Symptoms of the homeopathic medicine SILICA from A Text Book of Materia Medica and Therapeutics by A.C. Cowperthwaite. Find all the symptoms of SILICA…

      Synonyms. Acidum Silicum. Silex. Common names. Flint. Silica. Preparation. Triturations of pure Silica.


Acts powerfully upon the vegetative sphere, affecting more especially the organic substances of the body and involving prominently mucous surfaces, glandular structures, bones and joints. The general condition of system produced, representing a perverted nutrition, resembles the two great dyscrasias scrofula and rachitis while the action of the drug, like that of the disease, is also, deep and long lasting. The chief property of Silicea is its power to produce a supportive process, either in soft tissues, in the periosteum, or in the bone itself.

As a secondary result of the morbid processes set up by Silicea, the nervous system becomes involved, giving a condition of erethism conjoined with exhaustion, and resulting in various nervous disorders, spinal irritation, exalted activity of the senses, followed by depression and paralysis.


Mind Difficulty in fixing the attention; mind confused (Gelsemium, Nux v.). Restless and fidgety; startled and anxious from the least noise, to which he is very sensitive (Coccul.). Desponding, melancholy, tired of life; lachrymose. Irritable, peevish, low- spirited (Nux v.). Excitement, with easy or orgasm of blood. Compunctions of conscience about trifles (Ignatia).

Head Vertigo ascending from dorsal region, through nape of neck into head, constantly inclined to fall forward; all day, while stooping at work. Congestion to the head, with redness and burning in the face. Difficulty in holding the head up. Heat of head. Pressing, bursting headache, as if the eyes and brain were forced outward (Aconite, Bryonia, Kali iod.). Headaches, rising from the nape of the neck to the vertex. Violent headache, with loss of reason and unconsciousness. Headache at night, with confusion of mind. Roaring and shattering sensation in the brain, when stepping hard, or knocking the foot against anything. Violent pressive headache in the morning, with chilliness and nausea. Violent tearing in the head, frequently one-sided, starting from occipital protuberances; extending upward and forward. Headache, consisting of a bruised pain above the eyes, so that he could scarcely open them. Jerking headache extending deep into the brain. Tearing to vertex as if it would burst, extending through the head, with throbbing and chilliness, necessity to lie down and toss about in bed, better from binding the head tightly. Stitches in the forehead and temples. Weight over the eyes. Jerking pain in middle of forehead, renewed by suddenly turning around, stooping or talking. Pressive headache in occiput. Headache worse from mental exertion; noise; motion; jarring; light; stooping; cold air; better from binding head tightly (Argentum nit.; wrapping head warmly (Mag. mur.); hot compresses; in warm room. Head is wet from profuse sweating at night (Cinchona); likes wrapping up. Scalp very sensitive to touch, even of the hat (Carb.v., Cinchona, Mercurius). Eruption of back of head, moist, dry, or offensive; scabby, burning, itching; discharging pus (Hepar s., Graphites Lycopodium Rhus tox., Sulphur). Itching on scalp (Camph., Sepia, Sulphur); Painful and sore after scratching (Mercurius). Itching pustules on scalp and neck; better from wrapping up warm.

Eyes Inflammation of the eyes; red, with smarting, burning and profuse lachrymation (Alumina, Calcarea c., Lycopodium, Mercurius, Pulsatilla, Sulphur). Agglutination of the lids at night (Calcarea c., Graph, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Rhus tox., Sulphur). Painful dryness of the eyes, as if full of sand, in the morning (Arsenicum, Causticum, Hepar s., Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sepia). Tearing shooting pains in the eyes, on pressing them together. Weakness. Heat twitching. Swelling of the right lachrymal gland and sac; skin inflamed. Dimness of vision; mist or flickering before the eyes (Phosphorus, Silicea) Blackness before eyes after headache. Letters run together (Natr. mur.); appear pale. Black spots before the eyes (Agaricus, Cyclamen, Mercurius, Phosphorus, Sepia, Sulphur). Ulcers, spots and opacities of the cornea (Euphr., Nitr. ac., Sulphur).

Ears Swelling of the external ear, with thin discharge from the inner ear, accompanied by a hissing noise. Otalgia, with drawing, stitching pains (Pulsatilla). Itching in the ears (Baryta c., Hepar s., Sulphur), especially when swallowing. Stoppage of the ears (Coccus., Mang.), Which open at times with a loud report. Difficult hearing, especially of the human voice (phos.). Roaring and singing in the ears (Cinchona, Mercurius, Sulphur). Over- sensitiveness to loud sounds (Aconite, Belladonna, Lycopodium, Sepia).

Nose Frequent, violent sneezing, or inefficient efforts to sneeze. Acrid, corroding discharge from the nose (Arsenicum, Ammoniumcarb., Arum., Mercurius cor.). Discharge of much mucus without coryza. Dry coryza; complete stoppage of the nostrils (Nux.v.). Alternate fluent and dry coryza (Alumina, Nux v., Phosphorus). Sore, painful spots below septum of nose, with sticking on touch. Nose inwardly dry, painful, excoriated, covered with crusts. Drawing in root of nose and in right malar bone. Bleeding of the nose (Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia, Phosphorusac.). Itching in the nose (Sulphur). Voluptuous itching about the nose, in evening, Soreness as if beaten in nasal bones.

Face Pale, suffering expression. Pimples and ulcers in vermilion border of lower lip. Blisters on margins of upper lip, sticking or smarting on touch. Painful ulcers in corners of mouth (Ant.crud., Graphites, Lycopodium, Rhus tox.), with itching. Burning about the mouth. Herpes on the chin (Hepars., Graphites). Painful swelling of the submaxillary glands (Hepars.); pain on touch.

Mouth Teeth become loose and feel elongated (Arsenicum, Mercurius, Rhus tox.), with swelling and painful soreness of the gums; inflamed gums; gum boils. Gums painfully sensitive on taking cold water into the mouth. Soreness of the tongue. Sensation of a hair lying on forepart of tongue (back part, Kali bichromicum, Natr.mur.). Offensive odor from the mouth (Arnica, Hepars., Iodi., Mercurius, Nitr. a.) in the morning. Taste sour after eating. Dryness of the mouth (apis, Arsenicum, Nux moschata, Pulsatilla, Sepia).

Throat Sore throat, as if swallowing over a lump or an excoriated surface; especially on left side. Swelling of uvula. Sticking on swallowing, with pain on touch. Pressive pain or prickling in throat when swallowing. Paralysis of the velum palati; food is ejected through the nose.

Stomach Ravenous hunger, or loss of appetite. Excessive thirst (Aconite, Arsenicum, Bryonia, Rhus tox., Secale). Bitter taste in the morning (Bryonia, Cinchona, Pulsatilla, Sulphur). Sour, acid eructations (Carb.v., Nux v., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla); after a meal, with burning in throat. Water tastes bad; vomits after drinking. Nausea, with good appetite and natural taste of food. Heaviness and pressure in stomach after eating (Arsenicum, Bryonia, Nux v., Sepia). Burning in pit of stomach (Arsenicum, Cantharis, Phosphorus, Sanguinaria). Sensitiveness of pit stomach to pressure (Hyoscyamus, Natr.carb., Pulsatilla, Sepia). Squeezing and clawing in pit of stomach, especially after meals.

Abdomen Swelling; uneasy and pressive pain in region of liver. Abdomen distended, hard and tense (Arsenicum, Baryta c., Calcareac., Mercurius). Flatulence, with much rumbling (Agaricus, Aloe, Hepar s.). Emission of very offensive flatus (Aloe, Bryonia, Graphites). Cutting and pinching pains in abdomen, with constipation. Inflamed inguinal glands, large as peas, painful to touch.

Stool and Anus Cutting and stinging in the rectum. Burning or stinging in rectum during stool. Moisture in the anus (, Carb. v., Mercuriuscor.). Burning in the anus (Arsenicum, Cantharis, Sulphur), especially after a dry, hard stool. Constriction in anus during stool. Constant but ineffectual desire for stool (Nux v.). Stool remains long in rectum. Diarrhoea; stools horribly offensive (Arsenicum, Asafoetida, Lept.). PAsty, liquid mucus. Constipation; stools scanty or composed of hard lumps, light- colored; expulsion difficult, as from inactivity of the rectum (Alumina); when partly expelled, it slips back again. Painful haemorrhoids; protrude during stool (aloe, Calcareac., Lachesis, Acid Muriaticum, Puls).

Urinary Organs Frequent micturition, with distress, from irritable sphincter. Urging at night.

Male Organs Sexual desire increased or very weak. Violent erections at night (Graphites). Nocturnal emissions (Cinchona, Digit., Phosphorus ac.). Lascivious thoughts. Discharge of prostatic fluid while straining at stool (Agn., Selenium). Itching and moist spots on scrotum (Petrol., Sulphur); Hydrocele. Sweat on scrotum (Rhododendron).

Female Organs Increased menses, with repeated paroxysms of icy coldness over whole body. Suppressed menstruation (Caulophyllum, Cimic., Pulsatilla). Menses too early and too feeble. Profuse, acrid, corrosive leucorrhoea (Arsenicum, Kreosotum); purulent; milky; in paroxysms. Pressing-down feeling in vagina. Itching, burning and soreness in pudenda (Sulphur); during menses. Mammae swollen hard, and painful (Coni.), as if “gathering” (merc., Phytolacca), near the nipple. Darting, burning pains in left nipple. Nipple ulcerates; is very tender.

A.C. Cowperthwaite
A.C. (Allen Corson) Cowperthwaite 1848-1926.
ALLEN CORSON COWPERTHWAITE was born at Cape May, New Jersey, May 3, 1848, son of Joseph C. and Deborah (Godfrey) Cowperthwaite. He attended medical lectures at the University of Iowa in 1867-1868, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He practiced his profession first in Illinois, and then in Nebraska. In 1877 he became Dean and Professor of Materia Medica in the recently organized Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, holding the position till 1892. In 1884 he accepted the chair of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Clinical Medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan. He removed to Chicago in 1892, and became Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. From 1901 he also served as president of that College. He is the author of various works, notably "Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations" (1876), "A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (1880), of "Gynecology" (1888), and of "The Practice of Medicine " (1901).