Stomach Excessive hunger or complete loss of appetite; appetite only for bread and butter;aversion to butter. Violent empty eructation (Ipecac., Phosphorus, Veratrum alb.). Extremely violent thirst(Aconite, Arsenicum,Bryonia). Hiccough. Nausea when coughing. Water collects in mouth, causing nausea and vomiting or a bitter substance. Pit of stomach burns; swollen and sensitive to touch. Weak digestion, with continues hunger. The stomach feels replete and constricted.

Abdomen Stitches in hepatic region, interfering with breathing and eructations (Aconite, Arsenicum, Chelidonium, Cinchona, Kali carb., Nux v.) Region of liver swollen, sensitive, cannot lie on right side (Bryonia, Chelidonium). Abdomen hard, distended and painful (Arsenicum, Calcarea c, Cinchona). Chronic atrophy of the liver, with emaciation and desiccation of the body. Complete icterus (Chelidonium, Nux v.). Pressive pain in abdomen, as from a stone (Arsenicum, Bryonia). Bruised feeling of intestines (Ferrum, Nux. v.); cannot lie on right side. Violent colic, with cutting and stinging pains, as if caused by knives (Coni.), principally at night or in cool of evening; colic from cold (Dulcamara, Nux v.). Boring pain in right groin. Inguinal glands swollen or suppurating (Calcareac.,, Thuja); circumscribed redness. Bubo.

Stool and Anus Ineffectual urging to stool every moment, with tenesmus in the rectum; with protruding, painful sore haemorrhoids. Prolapsus ani. Burning pain in anus with soft stool. Weakness after stool. Griping in abdomen with constant desire for stool, but little is evacuated (Nux v.). colc; burning cutting and tenesmus before, during, and after stool; chilliness between stools (Rheum). Colic and diarrhoea caused by evening air. Stools green or green mucus (Argentum nit., Arsenicum, Belladonna, Ipecac., Sulphur); bloody; mucous and bloody (Cantharis,; slimy; brownish; whitish-gray; acrid and burning faecal matter (Arsenicum, Sulphur); excoriating anus. Discharge of ascarides and lumbrici (Ferrum, Spigelia, Sepia).

Urinary Organs Burning in the urethra (Aconite, Arsenicum, Cantharis, Coni.). Frequent to urinate, with scanty discharge (apis, Coloc., Digit.), worse at night. Sudden irresistible urging to urinate, passing large quantities (Kreosotum). Urine dark-red, turbid; deposits a sediment; acrid; dark-yellow, albuminous, mixed with blood. Gonorrhoea; with phymosis; chancroids; green painless discharge; worse at night (Mercurius cor.).

Male Organs Total loss of sexual power (Agn., Argentum nit., Camph.). Emissions at night mixed with blood. Ulcers on the glans with cheesy base(Hepar s., Nitr. ac.), like raw meat, caseous coat on base, margins everted. Painful inflammation and testes and spermatic cord (Berberis). Feeling of coldness in the testicles (Berberis, Caps., Sulphur). Testicles swollen, hard and shining.

Female Organs. Menses too profuse, with anxiety and conc. Leucorrhoea always worse at night; greenish discharge; smarting, corroding, itching, burning after scratching (Alum, coni., Phosphorus, Pulsatilla). Inflammation of the vagina, and still more of the external genitals, with rawness, smarting and excoriated spots (Carb.v.). Itching of the genitals (Cantharis, Coni.), worse from the contact of the urine. Prolapsus of the vagina. Mammae swollen, hard with ulcerative pains; suppuration (Coni., Hepar s., Phytol., Silicea).

Respiratory Organs Hoarse, rough voice; burning rawness in larynx; fluent coryza and sore throat. Shortness of breath, on ascending or walking (Aconite, Ammonium c., Arsenicum, Calcarea c.); with suffocation. Asthma. Short, dry, fatiguing cough, principally in bed, in the evening or at night; caused by tickling in upper part of chest (Hyoscyamus, Phosphorus). Cough which sounds and feels as if everything in the chest were dry; with pain in chest and small of back (Belladonna, Bryonia, Phosphorus).Stitches in the chest (Aconite, Bry, Kali carb., Phosphorus); right side, extending through to the back on sneezing and coughing (Sulphur); on stooping constricts the chest. Bloody sputum in tuberculosis. Burning in chest extending to throat. Rush of blood to the chest. Sensation of dryness in the chest. Suppuration of the lungs after haemorrhages, or after pneumonia. Constriction of the chest. Emphysema of the lungs.

Heart Palpitation on slightest exertion (Staphysagria).

Neck and Back. Swelling and inflammation of the glands (Baryta c., Belladonna, Calcarea, Iodi.). Indurated lymphatics. Bruised pain in back and small of back. Sticking in small of back on breathing.

Limbs Trembling of all the limbs (Coccul.,Coni., Gelsemium, stramonium), especially of hands and feet. Involuntary jerking in the limbs. Weakness and weariness in all the limbs; unusual heaviness. Drawing and tearing in all the limbs (Bryonia, Colc., Ledum, Lycopodium, Sulphur), worse at night, in the warm bed; with profuse sweat, which no relief. Cold hands and feet.

Upper Limbs Tremor of the hands, with weakness; could neither feed nor dress himself. Cramp-like contraction of the hands and fingers. Scaling off and exfoliation of the finger bails. Moist itch- like eruption of the hands, with nightly itching; bleeding rhagades.

Lower Limbs Burning in the nates. Soreness between the thighs and genitals (Graphites). Swelling of the backs of the feet. Tearing in hip- joint and knee, worse at night; beginning suppuration. Heaviness. Weakness and giving way in knees, could scarcely stand. Boring in periosteum of tibiae. Drawing pain in tibia.

Generalities Great weariness and prostration; trembling. involuntary of the voluntary muscles, hands, tongue, etc. Hastiness in all motions. Breath and whole body smell foul (Iodium). PAralysis agitans. All discharge acrid. Oedema of face, hands and feet, with anemia. Whole body feels bruised, with soreness in all the bones (Arnica). Peritonitis, then necrosis. Pains return in evening on going to be banish sleep (Colchicum, Iodium, Nitr. ac., Plumb.). Restlessness and anxiety towards evening, could not remain sitting or in any one posture. Boring pains in the exostosis at night; bone pains (Aranea). Excitability and sensibility of all the organs (Cinchona). Glandular swelling with or without suppuration (Help.s., Graphites, Nitr. ac.). Cannot lie on the side (Reverse, Phosphorus).

Skin Skin dirty-yellow (Ferrum, iodium); jaundice (Cinchona). Itching all over, worse at night when warm in bed (Alumina, Clem., Mez., Pulsatilla, Psorinum, Sulphur). Eruption of watery vesicles. Ulcers bleeding readily (Asafoetida, Hepar s., Mez., Sulphur), base lardaceous; margins like raw meat. Ulceration very superficial and widespread. Flat, painless ulcers, pale, covered with phlegm- like pus; on the scalp, skin of penis, etc. Primary and secondary syphilis (Nitr. ac.); round, coppery, red spots shining through the skin. Herpetic and pustular eruptions, forming dry, scaly spots or yellow crust and acrid discharges.

Sleep Excessive sleepiness day and night. Sleeplessness (Cimic., Cinchona, Coffea).

Fever Chilliness in open air; between diarrhoeic stools; in morning or in evening after lying down, as from cold water poured over one; not relieved by warmth of stove. Alternations of chilliness and heat (Calcarea c., Coccul.). Attacks of heat at night (Cinchona, phosphorus).

Sweat profuse at night (Cinchona, phosphorus, Sulphur) on every motion (Calcarea c., Phosphorus, Hepar s., Silicea); cold and clammy (Arsenicum, Camph.); fatty and oily (Bryonia); offensive (Arsenicum, Arsenicum, Carb. an., Silicea); stains linen yellow (Carls.). Sweat with all complaints, but giving no relief.

Aggravation In the evening an at night; from heat of bed; during perspiration; in wet weather; in cold evening air; in fall, with warm days and damp, cold nights; during exercise; from lying on right side.

Conditions Young people affected more than old.

Compare Ammonium mur., Ant.tart., Ant.crud., Argentum met., Argentummit., Arsenicum, Aurum, Belladonna, Calc c., Cinchona, Coni., Graphites, Hepar s., Iodi., LAch., Lycopodium, Mez., Natr.mur.,, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Tellur., Thuja. Mercurius follows well after Belladonna, Hepar s., Sulphur, LAch.; after Merc, follows Belladonna, Cinchona, dulcamara, Hepar s.,, sulph. Mercurius and Silicea do not follow each other well. Hering.

Antidotes Asafoetida, Aurum, Belladonna, Carb. v., Cinchona, Hepars., Iodi., Kali. Lachesis, Lycopodium, Mez., Nitr. ac., Staphysagria, sulph., Electricity.

Mercurius Antidotes Ant.crud., Arsenicum, Aurum, Calcarea c., Cinchona, Cuprum, Mez., sulph.


The therapeutic range of Mercury is so great, including, as it does, to greater or less degree, almost every diseased condition to which flesh is heir, it would be impossible to give a complete list of the individual pathological states in which it may be useful. It most important uses are quite clearly outlined in the foregoing pathogenesis. It is a valuable remedy in syphilitic affections. Primary syphilis for the so-called soft chancre or chancroid, the ulceration is superficial, with raw everted edge and a lardaceous or cheesy base. The drug may also be used in secondary syphilis, providing its use has not been abused in the primary. In this connection it should be remembered that Mercury affects only the long bones, and as syphilis affects only the flat bones, the drug is rarely useful in syphilitic bone diseases, though it is an excellent remedy for the nightly bone pains. Valuable in syphilitic rheumatism. Chronic and subacute rheumatism, of non-syphilitic origin when the pains are aggravated at night from the warmth of the bed and sweat which affords no relief. Rheumatoid arthritis. Diseases of bones, especially periostitis of the long bones. Exostoses. An extremely valuable remedy in glandular swelling, with or without suppuration, but especially is suppuration is profuse (Silicea); in the former case dissipating the swelling and preventing suppuration, in the latter checking the suppurative process. Cold swelling;slowly suppurating abscesses. Inflammations. Valuable in the first stage of suppurative conditions in general after Belladonna has failed to dissipate the local inflammation and pus is about to form; it may absorb thee products of inflammation and bring about resolution. Dropsical conditions, with emaciation; from organic diseases of the liver (Ascites); after scarlatina. Anaemia. General tremors. Paralysis agitans. Convulsions. Chorea. In all neuroses, especially chorea, Mercurius may be indicated by the general cachexia and constitutional symptoms rather than by the nervous condition. Neuralgia, especially of the face, from cold, tearing pains, worse at night. Rheumatic catarrhal inflammations with disposition to sweat. Often useful in catarrhal conditions of the respiratory tract. Acute coryza, with much sneezing, fluent corrosive discharge, etc. Chronic nasal Catarrh, acrid, offensive discharge of green mucus, bones of nose swollen and painful. Syphilitic ozoena. A valuable remedy in catarrhal or follicular tonsillitis or pharyngitis. Ulcerated throat. Syphilitic sore throat. Seldom useful in diphtheria. Chronic hoarseness. Aphonia, catarrhal or syphilitic. Chronic laryngitis. Laryngeo- tracheitis. Chronic bronchitis. Pneumonia, especially with hepatic symptoms. Lobular pneumonia of infants. Phthisis. Asthma. Valuable in many forms of eye disease. Catarrhal or scrofulous ophthalmia. Purulent ophthalmia. Ophthalmia neonatorum. The pains are always worse at night, and the discharge excoriating. Ulcers of the cornea, vascular and surrounded by grayish opacity; tendency to slough; pus between the corneal layers, or in thee anterior chamber. Ciliary blepharitis or retinitis caused by working over fires or forges. Blepharitis. According to Allen (op.cit.o.701), the drug “is rarely useful in syphilitic inflammation of the eyes, as it has no power whatever to affect the iris, “but is has been recommended by Hering and others for syphilitic iritis. Choroiditis. Keratitis. Episcleritis. Sclerotitis. Inflammation and ulceration of meibomian glands. An invaluable remedy in catarrhal inflammation of the ear, both internal and external; also of the tympanum, involving the Eustachian tube; discharges offensive, purulent, excoriating; deafness; ringing, roaring and buzzing sounds in the ear; pain worse at night, etc. Catarrh of the ear from cold, momentary obstruction, better after swallowing or blowing the nose. Inflammation of the auditory canal, herpetic suppuration or ulceration, violent, worse at night. Polypus in external meatus; also furuncles. Especially valuable for parotitis. Mercurius is an important remedy in diseases of the digestive sphere. It is the chief remedy in dental periostitis; teeth feel sore and elongated, pain worse at night, carious teeth; they turn black, become loose, the gums become soft and recede from the teeth, nightly pains. Unhealthy. Swollen, spongy, suppurating gums; gums bleed easily. Ulcers on gums; scorbutis. Glossitis. The most often used remedy in aphthous stomatitis; especially indicated when there is salivation and foetid odor from the mouth. Pain, swelling and ulceration of salivary glands. Ptyalism. Chronic gastritis, with burning pain. swollen and sensitive to touch. Exceptionally valuable in diseases of the liver. Acute and chronic hepatitis. Chronic atrophy of the liver. Jaundice gall- stones or duodenal catarrh. Enlarged. Bilious colic. In most liver diseases the region is painful and sore, worse when lying or the right side, and frequently the characteristic tongue and other symptoms of Mercurius are present. Gastro-enteritis. Catarrhal enteritis, with characteristic symptoms. Peri-typhlitis. Subacute colitis. Catarrhal diarrhoea from taking cold with colic, tenesmus, and acrid green mucous stools (Green mucous stools without tenesmus, Mercurius Dulc). Green stools is teething children with colic and straining. Bilious diarrhoea. Dysentery, stools green or bloody mucus, violent tenesmus and burning pain, chilliness between the stools. Autumnal dysentery. Worms. A valuable remedy in nephritis; urine albuminous, mixed blood, bruised pain in small of back, worse at night. Albuminuria of pregnancy with other Mercurius symptoms. Chronic cystitis. Gonorrhoea, green, painless discharge, worse at night. Nocturnal enuresis. Importance. Spermatorrhoea. Orchitis. Buboes. Venereal ulcers, having the peculiar Mercurius characteristic. Herpes praeputialis. Vaginal catarrh, rawness and smarting, green, corrosive leucorrhoea, worse at night. Ulcers, especially venereal, on external and internal genitals. Prolapsus of vagina. Pruritus of vulva. Menorrhagia. Subacute ovaritis. Pelvic peritonitis and pelvic cellulitis, after Belladonna, pus about to form. Morning sickness of pregnancy. Mastitis, breasts hard, swollen with ulcerative pains; suppuration; favors evacuation of pus. Cancer of mammae, raw, sore feeling. Useful in a variety of skin disease. Moist eczema. Vesicular eruptions. Herpes. Herpes zoster. Moist intertrigo. Impetigo. Prurigo. Ulcers superficial and widespread, readily bleeding, cheesy base, everted edges like raw meat. Varicose ulcers. Erysipelas, simple and phlegmonous; of new-born, scrofulous or syphilitic children. Variola, stage of maturation, with dysenteric symptoms. May be useful in scarlatina or measles with general Mercurius symptoms. Catarrhal and bilious fevers. Yellow fever. Intermittent and remittent fevers. Hectic fever. especially of children; irritative fevers. An important characteristic of Mercurius in fever as well as in other diseases is that there is usually free perspiration, but it affords the patient no relief; rather aggravates. According to hering, Mercurius is “contra-indicated in typhoid fever, except for marked icteroid or scorbutic symptoms.

A.C. Cowperthwaite
A.C. (Allen Corson) Cowperthwaite 1848-1926.
ALLEN CORSON COWPERTHWAITE was born at Cape May, New Jersey, May 3, 1848, son of Joseph C. and Deborah (Godfrey) Cowperthwaite. He attended medical lectures at the University of Iowa in 1867-1868, and was graduated from the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in 1869. He practiced his profession first in Illinois, and then in Nebraska. In 1877 he became Dean and Professor of Materia Medica in the recently organized Homeopathic Department of the State University of Iowa, holding the position till 1892. In 1884 he accepted the chair of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, and Clinical Medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of the University of Michigan. He removed to Chicago in 1892, and became Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Chicago Homeopathic Medical College. From 1901 he also served as president of that College. He is the author of various works, notably "Insanity in its Medico-Legal Relations" (1876), "A Textbook of Materia Medica and Therapeutics" (1880), of "Gynecology" (1888), and of "The Practice of Medicine " (1901).