlessly busy.

Head Vertigo. Heaviness in the evening. Neuralgic headache; begins lightly and increases gradually to its highest point, and then gradually declines. Dull pressure from within outward in the forehead. Constriction as from a band, and pressure in whole upper part of head, and in forehead, slowly increasing and decreasing. Intermittent tearing pain in right half of forehead, worse on stooping. Crashing pain in forehead. Sharp jerking right anterior lobe of brain, above orbit. Pressive frontal headache. Painful jerks through left temple, forehead and cerebellum, leaving a dull pressure worse during rest; better from motion. Throbbing headache in the temples.

Eyes Pustular swelling of left canthus, like a lachrymal fistula. Pressive pain in left inner canthus, as from a stye. Agglutination of the lids at night (Calcarea c., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Rhus tox., Silicea, Sulphur).

Face Pale face and sunken; sickly expression; features elongated.

Mouth Tongue coated with a yellowish mucus. Foetid smell from the mouth (Arnica, Hepar s., Iodi., Kreos,

Throat Accumulation of thick, viscid, grayish, bloody mucus in throat,; efforts to expel vomiting. Extreme dryness and rawness of throat; worse when swallowing (alum., Argentum, Hepar s.). Cutting in pharynx on swallowing. Scraping and roughness in throat in the morning. Ulcerated sensation in right side of throat.

Stomach Excessive hunger; cannot eat enough (Bryonia, Cina, Ferrum, Lycopodium). Bitter eructations, after eating (Bryonia, Cinchona, Nux v.). Nausea,, especially after a meal, followed by vomiting of bile (Nux v.). Vomiting of blood (Hamamelis, Nux v., Opium, Podophyllum). Heavy pressure in stomach, with soreness to touch. Cramps in the stomach.

Abdomen Sensation of emptiness in the abdomen (Phosphorus, Sepia). Digging; soreness. Abdomen sore, and sensitive to touch (Apis, Belladonna, Bryonia).

Stool Ineffectual desire for stool.

Male Organs Emission without dreams.

Female Organs PRolapsus of the vagina, with hard stool.

Respiratory Organs Hoarseness and roughness in the larynx, with great weakness and emptiness in the chest; at times hoarseness better from an expulsive cough (Carb. v., Phosphorus). Grat accumulation of mucus in the trachea (Ant. tart., Ipecac., Osm., Phosphorus), easily detached by a slight cough. Inclination to cough before midnight, with scanty expectoration. Scraping cough, with profuse greenish expectoration (Silicea) of an offensive, sweetish taste (Calcarea c.); worse in evening before lying down; producing soreness in trachea and chest (Causticum, Nux v.). Dry cough in the evening, in bed, till midnight, with scanty expectoration. Short cough from weakness of chest having a hoarse, weak sound. Shattering, deep cough. Fatiguing, paroxysmal cough, so that epigastric region was painful, as if beaten. Constant hacking cough, caused by tickling in the chest, as from mucus. Expectoration yellow, foul-tasting (Calcareac.), globular, grayish lump of thick mucus (Lycopodium); thick mucus and blood, greenish, profuse (Ail.); taste putrid, sweet (Calcarea c.). or salty (Ambr., Calcarea c., Carb.v., Phosphorus, Sepia). Dyspnoea and want of breath on ascending (Aconite, Ammonium carb., Arsenicum, Cact., Calcareac.), or from the slightest motion. Short, difficult inspiration, from weakness of chest, with emptiness of stomach. Dyspnoea in the evening; must loosen the clothing. Sensation of great weakness and emptiness in chest. Oppression of chest as from constriction, with disposition to take deep breath, and anxiety. Sensation of mucus, with rattling when breathing. Sensation of great soreness in the chest. Sharp, cutting stitches in left of side of chest (Kali carb., Phosphorus, Sepia); worse from stooping.

Limbs Great heaviness and paralytic weakness in arms and legs. Swelling of the hands and feet in the evening.

Generalities Extreme weakness and prostration; must sit or lie down continually (Silicea). Faintness in going down stairs; can up without difficulty. Reading aloud or talking produces great exhaustion (Cocc.). Pains commence lightly, increase lightly, increase gradually to a very high degree, and decrease again as slowly. Chilliness over the whole body. Profuse, debilitating sweat, night and morning (Cinchona, phos., Acid Sulphuricum); hot even on slight movement; with moldy, putrid smell (Nux v., Staphysagria).

Aggravation From motion; from talking; when descending.

Amelioration From walking (except weakness); when lying on the back.

Compare Argentumnit., Arsenicum, Belladonna, Bryonia, Calcareac., Causticum, Cina, Cinchona, Cuprum, Helleborus, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sepia, Spigelia, Sulphur, Zincum met., After Causticum then Stannum follows well.

Antidote Pulsatilla


The chief use of Stannum is in the treatment of respiratory diseases characterized by profuse mucous or muco-purulent expectoration, and great weakness in the chest. The expectoration of balls of sweetish mucus is also characteristic. Valuable in acute and chronic bronchial catarrh. Catarrh of the larynx. Especially useful in laryngeal phthisis with characteristic symptoms. Phthisis pulmonalis. Pleurisy. Intercostal neuralgia. Chronic catarrh of the pharynx, hawking up balls of mucus. Leucorrhoea, transparent and yellow; at times watery, with bearing down. Prolapsus of vagina; of uterus; worse during stool, with great weakness and emptiness in chest (in stomach. Hyd., Ignatia, Sepia, etc.). Vermicular affections. Often useful in the neuroses, especially neuralgia of different parts, the pains gradually increasing and decreasing. Neuralgic headaches. Chronic gastralgia. Epilepsy, reflex from abdominal irritation, especially worms. Hysteria, with characteristic weakness. Functional paralysis, from fatigue or mental emotions. Neurasthenia, general nervous exhaustion. Anaemia.

A.C. Cowperthwaite
A.C. (Allen Corson) Cowperthwaite 1848-1926.
ALLEN CORSON COWPERTHWAITE was born at Cape May, New Jersey, May 3, 1848, son of Joseph C. and Deborah (Godfrey) Cowperthwaite. He attended medical lectures at the University of Iowa in 1867-1868, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He practiced his profession first in Illinois, and then in Nebraska. In 1877 he became Dean and Professor of Materia Medica in the recently organized Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, holding the position till 1892. In 1884 he accepted the chair of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Clinical Medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan. He removed to Chicago in 1892, and became Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. From 1901 he also served as president of that College. He is the author of various works, notably "Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations" (1876), "A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (1880), of "Gynecology" (1888), and of "The Practice of Medicine " (1901).